Curriculum Vitae
Address (home) Address (university)
Phone number (normally a landline) Phonenumber (normally a landline)
E-mail address (make sure this is still in u after PhD completion)
Rearch interests
Include a briefsummary of your interests. Cover past, current and future rearch plans.Ideally, this should be targeted to the institution – consider whether they arelooking to broaden departmental rearch experience or build a specialistreputation.
Thesis title.
A brief summary ofyour thesis, lasting one or two ntences.
Name of institution and dates.
Name of PhD supervisor.英语培训班品牌加盟
Masters degree (if applicable) and/or first degree
Dates, name of institution, degree title and classification.
Brief details ofsubjects (optional).
A brief summary ofyour disrtation.吵架英文>winpos
fire flySchool
Dates, name ofschool.
Brief details ofA-levels/Higher.
Conference papers
stabiloTitles and dates.Try to include details of highly regarded events. Include and highlight prentationsdelivered or involvement in organizing conferences.the move
The format can be organizedin a variety of ways, for example, by rearch area – a uful way to highlightinterests and publications in major journals – or chronologically.
For details of allpublications, rearch and articles, normal bibliographic rules apply.
Publicationsinvolving collaboration with influential academics and/or published in majorpeer review journals are very uful to the application process. Distinguishbetween work published, submitted/accepted or under review.
Administrative experience
It is uful toinclude responsibilities within the department for specific lecture cours,degree schemes or groups of students, and any involvement in admissions (forexample open days), producing university prospectus, etc. Be specific aboutyour role in examining, tutorial work and exam invigilation, etc.
(Optional –relevant only to tho eking lecturing positions or applying to teaching-led institutions.)
It can be ufulto subdivide teaching into minar and lecture experience and provide brief details.Other subheadings, such as tutorial and supervisory experience, can also beincluded.
Additional relevant (rearch) experience
Prent relevantrearch projects, industrial experience or related practical experience
coherently formaximum impact (for example, workshop chair/plenary experience).
Work experience
Dates, job title,name of organization.队长英文
Briefly describeduties, skills gained and, if appropriate, achievements (bullet points workwell). Information contained here could alternatively be covered in theadministrative ction. Academics are normally more interested in your relevantacademic experience, as oppod to student jobs.
Professional membership
Details of body,dates and responsibilities.
Prizes and awards
A good indicatorof your potential. Keep relevant and current.
Other relevant qualifications
Normallycertificated skills, for example, IT competency, languages, etc.
Personal interests/hobbies
(Optional – viewsdiffer. Some academic departments like to e it included, others have no preference.)for是什么意思
Provide the name,academic relationship and contact details of three referees. It is usual foryour disrtation or PhD supervisor to be included. Carefully consider theothers – can they comment on a particular aspect of your rearch interests oryour teaching experience (for example, PhD external examiner or a co-author)?It is often uful to have referees from different institutions. Keep yourreferees informed about what you are applying for and give them a copy of yourCV.