Surface finishing
1、 热浸锌:
Hot-dip galvanizing
definition:Hot-dip galvanizing is a form of galvanization. It is the process of coating steel parts with a thin Zinc layer, by passing the metal through a molten bath of zinc at a temperature of around 600 °C. When the thickness of sheet metal is below 5mm, the Zinc layer must be above 65μm; and the Zinc layer should be above 86μm for tho thick plates. After the process, it can improvethe corrision resistance and tarnish resitence of the products.
Advantages: After hot-dip galvanizing, the products are more durable, the manufacturing process is highly industrialized and the quality is very stable.And so, it is widely applied in the outdoor steel structures which are facing rious atmospheric corrosion and inconvenient maintenance, such as the power transmission towers and communications towers, etc.
2、 达克罗(DACROMET):
概述:达克罗是DACROMET译音和缩写,简称达克罗、达克锈、迪克龙。国内命名为锌铬涂层Zinc cr coating,是一种新型的耐腐涂层与传统的电镀锌相比:锌铬涂层耐腐蚀性能极强,是镀锌的7—10倍,无氢脆性,特别适用于高强度受力件,高耐热性、耐热温度300℃,尤其适用于汽车、摩托车发动机部件的高强度构件,高渗透性、高附着性、高减磨性、高耐气候性、高耐化学品稳定性、无污染性。
英语四级单词表Decromet is new coating with excellent decay resistance named by broken是什么意思zinc-chromium coating in China. Compared with the traditional electrogalvanizing coatings, zinc-chromium coating have a very good performance of corrosion resistance and tarnish resistance, about 7~10 times better than Zinc coating. It is without hydrogen embrittlement. It’s specially applied in high-strength forced components; it is heat-durability and the heat-resistant temperature was 300℃, specially suitable to the high-strength components in engine of automabile and motorcycle; it is with high penetrability and , adhesion or wettability, wear resistance, electrical stability and pollution-free。
cisa(1), pollution-free; (2), heat-durability; (3), corrosion resistance and tarnish resistance; (4),
high penetrability;(5)No hydrogen embrittlement; (6)传闻中的七公主片尾曲good adhesion and overcoatability.
Nylok thread anti looning Technology adopts special technologies to make the engineering plastics clinging to thread permanently. By using the elasticity of the engineering plastics, it will make the threads squeeze in the interlock process to cau ABSOLUTE resistence of vibration and shock, and solve the problem of thread loosing for ever.
Solved the problem of thread lossing foreve.
3、 钝化:passivation
Passivation is the process of making a material "passive", usually by the deposition of a layer of oxide that adheres to the metal surface. It can retard the progress of metal corrosion.
It’s economical and practical; meanwhile, it has been added Acid Fog Inhibitor and corrosion inhibitor, which can prevent the corrosion and hydrogen embrittlement; inhibit the production of Acid fog.
4、 磷化:phosphorization
Phosphorization is the process of coating components with a phosphate layer which is lacking affinity for water by passing the components through a bath of phosphat solution.
(1), Improve the wear resistance performance; (2), make the components causing lubricating property during manufacturing process; (3), Enhance the corrosion resistance performance.
Bluing is the process of coating steel components with a ultra-thin electrochemical conversion coating by heating the steel in air or through a bath of strong oxidizing solution, also called darkening.
The single bluing coating is not with a very good performance of corrosion resistance and tarnish resistance. However, after covered with oil, wax or varnish, the performance of corrosion resistance and wear resistance is getting better. Duirng the process of bluing, the size and surface smoothness of the metal sheets effects the quality very little, and so, it is ofter applied to fine instruments, optics equipment, tools, hardness blocks, etc.