FMVSS 111 后视镜

更新时间:2023-07-26 13:54:14 阅读: 评论:0

§571.111 Standard No. 111; Rear visibility.
S1. Scope. This standard specifies requirements for rear visibility devices and systems.
S2. Purpo. The purpo of this standard is to reduce the number of deaths and injuries that occur when the driver of a motor vehicle does not have a clear and reasonably unobstructed view to the rear. 目的:本标准的目的是当机动车辆驾驶员在不清楚以及不能无障碍地观察到后方情况时减少伤亡事故的发生次数。
prent怎么读S3. Application. This standard applies to pasnger cars, multipurpo pasnger vehicles, trucks, bus, school bus, motorcycles and low-speed vehicles.
S4. Definitions.定义:
Backing event means an amount of time which starts when the vehicle's direction lector is placed in rever, and ends at the manufacturer's choosing, when the vehicle forward motion reaches:
(a) a speed of 10 mph,
10 mph的车速;
(b) a distance of 10 meters traveled, or
(c) a continuous duration of 10 conds.
Convex mirror means a mirror having a curved reflective surface who shape is the same as that of the exterior surface of a ction of a sphere.
Effective mirror surface means the portions of a mirror that reflect images, excluding the mirror rim or mounting brackets.
Environmental test fixture means a device designed to support the external components of the rear visibility system for testing purpos, using any factory al which would be ud during normal vehicle operation, in a manner that simulates the on-vehicle component orientation during normal vehicle operation, and prevents the exposure of any test conditions to portions of the external component which are not expod to the outside of the motor vehicle.
External component means any part of the rear visibility system which is expod to the outside of the motor vehicle.
Key means a physical device or an electronic code which, when inrted into the starting system (by
physical or electronic means), enables the vehicle operator to activate the engine or motor.
Limited line manufacturer means a manufacturer that lls three or fewer carlines, as that term is defined in 49 CFR 583.4, in the United States during a production year, as that term is defined in S15.
有限车系制造商是指任意生产年份在美国销售三种或以下车系的制造商,车系定义见49 CFR 583.4,生产年份定义见S15。
Rearview image means a visual image, detected by means of a single source, of the area directly behind a vehicle that is provided in a single location to the vehicle operator and by means of indirect vision.
Rear visibility system means the t of devices or components which together perform the function o
f producing the rearview image as required under this standard.
Small manufacturer means an original vehicle manufacturer that produces or asmbles fewer than 5,000 vehicles annually for sale in the United States.
Starting system means the vehicle system ud in conjunction with the key to activate the engine or motor.
Unit magnification mirror means a plane or flat mirror with a reflective surface through which the angular height and width of the image of an object is equal to the angular height and width of the object when viewed directly at the same distance except for flaws that do not exceed normal manufacturing tolerances. For the purpos of this regulation a prismatic day-night adjustment rearview mirror one of who positions provides unit magnification is considered a unit magnification mirror.
S5. Requirements for pasnger cars.
S5.1 Inside rearview mirror. Each pasnger car shall have an inside rearview mirror of unit magnification.
S5.1.1 Field of view. Except as provided in S5.3, the mirror shall provide a field of view with an included horizontal angle measured from the projected eye point of at least 20 degrees, and a sufficient vertical angle to provide a view of a level road surface extending to the horizon beginning at a point not greater than 61 m to the rear of the vehicle when the vehicle is occupied by the driver and four pasngers or the designated occupant capacity, if less, bad on an average occupant weight of 68 kg. The line of sight may be partially obscured by ated occupants or by head restraint
beef是什么意思s. The location of the driver's eye reference points shall be tho established in Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 104 (§571.104) or a nominal location appropriate for any 95th percentile male driver.
S5.1.2 Mounting. The mirror mounting shall provide a stable support for the mirror, and shall provide for mirror adjustment by tilting in both the horizontal and vertical directions. If the mirror is in the head impact area, the mounting shall deflect, collap or break away without leaving sharp edges when the reflective surface of the mirror is subjected to a force of 400 N in any forward direction that is not more than 45° from the forward longitudinal direction.
S5.2 Outside rearview mirror—driver's side.
S5.2.1 Field of view. Each pasnger car shall have an outside mirror of unit magnification. The mirror shall provide the driver a view of a level road surface extending to the horizon from a line, perpendicular to a longitudinal plane tangent to the driver's side of the vehicle at the widest point, extending 2.4 m out from the tangent plane 10.7 m behind the driver's eyes, with the at in the rearmost position. The line of sight may be partially obscured by rear body or fender contours. The location of the
driver's eye reference points shall be tho established in Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 104 (§571.104) or a nominal location appropriate for any 95th percentile male driver.
S5.2.2 Mounting. The mirror mounting shall provide a stable support for the mirror, and neither the mirror nor the mounting shall protrude farther than the widest part of the vehicle body except to the extent necessary to produce a field of view meeting or exceeding the requirements of S5.2.1. The mirror shall not be obscured by the unwiped portion of the windshield, and shall be adjustable by tilting in both horizontal and vertical directions from the driver's ated position. The mirror and mounting shall be free of sharp points or edges that could contribute to pedestrian injury.
S5.3 Outside rearview mirror pasnger's side. Each pasnger car who inside rearview mirror does not meet the field of view requirements of S5.1.1 shall have an outside mirror of unit magnification or a convex mirror installed on the pasnger's side. The mirror mounting shall provide a stable support and be free of sharp points or edges that could contribute to pedestrian injury. The mirror need not be adjustable from the driver's at but shall be capable of adjustment by tilting in both horizontal and vertical directions.初二几何
S5.4 Convex mirror requirements. Each motor vehicle using a convex mirror to meet the requirements of S5.3 shall comply with the following requirements:
S5.4.1 When each convex mirror is tested in accordance with the procedures specified in S12. of this standard, none of the radii of curvature readings shall deviate from the average radius of curvature by more than plus or minus 12.5 percent.
S5.4.2 Each convex mirror shall have permanently and indelibly marked at the lower edge of the mirror's reflective surface, in letters not less than 4.8 mm nor more than 6.4 mm high the words “Objects in Mirror Are Clor Than They Appear.”
S5.4.3 The average radius of curvature of each such mirror, as determined by using the procedure in S12., shall be not less than 889 mm and not more than 1,651 mm.
S5.5 Rear visibility.
(a) Pha-in period requirements. For pasnger cars with a GVWR of 4,536 kg or less manufactured on or after May 1, 2016, but not later than April 30, 2018, a percentage of each manufacturer's production, as specified in S15, shall display a rearview image meeting the requirements of S5.5.1.
popularcategories逐步采用阶段的要求:在2016年5月1日之后2018年4月30日之前生产的额定车辆总重(GVWR)小于等于4,536 kg的轿车,根据S15的规定,每个制造商生产的车辆比例应显示符合S5.5.1要求的后视镜图像。
(b) Final requirements. Each pasnger car with a GVWR of 4,536 kg or less manufactured on or after May 1, 2018, shall display a rearview image meeting the requirements of S5.5.1 through S5.5.7.
最终要求:2018年5月1日当日或之后生产的额定车辆总重小于等于4,536 kg的轿车应显示符合S5.5.1至S5.5.7要求的后视镜图像。
S5.5.1 Field of view. When tested in accordance with the procedures in S14.1, the rearview image shall include:
(a) A minimum of a 150-mm wide portion along the circumference of each test object located at positions F and G specified in S14.1.4; and
(b) The full width and height of each test object located at positions A through E specified in S14.1.4.
S5.5.2 Size. When the rearview image is measured in accordance with the procedures in S14.1, the calculated visual angle subtended by the horizontal width of
(a) All three test objects located at positions A, B, and C specified in S14.1.4 shall average not less than 5 minutes of arc; and
(b) Each individual test object (A, B, and C) shall not be less than 3 minutes of arc.
S5.5.3 Respon time. The rearview image meeting the requirements of S5.5.1 and S5.5.2, when tested in accordance with S14.2, shall be displayed within 2.0 conds of the start of a backing event.
S5.5.4 Linger time. The rearview image meeting the requirements of S5.5.1 and S5.5.2 shall not be displayed after the backing event has ended.
S5.5.5 Deactivation. The rearview image meeting the requirements of S5.5.1 and S5.5.2 shall remain visible during the backing event until either, the driver modifies the view, or the vehicle direction lector is removed from the rever position.
S5.5.6 Default view. The rear visibility system must default to the rearview image meeting the requirements of S5.5.1 and S5.5.2 at the beginning of each backing event regardless of any modifications to the field of view the driver has previously lected.
vuvuzelaS5.5.7 Durability. The rear visibility system shall meet the field of view and image size requirements
of S5.5.1 and S5.5.2 after each durability test specified in S14.3.1, S14.3.2, and S14.3.3. 耐久性:后视镜系统在经过S14.3.1、S14.3.2和S14.3.3中规定的各耐久性试验后,应符合S5.5.1和S5.5.2中的视野和图像尺寸要求。
S6. Requirements for multipurpo pasnger vehicles, low-speed vehicles, trucks, bus, and school bus with GVWR of 4,536 kg or less.
S6.1 Each multipurpo pasnger vehicle, truck and bus, other than a school bus, with a GVWR of 4,536 kg or less shall have either—
额定总重量小于等于4536 kg的多用途乘用车、货车和公交车(非校车)应该满足下列其中一项要求:
(a) Mirrors that conform to the requirements of S5.; or
(b) Outside mirrors of unit magnification, each with not less than 126 cm2 of reflective surface, install
ed with stable supports on both sides of the vehicle, located so as to provide the driver a view to the rear along both sides of the vehicle, and adjustable in both the horizontal and vertical directions to view the rearward scene.
快速记忆法加盟每个外部单位放大后视镜的反射表面应大于等于126 cm2 ,安装在车辆两侧的牢固支架上,后视镜的位置应可以让驾驶员观察到车辆两侧后方的情况,并且可在水平方向和垂直方向进行调节,便于观察车后的景物。
S6.2 Rear visibility.
(a) Pha-in period requirements. For multipurpo pasnger vehicles, low-speed vehicles, trucks, bus, and school bus with a GVWR of 4,536 kg or less manufactured on or after May 1, 2016, but not later than April 30, 2018, a percentage of each manufacturer's production, as specified in S15, shall display a rearview image meeting the requirements of S6.2.1.
逐步采用阶段的要求:在2016年5月1日之后2018年4月30日之前生产的额定车辆总重(GVWR)小于等于4,536 kg的多用途乘用车、低速车辆、货车、公交车和校车,根据S15的规定,每个制造商生产的车辆比例应显示符合S6.2.1要求的后视镜图像。
(b) Final requirements. Each multipurpo pasnger vehicle, low-speed vehicle, truck, bus, and school bus with a GVWR of 4,536 kg or less manufactured on or after May 1, 2018, shall display a rearview image meeting the requirements of S6.2.1 through S6.2.7.
最终要求:2018年5月1日当日或之后生产的额定车辆总重小于等于4,536 kg的多用途乘用车、低速车辆、货车、公交车和校车,都应显示符合S6.2.1至S6.2.7要求的后视镜图像。
S6.2.1 Field of view. When tested in accordance with the procedures in S14.1, the rearview image shall include:
(a) A minimum of a 150-mm wide portion along the circumference of each test object located at positions F and G specified in S14.1.4; andabnt minded
(b) The full width and height of each test object located at positions A through E specified in S14.1.4.
S6.2.2 Size. When the rearview image is measured in accordance with the procedures in S14.1, the calculated visual angle subtended by the horizontal width of
(a) All three test objects located at positions A, B, and C specified in S14.1.4 shall average not less than 5 minutes of arc; and
(b) Each individual test object (A, B, and C) shall not be less than 3 minutes of arc.
S6.2.3 Respon time. The rearview image meeting the requirements of S6.2.1 and S6.2.2, when tested in accordance with S14.2, shall be displayed within 2.0 conds of the start of a backing event.
S6.2.4 Linger time. The rearview image meeting the requirements of S6.2.1 and S6.2.2 shall not be displayed after the backing event has ended.
S6.2.5 Deactivation. The rearview image meeting the requirements of S6.2.1 and S6.2.2 shall remain visible during the backing event until either, the driver modifies the view, or the vehicle direction lector is removed from the rever position.
S6.2.6 Default view. The rear visibility system must default to the rearview image meeting the requirements of S6.2.1 and S6.2.2 at the beginning of each backing event regardless of any modifications to the field of view the driver has previously lected.
S6.2.7 Durability. The rear visibility system shall meet the field of view and image size requirements
of S6.2.1 and S6.2.2 after each durability test specified in S14.3.1, S14.3.2, and S14.3.3. 耐久性:后视镜系统在经过S14.3.1、S14.3.2和S14.3.3中规定的各耐久性试验后,应符合S6.2.1和S6.2.2中的视野和图像尺寸要求。
S7. Requirements for multipurpo pasnger vehicles and trucks with a GVWR of more than 4,536 kg and less than 11,340 kg and bus, other than school bus, with a GVWR of more than 4,536 kg.
对额定车辆总重在4,536 kg至11,340 kg之间的多用途乘用车和货车,以及额定车辆总重大于4,536 kg 的公交车(非校车)的要求
S7.1 Each multipurpo pasnger vehicle and truck with a GVWR of more than 4,536 kg and less than 11,340 kg and each bus, other than a school bus, with a GVWR of more than 4,536 kg shall have outside mirrors of unit magnification, each with not less than 323 cm2 of reflective surface, installed with stable supports on both sides of the vehicle. The mirrors shall be located so as to provide the driver a view to the rear along both sides of the vehicle and shall be adjustable both in the horizontal and vertical directions to view the rearward scene.
额定车辆总重在4,536 kg至11,340 kg之间的多用途乘用车和货车,以及额定车辆总重大于4,536 kg的
公交车(非校车)应安装外部单位放大后视镜,后视镜的反射表面应大于等于 323 cm2,安装在车辆两侧的牢固支架上。后视镜的位置应可以让驾驶员观察到车辆两侧后方的情况,并且可在水平方向和垂直方向进行调节,便于观察车后的景物。
S8. Requirements for multipurpo pasnger vehicles and trucks with a GVWR of 11,340 kg or more.
对额定车辆总重大于等于11,340 kg的多用途乘用车和货车的要求
S8.1 Each multipurpo pasnger vehicle and truck with a GVWR of 11,340 kg or more shall have outside mirrors of unit magnification, each with not less than 323 cm2 of reflective surface, installed with stable supports on both sides of the vehicle. The mirrors shall be located so as to provide the driver a view to the rear along both sides of the vehicle and shall be adjustable both in the horizontal and vertical directions to view the rearward scene.
额定车辆总重大于等于11,340 kg的多用途乘用车和货车,应安装外部单位放大后视镜,后视镜的反射表面应大于等于 323 cm2,安装在车辆两侧的牢固支架上。后视镜的位置应可以让驾驶员观察到车辆两侧后方的情况,并且可在水平方向和垂直方向进行调节,便于观察车后的景物。
S9. Requirements for School Bus. When a school bus is tested in accordance with the procedures of S13, it shall meet the requirements of S9.1 through S9.4.
S9.1 Outside Rearview Mirrors. Each school bus shall have two outside rearview mirror systems: System A and System B.
S9.2 System A shall be located with stable supports so that the portion of the system on the bus's left side, and the portion on its right side, each:
(a) Includes at least one mirror of unit magnification with not less than 323 cm2 of reflective surface; and
至少有一个反射面积大于等于323 cm2的单位放大镜;
(b) Includes one or more mirrors which together provide, at the driver's eye location, a view of:
(1) For the mirror system on the right side of the bus, the entire top surface of cylinder N in Figure 2, and that area of the ground which extends rearward from cylinder N to a point not less than 61 meters

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