Step 1: PREHEAT 预热
Preheat oven to 180°C conventional or 160°C fan-forced. 将烤箱预热至180摄氏度(传统烤箱)或160摄氏度(通风烤箱)。
Line a 12 x 1/3 cup capacity standard muffin tray with cupcake cas. 将纸杯蛋糕纸托放入12个能承托其1/3容量的马芬蛋糕托盘中。(因毛毛家的蛋糕托盘太小,此处直接将纸杯放入烤盘了!)
Step 2: MIX 混合
Place the cupcake mix, eggs, milk and soft butter or margarine spread into a small mixing bowl. 将蛋糕粉、鸡蛋、牛奶以及软黄油或人造黄油放入一个小号容器中。
Using an electric mixer beat on low speed for 30 conds to combine. 使用电搅拌器以低速搅拌30秒。
hakaIncrea speed to medium and mix for 2 minutes, scraping down sides of bowl occasionally. 提速至中速再搅拌2分钟,时而刮拌底部粉液。
Spoon cupcake mixture into prepared muffin tray (approx 1/2 to 3/4 full). 将蛋糕粉液盛入预先准备好的蛋糕托中(大约1/2至3/4满)。
the creeps
Step 3: BAKE 烘焙
Bake for 20 - 25 minutes+ or until a skewer inrted into the centre comes out clean. 烘焙20-25分钟(此处有注释)或直到用细物插入中间部位不会粘连。
Stand for 5 minutes in muffin tray before placing cupcakes onto a wire rack to cool. 到时间后在蛋糕托中置放5分钟后再置于晾架上。
africanStep 4: ICE 装裱
Place frosting mix, soft butter or margarine spread and milk into a small mixing bowl. 将糖霜粉、软黄油或人造黄油以及牛奶放入一个小号容器中。
Using an electric mixer beat on low speed for 30 conds to combine. 使用电搅拌器以低速搅拌30秒。
Increa speed to high and mix for 3 minutes, scraping down sides of bowl occasionally. 提速至高速再搅拌3分钟,时而刮拌底部粉液。
Spread frosting over cooled cupcakes. 将糖霜抹至晾冰的蛋糕上。
+Time may vary depending on oven. 注:烘焙时间根据烤箱不同会有不同。citation
Prepare mixture as directed, adding finely grated zest of one lemon to the dry mix before mixing and bake as directed. 如上述准备蛋糕粉等材料,并加入一只磨碎的柠檬皮茸,同置于容器混合,并如上述进行烘焙。
Let cupcakes cool completely. 待蛋糕完全晾凉。
Prepare frosting as directed. 如上述准备糖霜等材料。
Add 1 tsp of lemon juice and 60mL (3 Tbsp) of strawberry conrve/jam and beat again for 30 conds on high just to combine. 加1茶匙柠檬汁和60毫升(3汤匙)草莓果酱并再次以高速搅拌30秒。
Spread frosting over cupcakes, creating a small well in the centre of the frosting. 将糖霜抹至蛋糕上,在糖霜顶部中心挖一个小洞。
Decorate by spooning 1/2 tsp of jam into each well.