1. 形容外貌和身材
- She was tall and slender, with an elegance that emed to come naturally to her.
- His sharp eyes and angular features gave him an air of authority and gravitas.
- Her face was heart-shaped, with delicate features that exuded a softness and femininity.
- He had a barrel chest and muscular arms that betrayed his long hours in the gym.
- She was petite and lithe, with an energy and passion that belied her small stature.
2. 描述性格和个性
- He was fiercely independent, with a stubbornness that made him a difficult person to work with.
- Her unwavering dedication to her craft was palpable, and her attention to detail bordered on the obssive.
- He had a playful, mischievous streak that made him a favorite among his colleagues.
- She was a natural-born leader, with a contagious charisma that inspired tho around her.
- He had a quiet confidence about him, and a renity that emed to come from deep within.
健康的英文3. 表现情感和心态
- His demeanor was guarded, and it was clear that he was wary of revealing too much ab
out himlf.
- She wore her heart on her sleeve, and her emotions often got the best of her.
- He had a melancholic air about him, and it was clear that he was haunted by some past hurt.
- She was exuberant, with a zest for life that was infectious.英汉互译在线
- He was stoic and unflappable, even in the face of adversity.
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” — Winston S. Churchill(成功不是终点,失败不是致命的。重要的是你有勇气继续前进。——温斯顿·丘吉尔)