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Issued 1990-01 Reaffirmed 2010-05 Revid 2013-02
Superding AMS2432C
(R) Shot Peening, Computer Monitored
This revision was issued as part of the SAE Five Year Review process and standardizes shot peening with AMS2430 and industry practices.
ORDERING INFORMATION: 1) The following information should be provided to the shot peen processor by the purchar. If the purchar does not
provide any of the following, the processor shall u the specification provisions herein.
a. Purcha order number and revision level
b. Part number and revision level
c. Part alloy and tensile strength and/or hardness
美国语伴Quantity of parts e. AMS2432D f. Media type, hardness, size in accordance with AMS2431. See 3.5.
g. Test strip type. See 3.2.2. h. Pre-shot peen cleaning method. See 3.3. i. Intensity requirement. See 3.5 and 3.6. j. Intensity verification locations. See 3.5. k. C overage requirement. See 3.6. l. C overage verification method and if u of fluorescent tracer or dye marker inks requires cognizant engineering
organization approval. See 3.6 and m. Part locations to be shot peened, free from peening, or peening optional. See 3.6. n. If externally applied forces are permitted on part during processing. See 3.5. o. If purchar requires approval of the processor’s shot peening parameter sheet(s). See 3.7 and 4.3.2. p. I f purchar allows the u of alternative intensity verification methods. See 3.7 and 3.8.1 q. Post-shot peen cleaning method: include instruction and procedure to remove iron contamination, if applicable, and
if purchar requires peening processor to perform this operation. See 3.9. r. Part prervation/shipping method. See 3.9 and 5. 1. SCOPE 1.1
This specification establishes the requirements for computer monitored shot peening of part surfaces by impingement of media, including metallic, glass, or ceramic shot. Computer monitored peening is
intended to provide a method of process obrvation, traceability, and respon for all process input ttings, in real time, during the entire peening process to ensure with objective evidence, the desired process outputs. Shot peening in accordance with AMS2432 meets or exceeds the requirements of AMS2430.
1.2 Application
Shot peening is typically ud to induce residual compressive stress in the surface layers of parts, and may be ud to increa fatigue strength and resistance to stress-corrosion cracking. Shot peening with computer monitoring is typically ud to provide control of the peening process to ensure consistent, repetitive peening coverage and intensity on parts. Computer monitored processing is typically required so that the traceability steps specified herein can be utilized by the design authority to take full credit for the benefits of shot peening in the design life.
1.2.1 Related peening process, such as tumble peening, slurry peening, manual peening, peen forming and
straightening, peening for prevention of intergranular corrosion, and peening to produce a surface texture, are beyond the scope of this specification.
保姆日记 下载
The issue of the following documents in effect on the date of the purcha order forms a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. The processor may work to a subquent revision of a document unless a specific document issue is specified. When the referenced document has been cancelled and no superding document has been specified, the last published issue of that document shall apply.
2.1 SAE Publications
wavingflagAvailable from SAE International, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001, Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada) or 724-776-4970 (outside USA), www.sae.
AMS2431 Peening Media, General Requirements
AMS2430 Shot Peening, Automatic
SAE J442 Test Strip, Holder, and Gage for Shot Peening
SAE J443 Procedures for Using Standard Shot Peening Almen Stripsofa怎么读
SAE J2277 Shot Peening Coverage Determination
2.2 ASTM Publications
better man什么意思Available from ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.O. Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, Tel: 610-832-9585, www.astm.
ASTM E 18 Rockwell Hardness and Rockwell Superficial Hardness of Metallic Materials
2.3 ISO Publications
Available from International Organization for Standardization, 1, rue de Varembe, Casa postale 56, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland, Tel. +41 22 749 01 11, www.iso.
ISO-10012 Measurement Management Systems
The AMS2430 Shot Peening, Automatic specification provides the ba requirements for the shot peening provided in this specification and is referenced throughout this document. When the AMS24
32 computer monitored shot peening process differs from the AMS2430 process, there are additional requirements listed in this specification. Throughout this document, the acronym “IAW” is ud for the meaning: “in accordance with.”
3.1 Peening Media: New and in-process media shall be IAW AMS2430.
3.2 Equipment and Materials
3.2.1 P eening Machine The peening machine shall run automatically and may be computer controlled. Peening machines shall be
equipped with computers for continuously monitoring and recording the parameters shown in Table 1 within the tolerance indicated. Recording shall be digitally recorded or in hard copy and retained in accordance with 4.4.
The machine shall provide a means of propelling, at a controlled rate, dry media with air pressure against the part. Alternatively, metallic media may be propelled by centrifugal force. The machine shall provide a means of moving, at a uniform speed, either the part through the media stream or the
media stream over the part in either translation, rotation, or both, as required. The part shall not be subjected to any random movement during the process. The machine shall be capable of consistently reproducing the required shot peening intensities.
Parameter Units Process Tolerances Shutdown Limits
Plus or Minus
Shot Flow (for each nozzle) Pounds/minute
Air Pressure
NOTE 1 (for each nozzle) psi (kPa) > 20 psi 10%
≤ 20 psi 20%
Wheel Speed (for each wheel) rpm > 2000 rpm 1%
< 2000 rpm 20 rpm
Nozzle or Wheel Translation
Speed Inch/minute
Deflector Speed Inch/minute
Nozzle and/or
Wheel Shut
Seconds 1
Turntable Speed rpm 10% Part Speed rpm/inch/minute
Conveyor Speed Inch/Minute
Peening Cycle
Seconds 1
Nozzle/Wheel Position Inch/degree
asuncion0.062 inch (1.57 mm)/ 5 degrees
Table/Part Indexing Inch/degree
0.062 inch (1.57 mm)/ 5 degrees
NOTE 1: On direct pressure and suction systems, air pressure shall be measured at or as clo as practical to the nozzle. For gravity type systems, air pressure should be measured down stream of regulator for each nozzle. All gages shall be labeled in accordance with ISO 10012. The peening system shall be capable of interrupting the peening cycle within one cond, when excursions
outside t tolerances are detected for shot flow, air pressure, wheel speed, nozzle and/or wheel tra
nslation speed, turntable speed, part speed, or conveyor speed. Excursions outside the limits in Table 1 shall cau an aborted cycle and the computer system shall record the time and abort details for the parameters listed in Table
1. Notation of root cau and corrective action shall be documented. Restarting of the machine shall only be
done by authorized personnel. After the out-of-tolerance condition has been corrected, the peening system shall be able to resume operations to complete the balance of the process cycle from the position of shut-down, or restart program from the beginning, Parts procesd during to an aborted cycle shall be so identified on the peening certificate and/or computer print-out. The machine shall incorporate equipment to extract dust and fine particle contaminants from the in-process
media unless the purchar permits its abnce. Peening machine shall be equipped with a shot screening system and shot shape control mechanisms capable of continuously maintaining the quality of the peening media in the machine to meet the requirements of 3.1.
3.2.2 Test Strips
Almen test strips shall conform to SAE J442 except thickness and flatness tolerance shall be ±0.0005 inch (±0.013mm). Mechanically deforming strips to meet the prebow requirement is not permitted. Usage shall conform to SAE J443. Hardness shall be 73.0 to 7
4.5 HRA for N strips and 45 to 48 HRC, or equivalent, for other standard strips.
Hardness shall be measured in accordance with ASTM E 18 at approximately 0.5 inch (12.7 mm) from either end on the longitudinal center line of a flat side using Rockwell "C" scale, or equivalent, for A and C strips. For N strips, the Rockwell "A" scale, or equivalent, shall be ud. Sampling for hardness testing of the strips may be ud to minimize hardness tester impressions on the strips. Subsize or otherwi standard shaded or masked test strips shall be in accordance with AMS2430.
安拉3.2.3 Gage
Almen test gages ud with standard test strips shall conform to SAE J442 with end stops except that the gages shall have digital readout and have an accuracy of ±0.0001 inch (±0.0025 mm). Alme
n gages shall be zeroed, at a minimum, once daily using a zero block that is flat within 0.0002 inch (0.005 mm). Gages of appropriate design shall be ud for arc height measurements of subsized strips.
3.2.4 T est Strip Holder
Almen test strip holder shall be in accordance with SAE J442.
3.2.5 Almen Test Strip Fixture
A test strip fixture will be made from either a scrap part or a reprentative non-adjustable fixture fitted with test strip holder(s) to mount the test strip(s) for u during the intensity development or intensity verification in accordance with SAE J443. If test strip holders for masked test strips are ud, they shall be approved by the cognizant engineering organization. The Almen test strip fixture shall reprent the surface to be peened and be rotated or translated in the same manner as the part during the peening process. The design of the Almen strip fixture shall be approved by the cognizant engineering organization. The fixture shall be numbered and recorded in the procedure sheet and shall be ud for all subquent intensity verifications
3.2.6 Machine Verification Tool
For machines that are computer controlled and monitored in accordance with AMS 2432, a machine verification tool is an Almen test strip holder designed to establish process intensity balines. The tool shall also be ud to verify consistent machine performance relative to the baline during production. The machine verification tool shall be documented on the process parameter sheet and its design and u shall be approved by the cognizant engineering organization.
3.2.7 Nozzle Holding Fixture
When a non-robotic air nozzle peening machine is ud, each nozzle shall be held in a fixture so that the angle of impingement and stand-off distance conforms to the process parameter sheet during peening. The nozzle holding fixture, when ud, shall be numbered and recorded on the process parameter sheet.
3.2.8 Control Cage
When a centrifugal wheel machine is ud, the control cage, which regulates the position and angle of the maximum intensity zone generated by the wheel, shall be t in respect to the part location, so that the angle of impingement of the maximum intensity zone will remain constant to procedure sheet requirements. A reference point on the impeller cage position indicator shall be part of the whe
el system. The position of the control cage shall be recorded on the procedure sheet.
3.2.9 M edia size inspection equipment
IAW AMS2430.
3.2.10 Media shape inspection equipment
IAW AMS2430.
3.3 Prepeening Preparation
IAW AMS2430.
3.4 Masking
Areas of the part that are designated to be free from any shot peening shall be suitably masked or protected from the peening stream. Unless otherwi specified, the variation in boundaries of the areas to be peened, when limited, shall be -0 to + 0.125 inch (-0 to +3.18 mm).
3.5 Peening
IAW AMS2430 and the following:
3.5.1 Shot peening locations ud for intensity verification (Almen test strip locations), media type, media size and
peening intensities shall be as specified by the drawing or established by the cognizant engineering organization. If media size and intensity are not specified, reference the guidelines provided in Table 2. The resulting parameters for process control shall be documented in accordance with 3.7.3.