1.smell , scent , odour , aroma这组词的一般含义为“气味”。
smell是最普通的词,只表示“气味”,至于是香还是难闻,就取决于这个词的修饰语了michelle lang
He was greeted by an unpleasant smell which convinced him that I was telling the truth.
It is the smell of ripe apples. 这是熟了的苹果香味What a smell! 多难闻呀!
go dutchA baby will stop crying when it smells the scent of its mother's clothes.
He was captured by the hound tracing the scent he left over along the path he had followed.
The odours clung to her kitchen clothes.她衣服上粘着浓重的厨房气味。
At meal times the odour of sauerkrant vies with that of garlic.
He sat at his breakfast table, enjoying the aroma of coffee.
合肥学校take ize grasp clutch grab snatch
take 系常用词,指\"拿、握、取\",如:take sb.\'s hand 握住某人的手。
ize 指\"突然用力地抓住、握住\",如:The policeman ized a criminal suspect.
waldgrasp a rope 握紧绳子。
clutch 指\"突然抓住\",常伴有\"急切或害怕的心情\",如:
A drowning man will clutch at a straw. 将要溺死的人连一根稻草也要去抓。
The boy grabbed the apple and ran off (with it)。那孩子抢了那个苹果就跑了。
snatch 指\"突然快速地拿、取、夺、抢走\",如:
The hawk snatched the chicken and flew away. 老鹰叼了小鸡就飞走了。
2. e , catch sight of , spot
I haven't en you for a long time.很久没有看到你了。
而catch sight of 的意思是:被看到的东西进入了眼帘,而不是有意识地使用视觉器官
The bull was busy with the matador at the time,but it suddenly caught sight of the drunk who was shouting rude remarks and waving a red cap.当时那公牛正忙着与斗牛士搏斗,但是它突然看到了那个醉汉,而那醉汉正在说些粗鲁的评论话,而且挥舞着一顶红色的帽子。
Don't let me catch sight of you doing it again! 别让我再看到你干这种事了!
spot的含义是从同类的事物中认出某一个来,或从人群中认出某人来(to single out);或者表示“察看到”,这时被看到的目标处于一定背景中,而此目标好象一个点一样。
胖人穿衣搭配a wild animal had been spotted forty-five miles south of London
The teacher spotted a mistake in his home work.老师在他的家庭作业中看出了一个错误。
He spotted his friend in the crowd.他从人群中认出了他的朋友。
3. e , obrve , notice , note , remark , peer , discern , watch
Look,he's coming.看,他来了Watch him.Don't let him escape.看着他,别让他逃掉了
As soon as he saw us,he picked up a long pipe which was covered with coins
The arch proved difficult,for the puma was often obrved at one place in the morning and at another place twenty miles away in the evening.搜捕工作证明是很困难的,因为人们看到的这只美洲狮常常是早上在一个地方,而晚上又在二十英里之外的另一个地方。
sparepartsIn 1948,he went to lake Kivu in the Congo to obrve a new volcano which he later named Kituro.
the contract
…I happened to be walking in my garden when I noticed a huge number of snails taking a stroll on some of my prize plants.……我偶然在花园里走着走着,突然看到许多蜗牛在我的一些心爱的植物上悠闲地爬着。
After consulting my railway time-table,I noted with satisfaction that there was an express train to Westhaven.我翻阅了铁路时刻表,见有一班去韦斯赫温的快车,甚为满意。
This outstanding originality of the newly-made film has been remarked by some critics.
Old women in black shawls peered at us from door-ways.头上带着黑头巾的老妇人从门廊里瞅着我们。
如果经过了一定时间的如此细看最终看到了目的物,那么这个动作便可以用discern来表示了,在口语中,常用词是make out
We discerned the figure of a man clinging to the mast of the wrecked ship.
In the breaking and remarking, in the timing, interweaving, beginning afresh, the writer comes to discern things in his material which were not consciously in his mind when he began.
watch 表示“观看”或“监视”的意思,一般目的物应处于运动状态。
One day there were fewer people in the shop than usual when the woman came in,so it was easier for the detective to watch her.有一天,当那个妇女进来时,该店里的人比通常少一些,所以侦探比较容易监视她。
4. conflict fight struggle都含“战斗”、“斗争”的意思。
conflict指“由于严重不一致,而引起抵触或冲突”,如:Their account of the caus of the war conflicts with ours. 他们对于战争起因的报告与我们的报告相反。fight原义是“打仗”、“战斗”,指“任何形式的斗争”,特别强调“短兵相接”,如:The two boys fought. 两个孩子动手打起来了。struggle本义是“挣扎”,指“克服某种障碍或困难,以达到某种目的”,意味着“处境难”,如:They were struggling for peace. 他们为和平而斗争。
5. yield submit 都含有“让步”、“屈服”的意思。
yield 指“在压力、武力或恳求下让步”, 如: yield to demands 对要求让步。
submit 强调“放弃抗拒、屈服于某一势力、权力或意志”, 如:
He was losing the fight but he would not submit. 他战败了, 但不屈服。
6. call , visit , e这三个词都有拜访的意思。
call所表示的拜访通常不是朋友之间的访问,而是出于公务上或别的什么事情的需要而作的暂短访问,而且完成了任务或达到了目的之后便离去;call at 的宾语通常为hou,office等之类的名词,或不用at,不跟宾语. call on 的宾语通常为表示人的名词或代词。call in 表示顺路到某处或某家.
He called at every hou in the street once a month…这条街的每一户人家他每月都要访问一次……。
And now,madam,enough of my tragic personal history! Y ou have called on business. What can I do for you?(-Bernard Shaw) 好了,小姐,关于我的灾难性的个人历史就别再说啦!你是有事来访的。你有什么事呀?——肖伯纳。
I called on him yesterday,but he could not help us. 我昨天去拜访他了,但他帮不了我们的忙.
After crossing the equator,the captai n called in at a port to have a new rudder fitted,…
visit 可以表示正式的访问,也可用于朋友间的亲切的拜访,甚至是旅游家的参观,而访问时的逗留可长可短. Y esterday I paid him a risit.昨天我拜访了他。
At prent, they are risiting all parts of the country. 现在他正在全国各地访问。
e 作为访问总用于非正式的而且是熟人之间的拜访.
"I've just arrived by train,"she said."I'm coming to e you."“我刚刚乘火车到达这里,”她说道。“我来看你。”I'll come and e you later. 我以后再来看你。
7. call summon invite 都含“召唤”、“邀请”的意思。
call系常用词, 意思是“叫唤某人”,“请...来”, 如: He called the waiter over. 他召唤侍者过来。
summon属正式用语, 指“来自权威人士的召集或传唤”,尤指用于正式的集会或职务方面, 如: The judge summoned me to give evidence. 法官传我(出庭)作证。
invite 指“有礼貌地邀请”, 如: We invited her to our dinner party. 我们邀请她赴宴。
8. cry shout call scream shriek screech hellow yell 都含“大喊”、“大叫”的意思。
cry 属常用词, 多用于“因恐惧、悲哀、祈求、惊奇等而大叫”, 如:cry for help呼喊求救。
shout是常用词, 多用于“因欢乐、赞美、发命令提出警告、唤起注意等而大声喊叫”, 如:
She shouted for joy.她高兴得大声喊了起来。
yell是常用词, 指“因求救、焦急、惊恐、愤怒或其他感情方面的原因而大声地喊叫”, 如:
yell the team to victory用喊声鼓励运动队取胜。
call 为最常用词, 表示“以任何形式呼叫”, 如:Mother is calling me.母亲在叫我。
scream指“由于痛苦、恐惧、惊奇、快乐等而尖叫”, 如:
She screamed when she saw the child fall.当她看见那个孩子跌倒时, 她尖声地叫了起来。
shriek 指“由于极端的恐怖、苦恼、不可控制的忿怒或大笑而高声刺耳地尖叫”, 如:
Suddenly he began to shriek loudly.突然他开始大声尖叫起来。
screech指“发出尖锐刺耳声”, 如:
The brakes screeched as the car stopped.汽车停时,发出尖锐刺耳的刹车声。
hellow 指“大声或愤怒地喊叫”, 如:He hellowed when he was beaten.他挨打时吼叫起来。
9. firm hard solid stiff 都含“坚硬的、不易拉弯和失去原形的”意思。
firm 指“组织和结构坚韧、不易弯曲的”, 如: His muscles are firm. 他的肌肉坚实。
hard指“厚或坚硬的, 而不易穿透、不易切割和压碎的”, 如: as hard as a rock 坚如岩石。
solid指“物体的结构很坚固, 密度一致, 坚硬得能抗压”, 如:
Hous must be bulit on solid ground. 房屋必须建造在坚硬的土地上。
stiff指“坚硬而不能弯曲的”, 如: a stiff collar 硬领。
10. story tale narrative anecdote都含“某事件的口头或笔头记述”、“故事”的意思。story 系常用词, 指“虚构的故事”,强调“严密的结构, 可以是散文或诗歌文学形式”, 如:
I like -ries about science.我喜欢关于科学方面的故事。
tale 指“虚构的、古代的或神话的故事, 即使故事有事实根据, 也往往加以演义, 而结构较松散”, 如:a fairy tale童话。
narrative 属正式用语, 指“把真实的事或经历以连续、或有趣的方式叙述成的故事”, 如:
His adventure made an interesting narrative.他的冒险是个有趣的故事。
anecdote指“关于真人真事的有趣小故事, 常以名人的生活为题材”, 如:
She knows many anecdotes of Bacon.她知道许多有关培根的轶事。
11. temporary temporal都含“暂时的”意思。
temporary指“暂时的”、“临时的”,如: temporary needs 暂时需要。
temporal 指“暂存的”、“短暂的”,如: temporal matters of but fleeting moment 不过是转瞬即逝的一时的事物。
12. orderly methodical systematic 都含“有秩序的”、“有顺序的”意思。
orderly 指“不乱, 有一定秩序和规则的”, 如:
The books are in orderly rows on shelves. 书籍整齐地排列在书架上。
methodical指“很有规律的, 按部就班的”, 如: a methodical investigation 有步骤的调查。
systematic 指“有系统的”, 如: a systematic study 系统学习
13. push shove thrust propel 都含“推"的意思。
push 系常用词, 指“用力推动接触的人、物", 如: push a baby carriage 推童车。
shove 指“粗暴地推开挡路的人或物"、“使劲推动(重物)", 如:
shove a box into the corner 用力把箱子推到角落里。
thrust 指“突然用力地推"、“使透过某物", 如:
He thrust a dagger into her heart. 他把匕首剌入她的心脏。
propel 指“推进"、“推动", 如: a boat propelled by oars 以桨操作的船。
14. mirable dismal sorry unhappy wretched
mirable 指“由于贫困、屈辱、愤怒或不幸等而引起内心极端痛苦的”, 如:
the mirable life of the poor in the past 过去穷人的悲惨生活。
simon cowell
dismal指“忧郁的”、“忧愁的”、“不愉快的”, 如:
He felt dismal after reading a piece of bad news in the newspaper.
sorry 指:“心情不愉快的”、“难过的”或“遗憾的”, 如:
I felt deeply sorry for him. 我为他深感难过。
unhappy指:“不快乐的”、“忧愁的”、“不幸的”, 如:
He was unhappy when alone. 他独自一人时感到不快活。
wretched 指“由于受伤、疾病、愤怒等而外表上显得极端沮丧、失望或可怜的”、“不幸的”, 如: What a wretched existence the people lead in the slums! 住在贫民窟里的这些人生活多可怜呀!
15. sign mark token 都含"标记"、"征兆"的意思。
sign 系常用词, 指"具有一定含义的任何有形或无形的符号或标志, 它的表示可以是实物、表情、动作、文字、语言及任何痕迹或征兆", 如:
There is a stop sign at an interction . 在交叉路口处有停车标志。
mark 指"为某一目的有意作的标记", 也指"无意留下或自然形成的痕迹", 如:
Suffering left its mark on his face. 苦难的经历在他脸上留下了痕迹。
token 系较为庄重的用语, 指"把某物当做某种性质、意义、感情或事件等的象征", 如:
Black is a token of mourning. 黑色是居丧的象征。
16. torment torture都含“身体或精神上受痛苦”的意思。
torment指“精神上外于较长期的痛苦或烦恼的状态下”, 如:
He suffered torments from his aching teeth. 他牙痛得难受。
torture指“精神上或身体上所受到的撕裂般的巨大痛苦”, 如:
The criminal is undergoing torture. 犯人在受严刑拷打。
17. journey trip tour voyage excursion expedition都含“旅行”的意思。