更新时间:2023-07-25 06:07:27 阅读: 评论:0

It happens to me often. I read newspaper articles about violent crimes, e the ravages(劫掠后的残迹) of inhumanity(残暴) on the evening news, and hear sound-bites(新闻采访的)原声摘要播出 on the radio describing cruelty(残忍) and intolerance(偏狭). It becomes difficult, sometimes impossible, for me to push from my consciousness thoughts about the danger and the hostility(敌意) of the world in which we live. I worry, particularly, about the effects on our children of our own society, a society that is less safe and less hospitable(环境)舒适的 than the one I experienced as a child growing up during the 1950’s and 1960’s
In many school districts throughout the country, there is already compelling(引人注目的) evidence that adolescents have been affected negatively by changing social conditions, including by what many Americans believe to be a decline(衰落) of basic human values. Parents and teachers must contend(争论) often with disturbing levels of adolescent aggression(攻击性), profanity(脏话,侮辱), and disrespect(失礼). W
e are fortunate that most students at New Fairfield High School are respectfuldesignation(恭敬的,有礼貌的), considerate(体谅的), and tolerant of differences among their peers. I am proud of the majority of our students’ behavior and, generally, plead with the social climate(气氛) of our school. There are, however, some students at our school who display antagonistic(敌对的,反对的) attitudes and behave inappropriately. Some students are innsitive堪萨斯州立(冷漠无情的)汽车日常保养常识 and unkind to their classmates, discourteous (粗鲁的)南京室内设计培训to adults, and quick to express their anger by raising their voices or by using profanity.
It is the responsibility of parents to teach their children to be polite, courteous(谦恭的), and forbearing(宽容的). It is one of their most fundamental(基本的) responsibilities to impart(传授)机械工程及自动化专业就业前景 to their children the values of integrity(正直,廉正,诚实), decency葡萄英语怎么读(庄重,正派,合乎礼仪) and respect for others. Teachers and school administrators should never become, however, ethical(道德的)vote bystanders(旁观者). If we wish to realize our school district’s philosophy(哲学,哲理,人生观) not only to educate our students but also to encourage them to accept the innate(内在的,固有
的,与生俱来的) worth of every human being, we must not surrender the ideal of maintaining a moral community at New Fairfield High School, where all people have an obligation(职责,义务) to be polite and tolerant of individual differences.
Some individuals believe that school personnel(工作人员) should not interfere with(干涉,干扰) the behavior of students unless it is directly related to learning or affects the safety of individuals who are inside the school building or somewhere on campus. Not long ago I disciplined(训导) a student for using an extremely offensive(冒犯的,无理的) profanity in addressing another student in the main lobby(大厅,休息室,会客室) of the school. When I described the incident to the student’s parent, I was told by the parent that the student’s choice of words did not hurt anyone, and that I was too strict and had to change with times. The conviction(定罪,确信) of the parent was that I should be busy doing more important things rather than finding fault with an adolescent’s vocabulary.
The parent’s respon disappointed me, but I was equally disturbed by the reaction of a f
riend to whom I recounted(叙述,重算) the incident. In esnce(本质上,其实,大体上), his respon was, “What can you do? You can’t teach values anymore.” I recognize that there is pervasive(普遍的,到处渗透的,流行的) concern among parents that their prerogatives(特权,特权的) to rai their children and to teach them proper values are sometimes interfered with by people outside the family or by other outside influences. I understand this concern. It is neither educators’ responsibility nor their right, for example, to promote among students political ideology or religious principles. But good teachers and administrators do teach values, not personal, private values but common values of courtesy, mutual(共同的,相互的,彼此的) respect, persistence, responsibility, and lf-reliance(自力更生)垃圾桶 英文. Ideally(理想的,观念上的), competent educators mjpaffirm(断言,肯定,确认) socially responsible values taught at home. They should demand appropriate vocabulary and good manners. They should remind students to say “plea” and “thank you” and remind them not to interrupt when others are speaking. It is very much the responsibility to promote New Fairfield’s traditions of proper behavior and good sportsmanship(运动员精
神,运动道德). As a principal(作为原则), I expect to be judged by the moral and ethical climate of our school. All the academic improvements of New Fairfield High School notwithstanding(虽然,尽管,仍然), I would never consider mylf a successful educator unless our students graduated not only as successful learners but also as ladies and gentlemen.
(691 words)

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