Omission of Words Peculiar to English(省略英语特有的词)
turf Omission of the Expletives stingerIt and There(省略语助词it和there)
Examples & Drills Guided Translation
(1) Omit impersonal it, which denotes natural phenomena, time, distance, or state of things in general:
1. How is it with the sick man?
2. It is all over with him.
3. She feared it would go hard with Antonio.
(2) Omit anticipatory it, which stands for an infinitive, a gerund, or a clau:
4. Lu Xun has it that “Read your own work at least twice after you have got through your wri
ting, trying to cut off all unnecessary words, ntences, and even paragraphs without any regret.”
5. It is with words as with sunbeams: the more they are condend, the deeper they burn.
(3) Omit demonstrative it:
6. I don’t think it is he.
(4) Omit idiomatic it:
7. You’ll be in for it if father finds out you’ve not been to school for three days.
8. He led a dog’s life of it.
9. Lord Angelo dukes it well. (Shakespeare)
10. We are born to slave it for our lord. (Thackeray)
11. I am ud to roughing it.
12. He lords it over his inferiors.
13. If you are found out, you will catch 拉丁文it.
14. I am determined to fight ithow do you do out.
15. She is starring it in the provinces.
16. We had to walk it in the rain.
17. Can’t you swim it?
18. Shall we walk it or bus it?
19. We will have a hard time of it.
(5) Omit expletive there in existential ntences:
1. Where there is a will, there is a way.
2. Where there is smoke, there is fire.
3. Where there is life, there is hope.
(6) Omit expletive there in idiomatic expressions (often found in idioms or proverbs):
4. There are always more round pegs than round holes.
5. There are friends and friends.
6. There is no free lunch.
7. There is no royal road to anything.
8. There is no telling when he will come.
9. There is no mistaking that fact.
10. There is no come and go with him.
11. There is no rule without an exception.
12. There is no fire without smoke.
13. There is nothing but is good for something.
14. There is no u crying over spilt milk.
Omission of English Articles(省略英语冠词)
1. A parrot can talk like a man.
2. The young actress is a new Marilyn Monroe!
3. A Mrs. Smith wishes to e you.
4. The Prime Minister spoke to an astonished Commons.
5. His dinner hour is an inevitable 6:
6. My father is aaccurate是什么意思 vigorous 86.
7. You can’t be the Charles Chaplin!
8. Men perish, but man shall endure; lives die but the life is not dead. (Algernon Sivinburne: Hymn of Man)
9. This is a complete Shakespeare.
10. The wish is father to the thought.
11. She was a Jones before she married Bill.
12. I can’t remember a Christmas when it snowed so much.
13. A stitch in time saves nine.
14. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
15. From that day to this, the islands discovered by Columbus have been called “如何美白皮肤小妙招the West Indies”.
16. We often dine with the Browns.
17. He likes the Picasso.
18. Do you know where the Kodak is made?
19. She had the平面设计培训 bravest bravery of all, the bravery that is never afraid to speak the truth. (King Lear)
Many years ago, flying to the moon was out of the question. (= impossible)
At prent, flying to the moon is out of question. (= beyond question = cannot be doubted)
Translate the sixth and the last paragraph of the text, plea.
Translate the sixth and last paragraph of the text, plea.
Omission of Words Superfluous in Chine(省略汉语多余的词)
1. I belong to you and you (belong) to me.
2. Reading makes a full man; conference (makes) a ready man; and writing (makes) an exact man. (Francis Bacon: Of Studies)
3. 你用直接法学习英语,(你)便做不好翻译工作。
You can’t do translation work well if you study English by the direct method.
4. 白求恩大夫一到前线(他)就立刻开始工作。
Dr. Bethune t to work as soon as he came to the front.
Omission of Pronouns(省略代词)
Examples & Drills Guided Translation
(1) Omit pronouns ud as subjects
1. Water pass from a liquid to a solid state when it freezes.
2. When we want to move a body of great mass dewweoh susanna must apply a great force.
3. As you sow, so also shall you reap.