
更新时间:2023-07-25 14:40:14 阅读: 评论:0

The Power of Words
prent是什么意思Wanda Maureen Miller          旺达·莫林·
2011内蒙古高考分数线米勒  1.You may wonder why you should improve your vocabulary. You may be satisfied with it. You can talk, understand other people when they talk, and read. Why learn fancy words that you won't u?
2 The main reason for developing a better vocabulary is to receive and nd out thoughts better. Not just words but ideas that words reprent. The person with a good vocabulary is impressive, it's true. But he or she is also better able to get across and understand complex thoughts.
3 The power of words is so strong that it can even influence the way you e the world. Words not only
reflect your thoughts, in some cas they can also help form them. For example, a certain American Indian tribe does not have parate words in its language for yellow and orange. As a result its members cannot distinguish between the two colors. Their language — or vocabulary — decided what they "e." Words give you the building blocks with which you think. How many times have you been unable to tell your mechanic what's wrong with your car becau you lack the vocabulary? How accurately can you describe a sunt if your vocabulary only includes words light and dark?
4 However, simple words do not mean a simple mind. Many adults have mature, complex thoughts. But tho thoughts come out garbled and too simple becau of a small vocabulary. They have no choice but to u the same words to express too many different kinds of thoughts. Result: poor communication. As Mark Twain put it, the difference between the right word and the almost right wor
短裤用英语怎么说d is the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning. The adults with small vocabularies just cannot express fine shades of meaning. They may have, however, as much depth and insight as their more well-spoken friends.
5 Perhaps the most impressive reason for vocabulary development is that
a good vocabulary and success are synonymous. (If you know that syn means same, nym means word, and ous is an adjective suffix, then you understand the ntence.)
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6 A good vocabulary can be an economic advantage. An institution for testing people's attitudes, the
just a dream nellyHuman Engineering Laboratory, found that a good vocabulary is the only trait common to successful people. The Lab has found that the highest scores on vocabulary tests have been made by people getting the highest pay. Why? Dr. Johnson O's onnor, the Lab's director, explains it this way: words are "tools of thought." It is through words that people grasp the thoughts of others and do their own thinking.
blank page7 .A good vocabulary also means academic success. There is a direct link between verbal ability and scores on intelligence or achievement tests. Many teachers think that the results of an I.Q. test and a vocabulary test will be about the same. And both predict success.
8 In short, your vocabulary is your power. It determines the shape and size of your world. It tells who you can or cannot talk with. It says what books you can read and which ideas you can understand. It is your main link to other people. And the best thing about vocabulary is that, unlike your height or the shape of your face or your parents' income level, it's something you can easily control and improve.
9 The best way to improve your vocabulary is through reading. The successful person reads a lot.
10 We learn nearly all of our active vocabulary through context, and usually through context in reading. Words that we learn through their u in context are much more likely to stay with us than words we memorize by themlves, as in a list or in a dictionary.
11 The words we learn through reading will improve not just our reading vocabulary but our listening, speaking and writing vocabularies as well. It is the four types of vocabulary that have a direct impact upon our daily lives. They control how well we understand what we hear and read and how well we speak and write. So we can e that vocabulary is so much more than "fancy" words you won't u. It reprents your thoughts. It gives you social, economic, and academic

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