eBay Words |
US English | Icon | 简体中文 |
10-Day Duration | | 10天在线 |
About Me | | 自我介绍 |
Accepted Payment Methods | | 接受的付款方式 |
Account Suspension | | 帐户遭冻结 / 帐户冻结 / 冻结帐户 |
Ad Format | | 分类广告形式 |
Administrative Cancellation | | 系统取消出价 |
Announcement Boards | | 公告栏 |
Annual Volume | | 年度销量 |
Answer Center | | 咨询中心 |
Approved Shipping Carriers | | 认可的运送公司 |
Ask Seller A Question | | 向卖家提问 |
Auction | | 拍卖 |
Auction-style format listings | | 拍卖形式的物品刊登 |
Auction-Style Listing (Online Auction Format) | | 拍卖方式(在线拍卖方式) |
Automated Unpaid Item Process | | 自动化出价不买处理流程 |
Badge on Item Page | | 「物品页面」上的标志 |
Best Match | | 最佳匹配 |
Best Offer | | 议价 |
Best Practices | | 实战手册 |
Bid Cancellation | | 取消出价 |
Bid Increment | | 原因的英文加价幅度 |
Bid Retraction | | 撤回出价 |
Bidder | | 出价者 |
Bidder Search | | 按出价者搜索 |
Bidding | | 竞拍 / 出价 |
Blackthorne | | Blackthorne |
Block Bidders/Buyers | | 出价者/买家黑名单 |
Bold | | 粗体字 |
Border | | 框线 |
Bronze PowerSellers | | 铜星级超级卖家 |
Bulk Edit Tool | | 批量修改工具 |
Buy It Now | | 一口价 |
Buyer | | 买家 |
Buyer's Dissatisfaction | | 买家不满意度 |
Buying Experience | | 购买体验 |
Carriers | | 物流公司 |
Catalog | | 产品目录 |
Categories | | 分类 |
Category Listings | | 分类列表 |
Category Structure | | 物品分类结构 |
Cateogories | | 物品类别 |
Changed Ur ID Icon | | 用户名变更图标 |
Chargebacks | | 信用卡退单 / 未经授权的付款 |
Claim | | 争议 |
Classified Ads | | 分类广告 |
Completed Listings (Search) | | 搜索已经结束的物品 |
Cross Merchandising | | 连带物品推广 |
Customs, Duties and Tax | | 报关费、关税及税项 |
Delivery Confirmation | | 送达确认 |
Demote | | (物品在「搜索结果」中的排名降低) |
Detailed Seller Ratings | | 卖家服务评级 |
Disclaimer | | 免责声明 |
Discussion Boards | | 讨论区 |
Dispute Console | | 纠纷平台 |
Domestic Buyer / Seller | | 本地买家 / 卖家 |
DSR - Communications DSR | | 沟通方面的卖家服务评级 (DSRs) |
Dutch Auction (Multiple Item Auction) | | 荷兰式拍卖(多数量物品拍卖) |
eBay AdCommerce | | 广告服务 |
eBay Community | | eBay社区 |
eBay Groups | | eBay圈子 |
eBay Marketplace | | eBay 平台 |
eBay Shop | | eBay商城 |
eBay Stores | | eBay店铺 |
eBay Time | | eBay时间 |
eBay Toolbar | | eBay工具栏 |
eBay Top-rated Seller | | eBay 优秀评级卖家 |
Eligibility | | 必备条件 |
Eligible Transactions | | 符合条件的交易 |
Escrow | | 第三方资金托管(安付通) |
Excessive Shipping Charges Policy | | 过高的运费和包装费政策 |
Exposure | | 曝光 |
Visibility | | 曝光率 |
Featured First | | 分类首页推荐位 |
Featured Plus | | 当前页推荐位 |
Feedback | | 信用评价 |
Feedback Profile | | jet lag信用评价页面 |
Feedback Score | | 信用度 |
Feedback Star | | 信用评价星级 |
Final Value Fee | | 成交费 |
Fixed Price | | 定价 |
Free Shipping | | 免运费 |
Gallery | | 橱窗展示位 |
Gallery Plus | | 橱窗展示大图 |
Gift Services | | 礼品服务 |
GMV | | 总销售额 |
Gold PowerSellers | | 黄金级超级卖家 |
Good 'Til Cancelled | | 长期在线物品 |
Groups | | 圈子 |
Guest Buying | | 访客购买 |
Guides | | 指南 |
Handling Time | | 处理时间 |
High Performing Titles | | 出色的物品标题 |
Highlight | | 高亮显示 |
Home Page Featured | | 首页推荐位 |
ID Verified | | 通过身份认证 |
Immediate Pay | | 立即付款 |
Impression | | 浏览次数 |
Inrtion Fee | | 登录费 |
International Site Visibility | | 多站点曝光 |
Inventory | | 库存 |
Item | | 物品(件) |
Item as described, communication, shipping time or shipping and handling charges | | 物品与描述相符、沟通、运送时间、运费及处理费 |
Item Condition | | 物品状况 |
Item Description | | 物品说明 |
Item Specifics | | 物品属性 |
Items Not Received Claims | | 「物品未收到」投诉 |
Keywords | | 关键字 |
List in Two Categories | | 同时刊登于两个物品类别 |
Listing Designer | | 页面魔法师 |
Listing Format | | 刊登形式 |
Listings | | 物品(条) |
Media | | 媒体 |
Member | | 用户 |
Money bookers | | Money bookers |
Motors Local Classified Ad | | 本地汽车分类广告 |
Motors Local Market listing | | 本地汽车市场物品 |
Motors National listing | | 全国汽车物品 |
Multiple Item Auction | | 多数量物品拍卖 |
My eBay | | My eBay |
My Messages | | 收件箱 |
New Listing Icon | | 新刊登物品图标 |
New Member/Ur Icon | | 新会员/用户图标 |
Online Auction Format (Auction-Style Listing) | | 在线拍卖方式(拍卖方式物品) |
Out of Stock | | 缺货 |
Payflow | | Payflow |
Paymate | | Paymate |
Payment Details | | 付款说明 |
PayPal | | PayPal |
PayPal Buyer Protection | | PayPal买家保障 |
Picture Icon | | 图片图标 |
Platinum PowerSellers | | 白金级超级卖家 |
Policy Compliance | | 政策遵守度 |
PowerSeller | | 超级卖家 |
PowerSeller Icon | | 超级卖家标志 |
PowerSeller Status | | 超级卖家身份 |
Pre-Approve Bidders/Buyers | | 预先核准的出价者/买家 |
Privacy Policy | | 保密政策 |
Private Auction Listing | | 保密拍卖物品 |
Pro Pack | | 专业套餐 |
Product | | 产品 |
Product Details | | 产品资料 |
Product Page | | 产品页 |
ProPay | | ProPay |
Proxy Bidding | | 代理出价 |
Real Estate Ads Listing | | 不动产广告刊登方式 |
Refurbished | | 翻新 |
Registered Member/Ur | | 注册会员/用户 |
Registered Site | | 注册帐户的站点 |
Relevance | | 关连 |
Relist Tools | | 重新刊登工具 |
Relisting | | 重新刊登 |
Rearch Results | | 搜索结果 |
Rerve | | 底价 |
Rerve Price | | 底价 |
Resolution | | 纠纷调解 |
Resolution Center | | 纠纷调解中心 |
Resonable Shipping | | 合理的运费 |
Restocking Fees | | 退货手续费 |
Return Policy | | 退货政策 |
Return Shipping | | 爱丁堡大学排名退货的运费 |
Reviews | | 评论 |
Same Day Turn-around | | 即日运送 |
Scheduled Listings | | 设定刊登时间 |
Search and Brow Manipulation Policy | | 操纵搜索&浏览规则 |
Search Standing | | 刊登搜索排名 |
Search Visibility Tool | | 提升物品曝光率工具 |
Second Chance Offer | | 额外的成交机会 |
Secure Server | | 安全服务器 |
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) | | 安全套接层(SSL) |
Security Center | | 安全中心 |
Sell Similar Item | | 出售类似物品 |
Seller | | 卖家 |
Seller Checklist | | 卖家清单 |
Seller Dashboard | | 卖家成绩表 |
Seller Reporting Hub | | 检举问题页 |
Seller Search | | 按卖家搜索 |
Seller's Return Policy | | 卖家的退换货政策 |
Selling Manager | | 售卖专家 |
Selling Manager Pro | | 专业版售卖专家 |
Selling Practices Policy | | 销售操守政策 |
Selling Prefernces | | 销售偏好设定 |
Sell-through rate | | 卖出率 |
Shill Bidding | | 虚假出价 |
Shipping and Handling Charges | | 运费和包装费 |
Shipping Calculator | | 运费计算器 |
Shipping Charges | | 运费 |
Shipping Time | | 运送时间 |
Significantly Not As Described Claims | | 「物品与描述不符」投诉 |
Silver PowerSellers | | 银星级超级卖家 |
Site Preferences | | 网站偏好设定 |
Skype | | Skype |
Sniping | | 秒杀 |
Specific Keywords | | 具体的关键词 |
Start Price | | 起始价 |
Starting Price | | 起始价 |
Stock-outs | | 缺货物品 |
Store Inventory Format | | 仓储式物品刊登方式 |
Subtitle | | 物品副标题 |
Subtitles | | 物品副标题louisville |
Suspended | | 遭冻结(的) |
Terms and Conditions | | 条款及细则 |
Time Zone Converter | | 时区换算器 |
Titanium PowerSellers | | 钛金级超级卖家 |
Title Search | | 按标题搜索 |
Titles | | 标题 |
Top-rated Sellers | | 优秀评级卖家 |
Track your shipments | | 追踪你的邮件 |
Trackable Service | | 可追踪的服务 |
Tracking Confirmation | | 追踪确认 |
Tracking Information | | 邮件追踪数据 |
Turbo Lister | | Turbo Lister |
Unpaid Item / Unpaid Item Ca | | 出价不买物品 / 出价不买物品纠纷 |
Unpaid Item Assistant | | 出价不买物品小帮手 |
Unpaid item process | | 出价不买处理流程 |
Ur Agreement my valentine | | 用户协议 |
Ur ID | | 用户名 |
Value Pack | | Value Pack |
Want It Now | | 我最想要 |
| | |