xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Ship Management Co., Ltd
LSA-Part I
Life-Saving 维护计划
Inspection aAppliances (nVedr sMiona i2n.0t)e nance Plan
Ship’s Name :
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Ship Management Co., Ltd
LSA-Part I 设备目录
小学生英语学习网站CONTENS OF APPLIANCES 1.1 1.2 自由降落式救生艇和救助艇主要信息Particulars of Free-Fall Lifeboats and Rescue Boat
1.3 自由降落式救生艇属具Loo Equipments for Free-Fall Lifeboat 救助艇属具
2.1 全封闭式救生艇和救助艇主要资料Particulars of Totally Enclod Lifeboats and Rescue Boat Loo Equipments for Rescue Lifeboat
3.1 2.2 救生筏主要信息全封闭式救生艇和救助艇属具
Particulars of Liferafts Loo Equipments for Totally Enclod
Lifeboats and Rescue Boat
5.1 4.1 救生设备操作说明配备要求其他救生设备
Arrangement Requirements of Operating Instruction of LSA Other Life-Saving Appliances
6.1 救生设备可替换备件清单
List of Replaceable Parts for LSA
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Ship Management Co., Ltd
LSA-Part I
1.1 自由降落式救生艇和救助艇主要信息Particulars of Free-Fall Lifeboats and Rescue Boat
1. 备有防水的启动和操作艇发动机的须知,张贴在发动机启动控制器附近;Water-Resistant instruction for starting and operating the boat engine shall be provided and mounted in a conspicuous place near the engine starting control;
2. 备有使用的登乘梯;Shall have a boarding ladder that can ud at any boarding entrance of lifeboat;
3. 在水线以上,沿救生艇外部装设换装的可浮救生索;Above the waterline, suitable handholds shall be provided or a buoyant lifeline shall be bucketed around the outside of lifeboat;
4. 救生艇燃油适用船舶营运航区的预期温度,并可供6节速度使用24小时;Sufficient fuel, suitable for u throughout the temperature range expected in the area
in which the ship operates, shall be provided to run the fully loaded at 6 knots for a period of not less than 24 hrs.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Ship Management Co., Ltd
LSA-Part I英语词典在线翻译
1.2 自由降落式救生艇属具
Loo Equipments for Free-Fall Lifeboat
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Ship Management Co., Ltd
four to the floorLSA-Part I
1.3 救助艇属具
Loo Equipments for Rescue Lifeboat
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Ship Management Co., Ltd
LSA-Part I
2.1 全封闭式救生艇和救助艇主要资料Particulars of Totally Enclod Lifeboats and Rescue Boat
1. 备有防水的启动和操作艇发动机的须知,张贴在发动机启动控制器附近;Water-Resistant instruction for starting and operating the boat engine shall be provided and mounted in a conspicuous place near the engine starting control;
attrib2. 备有在救生艇任何一舷均可使用的登乘
梯;Shall have a boarding ladder that can ud at any boarding entrance of lifeboat; 3. 在水线以上,
沿救生艇外部装设换装的可浮救生索;Above the waterline, suitable handholds shall be provided or a buoyant lifeline shall be bucketed around the outside of lifeboat; 4. 救生艇燃油适用船舶营运航区的预期温度,并可供6节速度使用24小时;Sufficient fuel, suitable for u throughout the temperature range expected in the area in which the ship operates, shall be provided to run the fully loaded at 6 knots for a period of not less than 24 hrs. 6 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Ship Management Co., Ltd
sbs演艺大赏2016LSA-Part I
2.2 全封闭式救生艇和救助艇属具
Loo Equipments for Totally Enclod Lifeboats and Rescue Boat
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Ship Management Co., Ltd
LSA-Part I
轩轾3.1 救生筏主要信息Particulars of Liferafts
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Ship Management Co., Ltd
fragmentedLSA-Part I
3.1 救生筏主要信息Particulars of Liferafts
备注Remark:Refer to LSA Chapter IV/4.2.6
1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
马丁路德金我有一个梦想8) 7) 6) *根据船舶的救生筏实际形式和实际情况填写信息,如没有则填写不适用;*The container of liferafts shall be marked with following signal 制造厂名或商标;marker’s name or trademark; 出厂号码;rial number; SOLAS;SOLAS; *According to ship’s actual Type and Situation to fill in information of the liferafts, if not fill out is
‘Not Applicable (N/A)’; 认可机关名称和乘员定额;name of approving authority and the number of persons it is permitted to carry; 内装应急袋型号;type of emergency pack enclod;
如果救生筏超过185公斤,包装救生筏的质量;mass of the packed liferaft, if greater than 185 kg;
waterline(depending on drop-test height and length of painter);
首缆长度;length of painter; 最近1次检修日期;date when last rviced; 9) 10) 降落须知;launching instruction;
水线以上最大许可存放高度(根据投落试验高度和首缆长度);maximum permitted height of stowage above 9
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Ship Management Co., Ltd
LSA-Part I
4.1 其他救生设备Other Life-Saving Appliances
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Ship Management Co., Ltd
LSA-Part I