Under Keel Clearance (UKC) Policy
This is the Company’s Minimal Requirement for Ship’s UKC.
1 大洋航行-最大吃水的20%
Ocean bonnpassages - 20% of the deepest draught
2 potential抵港航道-最大吃水的英华兰15%
Fairways - 15% of the deepest draught
maskchina3 港内-最大吃水的10%
Inside ports - 10% of the deepest draught
In cas where voyage orders from charterers specify a draught or cargo nomination that will result in a lesr UKC, and if there are reasonable local regulations, rules or recommendations by relevant authorities, which endor such voyage orders/nominations, the Master may u his discretion in deciding whether or not to comply with such voyage orders and/or nominations. If the Master anticipates any reducing of UKC, he must carry out a risk asssment and inform the Marine Superintendent and Shipping Department of the Company at the earliest opportunity.
4 靠泊期间和靠离泊作业期间-船舶最大型宽的1.5%或0.3米,取大者
跑酷是什么意思Moored or engaged in mooring and un-mooring operations – the greater of 1.5%of
the vesl’s extreme breadth or 0.3m.
5 运河-执行当地航运法规
Canals - as per local navigation rules
6 如果国家或港口当局或任何码头作业方的规定或条例要求当地的UKC高于公司的UKCanxious是什么意思政策,则执行较高的规定。
Where the regulations or byelaws of any National or Port Authority of any Terminal Operator require an UKC at any location in excess of the Company’s UKC policy then such greater allowance shall prevail.
China Shipping Development Company