Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica ,33(3):634-636(J uly ,2008)动物分类学报
ISSN 100020739
This study was supported by The Northwest A &F University Grant for Y oung Academic Talent (01140301)and Special Science Program of N WAFU
Received 1Feb .2008,accepted 6May 2008.
QIN Dao 2Zheng
K ey Laboratory o f Plant Pro te ction Re sourc e s and P e st Manag em ent o f Ministry o f Edu cation ,Ento m o logical Mu um ,Northwe st A &F Univ ersity ,Y angling ,Shaanxi Provin c e 712100,China ;E 2mail :qindao zh 0426@yaho o .co m
Abstract The Palaearctic delphacids ,Idiobregma unicarinata Anufriev ,is reported for the first time from China bad on the specimens collected from
Jilin (N .E .China ).A redescription of brachypterous adults is provided and male genitalia are reillustrated .The relationship of this genus with related genera is discusd .
academicianKey words Hemiptera ,Delphacini ,Idiobregma ,new record ,China .
2018四级答案1 Introduction
The monotypic delphacid genus Idiobregma was established by Anufriev in 1972for I .unicarinata Anufriev from Sikhote Alin Region ,USSR .Anufriev &Emeljanov (1988)reillustrated the type species ,and provided a key to the single species ,which is currently known to occur only in the Palaearctic Region .This genus and the species were discovered in the specimens collected from Jilin Province in Northeast China .This opportunity is taken to redescribe the genus and discuss its relationship with other genera of the tribe Delphacini in the Chine fauna .
2 Material and Methods
This study is bad on recent collections made by the graduate students of the Entomological Mu
um ,Northwest A &F University (N WAFU ).External body characters were examined under a Metic stereomicroscope ,and illustrations of the male genitalia were made using an OL Y MPUS PM 210AD microscope ,and the external figures were drawn using Leica M Z 1215steromicroscope with built in drawing tube .The body measurements are from apex of vertex to tip of abdomen .The morphological terminology ud in this description follows Ding (2006).All measurements are in millimeters (mm ).
3 Genus Idiobregma Anufriev
Idiobregma Anufriev ,1972:612.reus
Type species :Idiobregma unicarinata Anufriev ,1972,by monotypy .
Generic diagnosis .Body brownish ,medium 2sized .Head short ,relatively broad ,fastigium obtuly rounded ,median carina of frons forked at ba .Calcar tectiform ,without distinct teeth on inner margin .Male genitalia with parameres divergent .Genital diaphragm broad .Aedeagus tubular ,with oblique row of teeth subapically .Suspensorium ring 2like ventrally .Male anal gment ring 2like ,ventrolateral angles strongly produced ventrad into two process slightly parated from each other .
Remarks .The genus Idiobregma is similar to Megadelphax Wagner and Muirodelphax Wagner as given by Ding (2006),but differs from them by the shorter and broader head and by the calcar without distinct teeth on inner margin .It also differs from Muirodelphax by the strongly produced process of the anal gment .This genus is a new record for China .Idiobregma unicarinata Anufriev ,1972(Figs 11212)
Idiobregma unicarinata Anufriev ,1972:612.
Description .Brachypterous .Body brown to sordid brown .Eyes dark .Ocelli reddish black .Mesonotum with a large black elliptical to round patch on either side of lateral carina .Female with valvulae blackish brown .
Body length ♂314523147,♀315523193,width at tegulae ♂019321102,♀110821113.Head width including eyes width ♂018620188,♀018920191,narrower than pronotum .Vertex with anterior margin rounded slightly ,projected in front of eyes ,broadly rounded to frons ;lateral margins in dorsal view nearly parallel except where expanded behind eyes ,vertex length ♂012920138,♀013520138,width ♂014020143,♀014820158.Frons strongly vaulted ,widest at lower level of eyes ,lateral carinae convex ,frons length ♂017020177,♀017020179,width ♂014720148,♀014820153.Antennal terete ,re
aching past frontoclypeal suture ,length of gment Ⅰ♂011620118,♀011720118,Ⅱ♂012920130,♀012820130.Postclypeus narrower at ba than frons at apex ,median carina distinct ,post 2and anteclypeus together about 0170×length of frons .Rostrum reaching metacoxae .
Thorax .Pronotum width ♂019520196,♀110321105,length ♂012320129,♀012920130,two lateral carinae posterolaterally directed and slightly curved laterally ,not attaining posterior margin ,hind margin gently concave .Mesonotal carinae becoming obscure towards posterior margin ,two lateral carinae slightly diverging caudad and reaching posterior margin ,length ♂014820153,♀015520163.Tegmina nearly truncate apically ,length ♂111821122,♀113021148,just attaining end of fifth abdominal tergite .Metabasitarsus slightly longer than tarsomeres 2+3combined ;spinulation of 1st metatarsomere 7(2+5),2nd 4.Calcar length ♂013520136,♀013520139,approximately 0170×total length of basitarsus .Tectiform ,inner margin not smooth ,with thin and small denticles .
Abdomen (except genitalia ).Apodemes of 2nd sternite elongate and dorsally directed ,nearly attaining tergite .
功夫熊猫2 台词
Male genitalia .Pygofer in profile almost trapezoidal ,ventrally about 210times wider than dorsally ,laterodorsal angle smoothly rounded ,not projected caudad ,without process on medioventral margin .Diaphragm of pygofer with dorsal margin narrow and shallowly concave medially ,without armature .Parameres short ,strongly diverging ,in length not attaining the dorsal margin of the diaphragm ,gradually tapering and recurved with rounded apex .Opening of diaphragm for parameres large ,dorsal margin produced downward medially ,ventral margin convex medially .Aedeagus tubular ,compresd ,in profile narrowing in apical third ,slightly
Figs11212.Idiobregma unicarinata Anufriev.11Head and thorax,dorsal view.21Face.31Head and pronotum,left lateral view.41Right tegmen.51Male genitalia,caudal view.61Same,left lateral view.71Pygofer,caudal view,anal gment and parameres removed.81Anal gment,aedeagal complex and parameres,left lateral view.91Aedeagus,right lateral view.101Parameres,caudal view.111Suspensorium,caudal view.121Anal gment,caudal view.
bent ventrad,on right side armed with an oblique row of teeth, phallotreme ventrad at apex.Suspensorium ventrally ring2like, embracing ba of aedeagus and connecting at ventral side,without distinct arms,common stem T2shaped,straight at dorsum,lateral margins strongly concave at both sides.Anal gment ring2like, ventrally clod by very narrow chitin2bridge,ventrolat
eral angles on each side produced ventrad into strong,almost parallel,broad process;apices bent laterad.
Specimens examined.2♂♂,4♀♀,Antu County,Jilin Province,China,22July2006,890m,coll.ZHAN G Xin2Min (N WAFU).
Distribution.China(Jilin Province),USSR. Acknowledgements I am grateful to Mr.Mick Webb(The
Natural History Muum ,London ),and Dr .C .A .Viraktamath (University of Agricultural Science ,Bangalore ,India )for reviewing the manuscript and suggesting improvements .I especially thank Mr .John W .M
,Department of Entomology and Animal Ecology ,Lincoln
University ,New Zealand ,for helping to obtain literature during my visit to New Zealand .R EFER EN CES
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心理素质培训Delphacidae (Homoptera )from the Maritime District .Zo o logich e skii Zhurnal ,51(4):6122615.
Anufriev ,G .A .and Emelyanov ,A .F .1988. 1.Suborder Cicadinea
(Auchenorrhyncha )2cicads .In :Ler ,P .A .(ed .),K eys to the Identification of Incts of the Soviet Far East .Vol .2,Homoptera and Heteroptera .Nauka ,Leningrad .(In Russian )pp .122495.
Ding ,J 2H 2006.Fauna Sinica .Incta ,Vol .45.Homoptera ,Delphacidae .
Editorial Committee of Fauna Sinica ,Chine Academy of Science .Science Press ,Beijing .776pp .
西北农林科技大学植保资源与病虫害治理教育部重点实验室,西北农林科技大学昆虫博物馆 陕西杨凌 712100摘 要 记述了采自中国吉林的飞虱科1新纪录属:艾地飞虱属
each和every的区别>buuIdiobregma Anufriev ,1972,并对其模式种Idiobregma unicarinata Anufriev ,
关键词 半翅目,飞虱族,艾地飞虱属,新纪录,中国.中图分类号 Q 969136
36 Acta Z ootax onomica S inica 动物分类学报 V ol.33 N o.3