Subjective vs. objective
Reference for the Classroom Activities
1). She has told me about it.
2). -- Who is it?.
It's me.
3) That's him, I'm sure.
4). It was she who solved the problem.(In this ntence, her is also acceptable though it is the subject of the relative clau. The only difference is in style, subjective pronouns sound more formal than objective pronouns. Two more examples:
It was them who helped me out.
It was me who did it. )
5). Jill is the girl who I think went up the hill.
(In the relative clau, who is the subject and the phra I think is an explanatory parenthesis. )
6). The Red Cross will accept whoever volunteers.
( Whoever is the subject of volunteers. The clau whoever volunteers is the object of accept. )mercurial
7). Who/Whom is it for?小学生法制教育资料
韩国考试8).To whom is the letter addresd?
Now, ask students to summarize the rules about the ca of pronouns初中双语学校
1. Subjective pronouns can be ud as the subject or part of the predicate of a ntence, while objective pronouns can be ud as the object of either a verb or a preposition.
2. 4311Both subjective and objective pronouns can be ud as part of a predicate and the difference lies in style. If a subjective pronoun is ud, it sounds formal and, therefore, is usually preferred in formal writing. If it is an objective pronoun that is ud, it sounds colloquial and is, therefore, preferred in informal speech.
3. Phras like I think, I believe, I suppo, when inrted into a clau, do not affect the roles of the other components in the clau.
4. when the interrogative pronoun is not the first word of a question, standard usage has not yet given up whom after a preposition or at the end of the question: For whom was the party given? You listened to whom? With whom did you go? However, popular usage gas been moving towards the elimination of whom, especially when it comes first in a question. Who is it for? Who did you meet? Who are you looking for?
Singular vs. plural
Reference for the Classroom Activities
1). Someone left his or her umbrella on the train. (One person left one umbrella. )
b. Everybody drove his own car to the camping site. (Each person got into his own car and drove it. )
c. No one likes to be forced to do what he doesn't like. (Focus should remain on individual's freedom. )
d. (correct) (Although everyone looks singular and is often followed by a singular verb,this ntence would be illogical if carried out in the singular: Everyone was in the classroom, but he has left to get pizza. )
e. (correct) (A number of people left a number of raincoats. )
Now, ask students to summarize the rules about the number of pronouns
1. U a singular pronoun when the intent of the antecedent is singular. An indefinite pronoun, like someone, everyone, no one, and one, is usually considered to be singular and referred to with singular pronouns, but sometimes it is ud in the plural n and form.
2. U a plural pronoun when the intent of the antecedent is plural.
Point of view
Reference for the Classroom Activities
Revid version 1:
When people read about a natural disaster in another country, it hardly affects them. Of cour, they feel bad and upt when people get killed. But as the disasters happen thousands of miles away from them and becau they don't affect their own life, they are
not traumatized by them. If a flood killed their own clo friends, they would be more emotionally upt.
Revid version 2:
When we read about a natural disaster in another country, it hardly affects us. Of cour, we feel bad and upt when people get killed. But as the disasters happen thousands of miles away from us and becau they don't affect our own life, we aren't traumatized by them. If a flood killed our clo friends, we would be more emotionally upt.
Notice while the first version is comfortable and respectable, the cond one involves the audience more effectively and directly becau of the u of the pronoun we. The pronoun you can also achieve the same effect in this paragraph.
Now, ask students to draw a conclusion from the activity
One of the problems about the point of view is a careless shift from one subject to another within a ntence or from one ntence to the next. The solution is to rewrite the paragraph using a consistent presiding pronoun, or point of view.
1. 1). In this excerpt, Liza's style is all but appropriate for the occasion. At the beginning, she choos a formal and affected style but later slides to colloquial and finally slang expressions. The other characters at the scene u general and colloquial vocabulary that is appropriate for the context.