DOW CORNING® 561Silicone transformer liquid
Product Information
Specification writers: The values are not intended for u in preparing specifications. Plea contact your local Dow Corning sales reprentative prior to writing specifications on this product.Parameter
Polydimethylsiloxane Unit
•Cooling and insulating liquid for transformers and other electrical equipment.
Table 1: Tested to ASTM 4652-92
Crystal clear liquid Density at 25°C (77°F)0.96kg/dm³Viscosity at 25°C (77°F)50mm²/s Water content 30ppm Specific heat
1.51kJ/kg.K Thermal conductivity
0.151W/(m.K)Refractive index at 25°C (77°F) 1.404Breakdown voltage¹
Permittivity at 25°C (77°F) - 50Hz
2.7Dissipation factor at 25°C (77°F) - 50Hz 0.0001Volume resistivity at 25°C (77°F) 1.0x10¹¤ Flash point - open cup >300°C
>572°F Fire point - open cup 370°C
1. Breakdown voltage measured as in IEC 156:1995 ction 3.4.
Meets the requirements of both IEC 836 and ASTM D 4652-92•Esntially non-toxic •Environmentally safe •Non-halogenated
•Compatible with a wide range of solid electrical insulating materials •Contains no additives •Classified as non-hazardous •High thermal stability and oxidation resistance
•Higher fire point and lower heat relea rate than other types of class K insulating liquids
•Good electrical properties and operating capabilities over a wide temperature range •Non-sludging
DOW CORNING 561 Transformer Liquid is a polydimethyl silicone liquid that meets the requirements of:* International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 836
"specifications for silicone liquid for electrical purpos" (Silicone Type T-1).
* ASTM D 4652-92 "silicone fluids for electrical insulation".
* IEC 1100 -"Classification of insulating liquids according to fire point and net calorific value" (class K3).
DOW CORNING 561 Transformer
Liquid has a fire point exceeding the requirements of the documents and is within the IEC 1100 class with lowest net calorific value (heat of combustion).
With excellent electrical insulation properties over a wide temperature range, combined with high thermal stability, DOW CORNING 561 Transformer Liquid is suitable for transformers and other electrical
equipment designed to operate at high temperatures or at very low temperatures.
HANDLING PRECAUTIONS DOW CORNING 561 Transformer Liquid is handled in the same manner, and with the same type of equipment, as other insulating liquids. Wherever possible, equip
ment ud for handling DOW CORNING 561 Transformer Liquid should be rerved for that purpo only. Thorough cleaning of equipment is esntial if changing from one insulating liquid to another. Care must be exercid when lecting pumping equipment, and other items in which sliding movement is involved. Although perfectly satisfactory equipment is available for u with polydimethylsiloxanes, this liquid does not adequately lubricate certain pump designs. The u of improperly designed pumps may result in premature failure and metal particle contamination of the liquid. PRODUCT SAFETY INFORMATION REQUIRED FOR SAFE USE IS NOT INCLUDED. BEFORE HANDLING, READ PRODUCT AND SAFETY DATA SHEETS AND CONTAINER LABELS FOR SAFE USE, PHYSICAL AND HEALTH HAZARD INFORMATION. THE SAFETY DATA SHEET IS AVAILABLE FROM YOUR LOCAL DOW CORNING SALES REPRESENTATIVE.
This product should be stored in airtight containers to protect it from moisture and contamination.
When stored at or below 60°C (140°F) in the original unopened containers, this product has a usable life of 36 months from the date of production.
This product is available in 1000kg containers, 200kg drums and in bulk road tankers.RECYCLING OR
Reprocessing procedures for silicone
transformer fluid are described in the
International Electrotechnical
发誓英文Commission Guide IEC 944 (also
available as BS 7713).
Fuel blending is another form of
recycling where the "spent" fluid is
mixed with compatible solvents or
other fuels and ud as a feedstock in
industrial furnaces such as cement
kilns. The silicone fluid will be
thermally converted to energy and to
a silica residue which may be
incorporated into the end product.
Incineration is a viable alternative for
direct disposal. Landfilling is not
This product is neither tested nor
reprented as suitable for medical or
pharmaceutical us.
Polydimethylsiloxanes, including
DOW CORNING 561 Transformer
Liquid rank among the safest of all
known industrial chemicals. Their low
toxicity to humans, birds and aquatic
life is well documented.
To support customers in their product
safety needs, Dow Corning has an
extensive Product Stewardship
organization and a team of Health,few的比较级和最高级
Environment and Regulatory Affairs
specialists available in each area.
For further information, plea
consult your local Dow Corning
The information contained herein is
offered in good faith and is believed
to be accurate. However, becau
conditions and methods of u of our
products are beyond our control, this
information should not be ud in
substitution for customer's tests to
ensure that Dow Corning's products
are safe, effective, and fully
satisfactory for the intended end u.
Dow Corning's sole warranty is that
the product will meet the
Dow Corning sales specifications in
effect at the time of shipment. Your
exclusive remedy for breach of such
warranty is limited to refund of
purcha price or replacement of any
敷衍塞责product shown to be other than as
warranted. Dow Corning specifically
disclaims any other express or implied
warranty of fitness for a particular
purpo or merchantability. Unless
Dow Corning provides you with a
specific, duly signed endorment of
fitness for u, Dow Corning
disclaims liability for any incidental
or conquential damages.inconclusion
Suggestions of u shall not be taken
as inducements to infringe any patent.
Ref. no. 22-0533H-01 2
Table 2 : Test Requirements of Silicone Type T-1 in IEC 836
blastpTypical values for DOW CORNING 561 Silicone Transformer Liquid
Permissible Values
Test Method*
Physical Max 35
Clear, free from
suspended matter and diment
0.995 to 0.9709Density at 20°C/68°F (kg/dm³)
40 ± 4
10Kinematic viscosity at 40°C/104°F (mm²/s)260/500Min 240/46411Flash point (°C/°F) (clod cup)370/698
Min 330/62612Fire point (°C/°F) (open cup) 1.404 ± 0.00213Refractive Index at 20°C/68°F Max -50/-5815Pour point (°C/°F)Chemical
30Max 5016Water content (mg/kg)
Max 0.02
Neutralisation value (mg KOH/g)Electrical
50Min 40¹19Breakdown voltage (kV)0.0005Max 0.001¹20Dielectric dissipation factor (tg) at 90°C/194°F and 50 Hz 2.55 ± 0.05²20Permittivity at 90°C/194°F resistivity at 90°C/194°F (G ohm.m)*Test methods are described in IEC 836.¹ For untreated liquid, as received
² Only needed as a specification value when ud for capacitors
NOTE: DOW CORNING 561 Transformer Liquid complies with all of the requirements of IEC 836 Silicone Type T-1. The above typical values EXCEED the minimum requirement of IEC 836.
Ref. no. 22-0533H-01
implement意思©1997-2001 Dow Corning Corporation. All rights rerved.
05/01/1998DC 3436
Ref. no. 22-0533H-01
® DOW CORNING is a registered trademark of Dow Corning Corporation.