垂眼妆稀疏的意思端午节的习俗中英文版 1.Dragon Boat Racing赛龙舟Becau Chue don’t want virtuous minister Qu Yuan died at that time, so there are a lot of people boating to save him after he jumping into river.当时楚人因舍不得贤臣屈原死去,于是有许多人划船追赶拯救。2.Eating zongzi on Dragon Boat Festival端午节吃粽子People boiled sticky rice or steamed reed on May 5 and then jumped it into the river, to sacrifice to Qu Yuan, with bamboo tube array sticky rice rolls for fear of fish to eat, gradually reed leaves maize replacing bamboo tube.人们在五月五日煮糯米饭或蒸粽糕投入江中,以祭祀屈原,为恐鱼吃掉,故用竹筒盛装糯米饭掷下,以后渐用粽叶包米代替竹筒。3.Wearing perfume satchel佩香囊Children wear perfume satchel on the Dragon Boat Festival can avoid devil. 端午节小孩佩香囊,避邪驱瘟之意。4.Eating eggs吃蛋Some areas will boil tea eggs and brine eggs to eat on the Dragon Boat Festival. Eggs are henapple, duck eggs, goo egg. Painted red on eggshell, with colorful net bags, hanging in a child’s neck, for blessing children, and hopping them are safe.一些地区,端午节
inductionreceipt要煮茶蛋和盐水蛋吃。蛋有鸡蛋、鸭蛋、鹅蛋。蛋壳涂上红色,用五颜六色的网袋装着,挂在小孩子的脖子上,意为祝福孩子逢凶化吉,平安无事。5.Drinking Realgar Wine饮雄黄酒This custom is very popular in the Yangtze river area.此种习俗,在长江流域地区的人家很盛行。6.Wash all dias游百病This custom is prevalent in part of Guizhou province on Dragon-Boat festival custom. Some people will 少儿英语培训排名
合体是什么意思www 111as comgo to swim as well.此种习俗,盛行于贵州地区的端午习俗有些人也会去游泳。7.Eat twelve red吃十二红Gaoyou and other places have the tradition of eating “twelve red”. Twelve red refers to oil shrimp, Fried amaranth, salted duck egg yellow, cinnabar tofu and so on.高邮等地有吃“十二红”的习俗。十二红指油爆虾、炒红苋菜、咸鸭蛋黄、朱砂豆腐等。端午节习俗(中英文版)2017-05-15 15:24 | #2楼吃茶蛋江西南昌地区,端午节要煮茶蛋和盐水蛋吃。蛋有鸡蛋、鸭蛋、鹅蛋。蛋壳涂上红色,用五颜六色的网袋装着,挂在小孩子的脖子上,意谓祝福孩子逢凶化吉,平安无事。eating tea eggs in nanchang jiangxi area on the dragon boat festival. eggs are eggs, duck eggs, goo egg. eggshell colored red collect with colorful net bag, hanging in the c hild’s neck, means that the child wishes good luck, safe and sound.《端午节的习俗中英文版》全文内容当前网页未完全显示,剩余内容请访问下一页查看。