视频:内贾德接受美国CNN主持人拉里金专访/ 2010年09月23日19:32 新浪新闻中心
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KING: Mr. President, thank you for coming back to LARRY KING LIVE. Do you like coming to America?
AHMADINEJAD (through translator): In the name of God, the compassionate, the merciful, I'd like to say hello to your audience, to you and your colleagues, and ask Almighty God to bring health, prosperity and success to all people and nations and countries。
I am interested in traveling to all parts of the world to meet with people. The United Nations is an important forum for the exchange of international ideas on how to run international affairs and naturally people like mylf should be actively involved in its work。
飞逝的 KING: Let's get to some current issues. A few days ago, you relead the American hiker, but there is still two captives in Iran. How long will they be detained?
AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Well, they crosd our borders, violated the borders, and a judge will take care of their ca。
铁杵磨针翻译 内:哦,他们越过了我们的边境,侵犯了我们的边境,一位法官将处理他们的案件。
KING: But you did relea one. Is there any chance in the name of goodwill that you'll relea the others? There were two hikers who made a mistake。
AHMADINEJAD (through translator): That one person was relead on bail becau of mercy, compassion and as a humanitarian gesture. As for the others, yes, there is a chance, but the judge has to take care of the ca。
KING: Do you know when?
AHMADINEJAD (through translator): It depends on the judge who will need to handle the ca, issue a verdict. There's a process that must go through。
KING: Do you have any influence in that process?
AHMADINEJAD (through translator): I have no influence over it. But I have suggested for the lady, in her ca, that it be regarded with clemency, mercy and more kindness and compassion to allow her to return to her family。
KING: What about bail for the other two?
AHMADINEJAD (through translator): It is possible. It depends on the judge。
KING: Would you -- you're in New York for a few more days. You will address the U.N. tomorrow. Would you meet with their families if they asked to meet with you?
AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Our program is clod right now in terms of the fact that it is a tight schedule. But I'd have to consider it. And having said that, I have received no requests。
KING: But if they did request, might you consider it?
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AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Yes, I would positively take it into consideration。
KING: That is hopeful。
We asked the families -- the families of Shane Bauer and Josh Fattal, the two prisoners, and their mothers pasd this question along to you. This is from the mothers of the two still there。
Mr. President, th
e last time you were in New York for the U.N. General Asmbly 12 months ago, you promid to ask the judiciary to expedite our children's ca and show maximum leniency. Our hearts are broken that this has not happened. Plea, will you make this request again when you return to Tehran?
AHMADINEJAD (through translator): I think that it did happen. In all countries you have very strict laws and strict punishments for border crossings that are illegal。
KING: But did you make the request -- they're asking if you would make the request of the judiciary to move it along. They miss their families。
scofield 现在,虽然这样说了,我已要求司法部门仔细研究三名美国徒步者的案件。你知道,世界上有许多犯人。在美国就有250万犯人。
AHMADINEJAD (through translator): I think that there are many prisoners in the world. Do I have to make a personal request for everyone?
Now, having said that, I have requested the judiciary to look at the ca of the three people's cas carefully but, you know, there are many prisoners in the world. Here in the United States, there are 2.5 million。
Can I request the judiciary here in the United States to show leniency and I would, in fact, ize this opportunity here and ask the judicial body of the United States, judicial leniency, in the ca of the 2.
5 million prisoners in this country. They have spous. They have mothers, children, parents. Many are young。
KING: We'll have more with the president of Iran right after this。
KING: We're back with President Ahmadinejad. He will address the U.N. General Asmbly tomorrow, as will the president of the United States。
We'll ask about that in a minute。
What about Robe
rt Levinson? This is the former FBI agent. He's been missing in Iran for three -- over three years, hasn't been heard from. First, can you tell us, is he alive? Is he OK?
AHMADINEJAD (through translator): I think we should ask that question from the FBI。
KING: But he's in your country --
AHMADINEJAD (through translator): How would I know? How am I suppod to know? There are many individuals, many people who come to our country and then leave。
KING: So you have no idea where he is?
AHMADINEJAD (through translator): He came and he left. As usual. No。
KING: His family says -- his family that they were promid a full report on his disappearance from your government and they have never heard anything。
AHMADINEJAD (through translator): We never made that promi. We agreed to have a joint information and intelligence committee with the U.S. government to gather information about his whereabouts, on his whereabouts, and we have expresd hope that this committee will soon be held and we express our preparedness to be part of the committee。
Now if the FBI were to give more information about the purpo of this trip and what information he had and where his other destinations were, we might be able to assist further in the ca。
KING: But you have no idea where he is?
AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Do you have any information? I'm like you, I have no idea what the FBI programs are. I don't know what the FBI does around the world。
KING: We talked with -- well, we talked with his wife yesterday, Christine, Mrs. Levinson. She asked that you give her a time and date for officials to meet with the FBI and share information。
In other words, she is saying the FBI is willing to sit down with your people. Can you give her a time and date?
AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Yes, I accept and agree with that. It saddens us when people travel, run into problems, disappear. It's awful。
I think that if all intelligence organizations work more transparently and bad on more humanitarian principles, the problems would not ari, but I would recommend that that intelligence committee be held jointly so that the reprentatives of Iran and the United States can sit together and help trace his whereabouts。
decent的意思 KING: You know, his daughter is getting married Saturday。
合肥mba 内:我就她结婚表示祝贺。
AHMADINEJAD (through translator): I congratulate her on her marriage。
KING: It will be nice if her father were there --
AHMADINEJAD (through translator): And I sympathize with her. Definitely, it would have been very good. I wish that it can happen. I think the FBI should be more active in this ca and to find their agent。
KING: You know, Mr. President, if it were your children -- if one of your children crosd the border of another country and were being held, you would be very concerned and you would press the issue, would you not?
richard parker
AHMADINEJAD (through translator): If my child violates a law, justice must be rved. Becau la
w ensures curity. And stability. And laws must be obrved becau if they are to be violated, there shall be no curity。
KING: We'll be right back with more. Don't go away。
KING: We're back with the president of Iran, President Ahmadinejad。
With President Obama here and you're here, would you meet with him if the opportunity aro?
AHMADINEJAD (through translator): It depends。
AHMADINEJAD (through translator): We have announced that we are prepared to freely talk with him at the U.N. General Asmbly。
I think it would be very good to sit before members of other states and the media and to discuss our views. To have an exchange at the United Nations. I think that would be very positive so that everyone can hear what we have to say。reciprocating
KING: Secretary of State Clinton says sanctions are biting your economy. Even the former presiden
t, Rafsanjani, said that the sanctions are rious, can't be dismisd. Are you worried about their effect and their continuing effect?