Concepts and terminology for describing languageodd man out
Active voice 主动语态
passive voice. 被动语态
Adjective 形容词
comparative adjective 形容词比较级
demonstrative adjective 指代形容词
posssive adjective 所有格形容词 (代词所有格)
A superlative adjective 形容词最高级
Adverb 副词
Auxiliary verb: 助动词
Article 冠词
An article can be definite (the), indefinite (a) or zero (-), e.g. I was at (-) home in the sitting room when I heard a noi.
A way of looking at verb forms not purely in relation to time. The perfect, continuous and simple are aspects. The continuous aspect, for example, suggests that something is happening temporarily.
Ba form of the verb: 动词基本形式
Clau 从句
A clau consists of a verb and (generally) a subject. A clau can be a full ntence or a part of a ntence.
Main clau 主句
When the teacher arrived, the students stopped talking.
Subordinate clau 从句
When the teacher arrived, the students stopped talking.
Relative clau 定语从句
The students who were sitting near the front stood up.
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Collective noun: 集合名词
Compound noun: 复合名词
Conditional 条件句
First conditional, 第一条件句
Second conditional, 第二条件句
Third conditional . 第三条件句
Conjunction 连词
A conjunction (or connector) is ud to connect words, phras, claus or ntences, e.g. I like tea but I don’t like coffee becau it’s too strong for me.
Connector: 连词
バイオレットCountable noun: 可数名词
Demonstrative adjective: 指示形容词.
Demonstrative pronoun: 指示代词.
Dependent preposition: 非独立介词
Determiner 限定词
A determiner is ud to make clear which noun is referred to, or to give information about quantity, and includes 韩国 英文words such as the, a, this, that, my, some, e.g. That car is mine.
Direct speech 直接引语
The actual words someone says, e.g. He said, ‘My name is Ron.’
First conditional: e conditional forms.
Gerund, -ing form 动名词形式
A noun which is made from the prent participle form of a verb, e.g. I hate shopping.
Grammatical structure 语法结构
The arrangement of words into meaningful ntences. A grammatical structure is also a grammatical language item, e.g. prent perfect simple.
Imperative 祈使句
The form of a verb that gives an order or instruction, e.g. Turn to page 10.
Indirect question
The words someone us when they are telling someone what somebody el asked, e.g. Peter asked Sue what she meant.
An indirect question can also be ud when someone wants to ask something in a more polite way, e.g. ‘I was wondering if you could help me’ (indirect question) instead of ‘Could you help me?’ (direct question).
See direct question.
Indirect speech: e reported statement. 间接引语
Infinitive: e verb. 不定式
Infinitive of purpo 表示目的的不定式
This is ud to express why something is done, e.g. I went to the lesson to learn English.
-ing/-ed adjective: e adjective. 形容词加ing或ed形式
Intensifier 加强语气的词汇
A word ud to make the meaning of another word stronger, e.g. He’s much taller than his brother; I’m very tired.
广州技能培训Interrogative 疑问句
A question form.
Irregular verb: e verb. 不规则动词
Main clau: e clau.主句
Modal verb: e verb. 情态动词
Noun 名词
A person, place or thing, e.g. elephant, girl, grass, school.
A collective noun is a noun which includes a group of people or things, e.g. the police, the government. urname什么意思中文集合名词
A compound noun is a combination of two or more words which are ud as a single word, e.g. a flower 复合名词
shop, a headache.
A countable noun has a singular and plural form, e.g. book books. 可数名词
An uncountable noun does not have a plural form, e.g. information. 不可数名词
A proper noun is the name of a person or place, e.g. Robert, London.专有名词
A singular noun is one person, place or thing.单数名词
A plural noun is more than one person, place or thing and can be regular or irregular, e.g. boys成考英语, women. 复数名词
Object 宾语
This is a noun or phra that describes the thing or person that is affected by the action of a verb, e.g. I saw Mary in the classroom. See subject.
Participle (past and prent) 现在分词及过去分词
The form of the verb that is ud to make tens or adjectives, e.g. an interesting film (prent participle); I haven’t en him today. (past participle)
Passive voicecpx 被动语态
In a passive ntence, something is done to or happens to the subject of the verb, e.g. The tree was hit by the car.