小组合作:是□ 否 | 小组成员: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
实验目的: 使学生通过对对不同信函的练习,摸索与外商建立业务关系的方法,掌握国际商务磋商、掌握询盘、发盘、还盘、接受环节往来函电的应用技巧。 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
实验场地及仪器、设备和材料: P4微型计算机,数据库服务器,外贸单证系统 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
实验训练内容(包括实验原理和操作步骤): 项目一 建立业务关系 1. Steps for writing business letters of establishing business relations (1) Source of introduction (2) Brief introduction of your own company (3) Intention of writing the letter 2. Practice Letter One 基本要求: 根据下述资料,以世格国际贸易公司业务员Minghua Zhao的名义,给加拿大NEO公司写一封与他们建立业务关系的信函,要求用英文书写,表达清楚、内容完整。 相关信息:世格国际贸易公司(DESUN TRADING CO.,LTD.)成立于1987年,是一家拥有进出口经营权的外贸公司。公司经营范围广泛,与多家供应商有固定的业务往来,信誉良好。同时公司也极为重视新产品开发,05年的新产品DR系列瓷器选用上等瓷土(First-class Porcelain)烧制,包装精美,质量上乘,非常具有竞争力。2005年10月12日公司业务员Minghua Zhao从网上看到加拿大NEO公司求购瓷器(chinaware)的信息,想与他们建立业务关系。NEO公司的具体资料如下: MR. ANDY BURNS NEO GENERAL TRADING CO., LTD #362 JALAN STREET, TORONTO, CANADA TEL NO.: (+01)7708808 FAX NO.: (+01)7701111 E-MAIL: 答案:Dear Sirs, We have learned from the internet that you want to buy some chinaware. We would like to introduce ourlves to your as a trading firm. We are interested in establishing a business relationship with your corporation for the purpo of supplying you the commodities you want. Our DESUN TRADING CO.LTD. has the right of import and export foreign trading firm that has built in 1987. We have been exporting all kinds of product and we have excellent connections with supplier To give you a general idea of our company, we are introducing you , our latest DR ries of chinaware for your reference. This kind of product has a stronger competitive and it made u of First-class Porcelain ,beauty pack, good quality. In addition , we focus on a new product development. We look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely Letter Two 基本要求: 请将下述建立业务关系的信函翻译成英文,要求表达清楚、内容完整。 相关要求:信函内容如下: 敬启者: 从网上得知贵公司的名称和地址,并了解到你公司主要经营罐头食品的进出口。今特致函与你,希望能与你公司建立起长期的业务关系。 我公司是一家大型外贸公司,从事进出口业务已有近20年,信誉良好。我们对贵公司的产品很有兴趣,若能提供贵公司的有关产品的目录和价目单,将不胜感激。 如果价格合理且交货期可接受,相信能成交大笔交易。 谨上 答案:Dear sirs, Learning from the internet for the name of your company and address .We have learned that you are one of the leading importers and exports company specializing in canned foodstuffs, and express our desire to enter into business relation with you forever. We would like to offer our rvices as a quietly trading firm and we have exporting canned foodstuffs for more than 20 years, and would mention that we have excellent connections. We are interested in your items. We will be appreciated if you nd a catalogue and price-list. We are certain that business can be consummated between us if you can accept the price and date of delivery We look forward to your favorable reply. Yours faithfully, 项目二 交易磋商阶段 Letter 1 基本要求: 根据下述说明写一封询盘函电,要求用英文书写,表达清楚、内容完整。 相关说明: 加拿大Carters Trading Company, LLC的业务员Joe Brown先生在2005年广交会上看到了南京德创伟业进出口有限公司(Nanjing Dechuangweiye Import & Export Co., Ltd)的产品,对他们的Hand-made Gloves非常感兴趣,也与该公司的业务员Cathy Lee取得联系,并索取了相关资料。回国后经过市场调查,Joe Brown先生于2005年10月11日向南京德创伟业进出口有限公司的业务员Cathy Lee发去询盘并索要样品,请你帮Joe Brown先生撰写这封函电,对方的邮件地址为。 答案:Dear Gentlemen, We are interested in Hand-made Gloves in your company. We would appreciate it if let us have information as to catalogue, price, and the other relative particulars. We look forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully, (signature) Joe Brown Letter2 基本要求: 根据客户来函,向对方发盘,要求用英文书写,表达清楚、内容完整 相关说明: 假设你是南京德创伟业进出口有限公司(Nanjing Dechuangweiye Import & Export Co., Ltd)的业务员Cathy Lee,加拿大Carters Trading Company, LLC的Joe Brown先生给你公司发来邮件,向你询盘。请根据该邮件向你的客户发盘,写信时间为2005年10月13日。 信中主要要点如下: 1.来信中要求的目录和样品已寄出; 2.商品和数量:5000副手套(Hand-made Gloves); discrete3.价格:每套USD2.38 CIF多伦多; 4.装运:证到后两个月内装运; 5.支付:不可撤销即期信用证; 6.包装:1200副一纸箱; 7.该发盘有效期为10天。 答案: Oct 13,2005 Dear Mr. Joe Brown Thank you for your enquiry of Oct 11 asking for Hand-made Gloves. The latest catalogue and sample of your requirements is given on the attached sheet. Description: Hand-made Gloves Quantity: 5000 ts Price: USD2.38per t CIF Toronto Shipment: Within 2 months from receipt of the relevant L/C Payment: confirmed, irrevocable sight L/C Packing: 1200 ts a carton Validity: 10 days If you are in need of any other information, plea feel free to let us know. We look forward to receiving your orders soon Your faithfully, Nanjing Dechuangweiye Import & Export Co., Ltd Cathy Lee Letter3 基本要求: 根据客户来函,向对方还盘,要求用英文书写,表达清楚、内容完整 相关说明: 假设你是加拿大Carters Trading Company, LLC的业务员Joe Brown,南京德创伟业进出口有限公司(Nanjing Dechuangweiye Import & Export Co., Ltd)给你公司发来邮件,向你发盘,你认为价格过高,向对方还盘,要求降价10%。写信时间为2005年10月13日。 答案: Oct 13,2005 Dear Sirs, I am sorry to learn from your offer of Oct 13 that we find your prices too high. We appreciate the good quality of your products, but unfortunately your prices appear to be on the high side even for goods of this quality. To accept the prices you quote would leave us with only a small profit on our sales. We like the quality of your goods and also the way in which you have handle our enquiry and would welcome the opportunity to do business with you. May I suggest that you could offer us a special discount of 10%. We make this allowance becau we would like to do business with you if possible. At least I hope this revid offer will now enable you to place an order. Sincerely yours, Carters Trading Company, LLC Joe Brown Letter4 基本要求: 根据题目说明,撰写一封接受函电,要求用英文书写,表达清楚、内容完整 相关说明: 假设你是加拿大Carters Trading Company, LLC的业务员Joe Browncablecar,你与南京德创伟业进出口有限公司(Nanjing Dechuangweiye Import & Export Co., Ltd) 的业务员Cathy Lee经过交易磋商,最后就各项交易条件达成一致,请你给对方写一封接受函电,写信时间为2005年10月20日。 信中要点为: 1.感谢你方2005年10月18日报价和寄来的样品; 2.认为对方产品的品质优良,价格合理; 3.随信附寄编号为CTC5236的购买合同一式两份,会签后请归还一份以便存档; 4.请在装船后两天内给我们发装船通知,告知包装件数、毛净重、船名、货值、提单号码和日期; 5.由于客户急需,请尽快装运,如果这次合作愉快,今后将大量订购。 答案: Oct,20,2005 Dear Mr. Lee, Thank you for your quotation of Oct 18, 2005 and the samples of you nt us. We appreciate the good quality of the products together with reasonable prices and we are plead that business can be consummated between us. After the ship within two days we would need to give us the shipping advice and tell us the gross number of packages, net weight, ship name, value, bills of lading number and date. Becau customers need, plea shipped as soon as possible. We enclo with this letter our Sales Confirmation No.CTC5236 in duplicate. Plea countersign and return us one copy for records. If the co-operation is satisfactory, we shall be happy to place more substantial orders. Sincerely yours, Carters Trading Company, LLC Joe Brown Letter 5; 题目名称 催证 基本要求 根据题目说明写一封催证函,要求用英文书写,表达清楚、内容完整。 下载模板 0101_贸易函电01.doc 相关说明 假设你是世格国际贸易公司(DESUN TRADING CO.,LTD.)的业务员Minghua Zhao,你收到了加拿大NEO公司(NEO GENERAL TRADING CO.)签返的编号为DTC5210的销售确认书,双方约定信用证不迟于11月25前到达,但现在期限已到,却仍未收到信用证。因此请你给NEO公司的业务员Andy Burns汽车音响功放去函催证,并提醒对方我方通知行为“中国银行上海分行”,而非只是“中国银行”,以免寄错。写信时间为2005年11月25日。 答案: Nov 25,2005 Dear Andy Burns, We are plead to inform you that we have received the sales confirmation No.DTC5210.And we would draw your attention to the fact that the date of shipment is approaching ,but we still have not received your covering L/C.We request you to open the relevant L/C immediately,so that we can ship the goods in time. Another,plea pay attention to the our notifying bank "Bank of China,Shanghai branch" not"Bank of China"only. We look forward to receiving your covering L/C soon. Yours Sincerely, DESUN TRADING CO.,LTD. Minghua Zhao, 项目三 签订合同阶段
项目四 根据合同条款审证与改证
答案: Nov 25, 2005 Dear Mr. Andy Burns, With reference to your L/C No. BWO5823684 issued on Nov 23, we regret to say that there are a few points are not in conformity with the terms stipulated in our sales contract. Therefore, you are requested to amend the L/C accordingly so that we can execute our contract smoothly The name of commodity should be “CANNED WHOLE MUSHROOMS” not “CANNED SLICED MUSHROOMS”. Delete the wording “documents prented for negotiation should include cargo receipt issued by buyers”. The quantity of commodity should be 1320 cartons, not 1230 cartons. As the time of shipment is approaching, plea amend the L/C as soon as possible so that we can ship the goods by you within the time limit. We are looking forward to receiving your amendment advice ASAP. Yours faithfully, DESUN TRADING CO.,LTD Minghua Zhao 项目五 履行合同阶段 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
实验总结(包括实验数据分析、实验结果、实验过程中出现的问题及解决方法等): 经过这一学期的外贸实验课,我对外贸英语有了一点了解,外贸函电包括建立客户业务关系,询盘,报盘,还盘,接受,包装和运输,支付,开证和保险,投诉,争议和索赔等贸易活动。本课注重理论与实际相结合,需要有较强的写作能力和语言表达能力。如果能够很好的理解和把握本课的内容,能够为以后从事外贸工作坚实的基础。但是我在实践中发现了很多自己的不足。 第一, 专业词汇掌握不够,总要去翻书。 第二, 英语基础不好,语法表达错误。 但是,这学期的外贸实验课也让我受益良多,英语水平比以前上升了,懂得了更多的外贸知识。 (如留存空白不足,可附A4纸) |
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