Moral education in mainland China today: A bio-ecological systems analysis
jun jin期刊名称: Journal of Moral Education
flavoring作者: Chao Yang
newsouthwales年份: 2021年
期号: 第2期
关键词: bio-ecological systems theory;moral education;mainland China
james marsters>pubmedcentral摘要:It is widely acknowledged that China is much wealthier than ever before. However, many have witnesd rising cas of moral disorders and the inefficiency of school-bad moral education. As one of the most widely known theoretical frameworks in the social sciences, Bronfenbrenner's bio-ecological systems theory of human development can provide an insightful perspective in identifying the root caus of the problem. Bad on the theory, this article argues that the longstanding trend of: (1) overstressing school-bad values education and moral agency; (2) neglecting the impact of contex
tual factors; and (3) ignoring the significance of proximal process that mediate the individual and contexts, have been leading to the unsuccessful problem-solving efforts in China. Moral education in China, therefore, should stress i love you just the way you are
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