20个元音音标单词对应表 | |||
1.长元音/i:/ | 2.love holic短元音/ɪ/ | 3.长元音/ɔ:/ | 4.短元音/ɒ/高中英语网 |
e--me he we ee--bee feel deep ea--eat beat ie--chief believe ei--receive | i--sit bit kick pick | al-- talk walk oo--door floor aw--law saw ou--bought thought ore--before ignore au--caught naughty or--force born ar--warn | o--hot not |
5.长元音/u:/ | 6.短元音/ʊ/ | 7.长元音/ɜ:/ | 8.短元音/ə/ |
o--to lo who oo--food shoot ou--group soup u--blue true ew--flew jewelry | oo--foot good u--pull full ou--should would | or--work worm ir--bird dirty er--term certain ur--burn surf ear--learn | a--ago again er--father mother teacher driver or--doctor visitor |
9.长元音/ɑ:/ | 10.短元音/ʌ/ | 11.短元音/e/ | 12.短元音/æ/ |
ar--far dark farm ear--heart al--half | 真皮养护u--up cup but o--monkey onion ou--cousin trouble | 惊喜的英文是什么e--pen egg best ea--bread heaven a--many | a--cat cap map |
13.双元音/eɪ/ | 14.双元音/aɪ/ | 15.双元音/ɔɪ/ | 16.双元音/eə/ |
ei--eight neighbour a--name cake plane ai--rain train wait ay--play day pay | y--my sky cry i--like bike kite uy--buy guy ie--pie die lie | oy--boy joy toy oi--noi voice toilet | air--hair fair chair downstairs ear--bear pear are--share square ere--there where |
17.双元音/ʊə/ | 18.双元音/ɪə/ | 19.双元音/aʊ/ | 20.双元音/əʊ/ |
oor--poor moor our--tour ure--sure pure cure | eer--beer cheer deer ear--ear year near tear ere--here sincere | ou--mou hou cloud out count ow--cow how town now | o--go open clo trickow--snow low yellow bowl oa--boat coat goat oe--toe hoe woe |
28个辅音音标单词对应表 | |||
21./p/ | 22./b/ | 23./t/ | 24./d/ |
p--pen pan | b--ball bed | t--tea table | d--dog dance |
25./k/ | 26./g/ | 27./f/ | 28./v/ |
c--car can cab k--kangaroo key king kitchen ck--duck clock neck backpack | g--girl gorilla | f--fat family favourite ph--photo phone | v--van vet 多听 |
29./s/ | 30./z/ | 31./θ/ | 32./ð/ |
s--e a snake snail c--face race ice price | z--zebra zero s--eggs pens | th--thank teeth tooth mouth | th--this that then the tho |
33./ʃ/ | 34./ʒ/ | 35./tʃ/ | 36./dʒ/ |
sh--ship fish English sheep s--sure ss--assure ch--machine chic | s--pleasure usually | ch--cheap catch watch | J--juice jeep g--change cage dg--judge badge |
37./tr/ | 38./dr/ | 39./ts/ | 40./dz/ |
tr--tree trours | dr--dress draw | ts-pets parents | ds--beds birds heads |
41./m/ | 42./n/ | 43./ŋ/ | 44./h/ |
m--monkey mom | n--no no | ng--king sing spring n--ink bank pink | h--hot hat home wh--whole who |
45./ǀ/ | 46./r/ | 47./j/ | 48/w/ |
go overl--lion leg long school ll--hall mall | 恶魔线虫 unequivocalr--rice right wr--writer wrong wrist | y--yes you yeah | w--water wife woman well witch window wh--whale wheel what when why |
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