
更新时间:2023-07-26 05:49:03 阅读: 评论:0

Morphemes:ume is a minimal meaning units of a language, and a smallest functioning unit in the composition of words.
Morphes: are discrete units which realize abstract morphemes in speech。 Morphs are actual spoken minimal carriers of meaning.
Free morphemes: is one stand alone as a word.
Bound morphemes: be function together with root of word。 The morphemes cannot occur as parate words.
Affixes: forms that are attached to words or word elements to modify meaning or function.
1)inflectional: are affixes attached to the end of words to indicate grammatical relationships.
2)derivational: are affixes added to other morphemes to create new word.
2.1prefixes:e blocks is a formation by adding prefixes to stems. Their chief function is to change meaning of the stems。
2。2suffixes: is the formation by adding suffixes to stems. Their primary function being 亚洲十大旅游城市to change the grammatical function of stems
Stem: a part of a word to which affixes of any kind can be added。
Root: is a basic forms of a word which cannot be further analy without total loss of identity。
Bound root:is that part of the word that carries the fundamental meaning.
Creationrefer to the formation of new words by using the existing material, namely roots, affixes and other elements。
Affixation(词缀法): as the formation of words by means of adding affixes to stems.
Compounding/composition(复合法): is the formation of words by joining two or more
stemsemphasize into one word(joining stem)
Conversion/zero-derivation(转换法): is the formation of new words by coverting words of one class to another class.(coverting words class)
Blending(拼缀法): a formation by combining parts of two words or a word plus a part of another word。一己之私(combining parts of two words
Actonymy/ initialisms(首字母缩写): a formation by joining the initial letters of names of phras。(joining the initial letter
Back-formation(逆词法): a formation by removing the suppod suffixes.
Clipping(截断法): a formation by cutting a part of the origin, and using remains instead.
By u frequency
Basic words:
1)All national character;2)Stability;3)Productivity;4)Polymy;5)Collocability。
Non-basic words: Terminology(术语) particular field (2)Jargon(行话):the language ud for a particular activity or by a particular group of people (3)slang(俚语)(4)Argot(暗语)totalamountparticular group of people (5)Dialectal words(方言) particular area(6) Archaisms(古语)an archaic word or expression (7) Neologisms(新词语)a new word and expression or new meaning of a word
By notion
Content words: denote clear notions.
Functional words: do not have notions of their own, express the relation between notions, words and ntences.
By origin
Native words: are tho of Anglo-Saxon origin, which are small in number。
Borrowed words: is take over from foreign languages.brazuca
Reference: it is the relationship between language and the world.
Concept: it is the result of human cognition, reflecting the objective world in the human mind。
Sen: it denotes the relationships inside the language。
Motivation: means which words acquire their meanings 。the relationship between the linguistic symbol/structure of word/form and its meaning.
1)Onomatopoeic拟声理据words who sounds suggest their meaning, creates by imitating the natural sounds or nois associable .
2)morphological形态理据: words who meaning derive from the total sum of the morphemes involved。
3)mantic语义理据:(words who figurative n derives from its literal n throu
gh)refer to the mental association suggested by the conceptual meaning of a word.
4)etymological词源理据words who meaning are related directly to the origin。
Lexical meaning:
1)conceptual: form the core of word meaning。 It is the denotative in that it concerned with the relationship between a word and the thing it denotes , or refers to。 the meaning given in the dictionary
2)associative: condary meaning supplements to the conceptual meaning。
connotative: the overtone or associations suggested by the conceptual meaning。
stylistic: that a piece of language conveys about the social circumstances of its u。
affective: that indicates the speaker官僚资本’s attitude.
collocative: that suggested by the association in its collocation.
Primary meaning: is the only meaning that a word when it was fist created。
Derived meaning: are the meaning that a word get from primary meaning。 At different stages of its development in the cour of time。

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