1. When______is produced, complete closure of the articulators is involved so that the air stream cannot escape through the mouth.
A. fricative
B. stop
C. affricate
D. lateral
2. In which of the following ntences does liaison of sound appear most?
A. Ms Black worked in an office last yesterday.
B. I called you half an hour ago.
fxsC. Would you like a cup of tea?
D. Could you help me, plea?
3. Hamlet is just an______character in the novel.
A. imaginative
B. imagined
C. imaginary
D. imaginable
4. The new movie______to be one of the biggest money-makers of all time.
A. promis
B. agrees
C. pretends
D. refus
5. Does your hometown have an unofficial name?______, what does it say about the area and the people who live there?
cityhunterA. And yet
B. Or el
C. If so
D. Still wor
6. A thief who broke into a church was caught becau traces of wax, found on his clothes,______from the sort of candles ud only in churches.
A. **e
B. coming
C. come
block什么意思D. **e
7. We were astonished______the temple still in its original condition.
A. finding
B. to find
C. find
D. to be found
8. In some countries,______is called equality does not really mean equal rights for all people.
A. which B. what
C. that D. one
9. According to Chomsky,______refers to the actual realization of ur' s knowledge of the rules of his language in utterances.
A. competence
B. performance
C. parole
D. langue
10. ______refers to the u of word which is thought to be less offensive or unpleasant than another word.
A. Diglossia
B. Euphemism
C. Taboo
D. Dialect
11. What' s the starting point and destination of English cour?
A. Knowledge impartation.
B. Students' development.
C. Language usage.
D. Habit formation.
12. In speaking activities, a speaker often tries to avoid using a difficult word or structure and choos to u a simpler one. What learning strategy does the speaker u?
A. Simplification.
B. Generalization.
马的英文C. Paraphra.
D. Avoidance.
13. In a listening class, the teacher asks students to write a broad outline according to their notes which are made during listening. Which stage does this activity belong to?
A. Pre-listening.
B. While-listening.
C. Post-listening.
D. Practice.
14. A student has something in his mind and he should ignore the irrelevant parts and read to locate specific information when reading. Which of the following strategies can be ud?
A. Skimming.
B. Detailed reading.
C. Scanning.
D. Predicting.
15. What writing approach does the following exemplify? The teacher asks the students to work in groups to read, investigate, and arch on the Internet on a topic, discuss about what to focus on and then write a report to prent in class.
A. Product-oriented approach.
B. Content-oriented approach.
C. Task-bad approach.
D. Process-oriented approach.
16. In the following activities, which one needs most control?
A. Retelling.
B. Finding difference.
C. Role play.
D. Debate.
17. What item is mainly assd in the following question? How well did you work in your group tasks?
A. Language performance.
B. Improvement in strategies.
C. Progress.
vivian什么意思D. Classroom participation.
18. To achieve fluency, when should correction be conducted?
A. After class.
B. The moment error occurs.
C. At the summary stage of the activity.
D. During the cour of **munication.
19. Cooperative learning emphasizes on______ and collective responsibility.
A. teachers' responsibility
B. individual responsibility
pollenC. solely responsibility
D. team responsibility
20. To asss how well a student is performing relative to his or her own previous performance, a teacher should u______asssment.
A. criterion-referenced ,
B. individual-referenced
C. norm-referenced
D. peer
21. 在语法教学中,语法练习的形式有哪几种?请对任意两种练习形式进行举例说明。
22. 以下片段选自某节英语课堂教学实录,阅读并回答问题。
T: ... You all have finished the writing about how to protect our environment, right? Ok, now, it' s time to check in terms of the grammar, punctuation point and spelling.
S: (checking time)
T: Ok, now, who would like to share your papers?
Anna: ... We shouldn' t throw rubbish everywhere ...