1 产品名称:海上航行纵向加油装置
Product Name: Marine navigation longitudinal refueling device
2 图号:1-00
Drawing No.
3 用途:本装置主要供油船在海上航行中对水面船只实施纵向油料补给,本装置所带的绞缆筒供船只系泊时使用。
Application: This device is mainly ud for longitudinally supply oil from the tanker to the vesl during the navigation. This device equipped with a winch which is ud for vesl’s mooring and rolling up the oil pipe.
4 主要技术性能参数
Technical Specification
4.1 装置主要技术指标
The main technical data
补给时两船纵向距离 90~120 m
Longitudinal distance between vesls during oil refueling
统招本科什么意思补给时两船横向距离 10~12 m
Transver distance between vesls during oil refueling
补给航速 4~8 kn
Sailing speed during supplycriminals
允许补给海情 4 级/ Grade
The minimum a condition for supply
输油软管直径 100 mm
Diameter of oil pipe
输送油量 ≈70 m3 /h
Refueling speed
输油软管进口工作压力 ≈0.5 MPa
Working bec高级pressure of oil pipe input port
软管进口扫线空气压力 0.5~0.8 MPa
Air pressure of pipe cleaning at oil pipe input port
扫线气瓶容量 0.63 m3
Capacity of air bottle for pipe cleaning
软管绞车额定载荷 10 kN
Rated load of oil pipe winch
软管收放速度(中速) abc什么意思7.5~8 r/min
Retract and relea speed of the oil pipe (moderate speed)
软管接头固定器工作负荷 10 kN
Working load of oil pipe connection lock
绞缆额定负载 30 kN
Rated load of wire
绞缆公称速度(中速) ≈10 m/min
Normal speed of the wire (moderate speed)老鹰乐队好听的歌
4.2 主要设备参数
Main equipment specification
4.2.1 软管绞车
Oil pipe winch
外形尺寸 ≈3115mm×1830mm×1500mm
电机:型号 JZ2-H-42-4/8/16
Motor: type英语语法学习资料
转速 1400/700/350 r/min
Rotating speed
功率 11/11/7.5 kW
额定电流 23/25.5/38.4 A
Rated current
减速机:型号 WHX250-25-IIF
Speed reducer: type
减速比 25
Moderation ratio
软管卷筒:直径 600 mm
Oil pipe drum: diameter
转速(中速) comfort zone 7.5~8 r/min
Rotating speed (moderate speed)
工作负荷 10 kN
Working loadbrazen
绞缆筒直径 390 mm
Diameter of wire winch drum
绞缆公称速度(中速) ≈10 m/min
Normal speed of wiring (moderate speed)
绞缆工作负荷 30 kN
Working load of wiring
4.2.2 尼龙聚氨脂输油软管
Nylon PU pipe
型号 URG98
内径 100 mm
Inner diameter
壁厚 3mm~3.5mm
Thickness of pipe
工作压力 ≤1 MPa
Working pressure
破断拉力 ≥80 kN
Breaking force
适应环境温度 -45医学英语℃~+70℃
Suitable ambient temperature
4.2.3 电气控制箱
Power control box
箱体外形尺寸 1100mm×640mm×270mm
Measurement of the box
型号 XHH1-40/3
外壳防护等级 IP23
Protection grade
额定电压 三相,380V,50Hz
Rated voltage
最大工作电流 44.5 A
Maximum working current
绝缘电阻 ≥10MΩ
Insulation resistance
4.2.4 主令控制器
Host commend controller
型号 LK911-110A
外壳防护等级 IP56
Protection grade
绝缘电阻 ≥5MΩ
Insulation resistance
5 主要结构
Primary structure
The complete t of marine navigation longitudinal refueling device with winch consists of following parts:
5.1 输油系统:由扫线接头、φ100mm输油软管、软管接头、端