·v. ['sɪŋgl] ( singles; singled; singling )
·vt. 挑选 lect from others for special attention, etc
∙single appropriately 合适地挑选英语读音器
∙single arbitrarily 任意地挑选
∙remainsingle critically 挑剔地挑选
∙single definitely 肯定地挑选
∙single deliberately 深思熟虑地挑选
游乐场英文∙mean是什么意思single discreetly 慎重地挑选
∙single dispassionately 不带偏见地选出
∙single emotionally 情绪激动地挑选
∙single fastidiously 过分讲究地挑选
∙元旦的由来single finally 最后地挑选
∙single impudently 厚颜无耻地选出
∙single inevitably 不可避免地挑选
and i will always love you
∙single injudiciously 不明智地挑选
∙pudong airportsingle instinctively 本能地挑选
∙single invariably 不变地挑选
∙single irrelevantly 不相关地挑选
∙single logically 按逻辑推理地挑选
∙single mistakenly 错误地挑选
∙single morally 道义地挑选
∙single nonnsically 无意义地挑选
∙single precily 精确地挑选
∙single promiscuously 不加区分地挑选
∙single prudently 慎重地挑选
∙single resolutely 果断地挑选
∙single righteously 正直地挑选
∙single ruthlessly 无情地选出
∙single scrupulously 认真地挑选
∙single nsibly 合理地挑选
∙single shrewdly 明智地挑选
∙single speedily 快速地挑选
∙single sympathetically 同情地挑选
∙single tactfully 机敏地挑选
∙single tastefully 趣味高雅地挑选
∙single ultimately 最后地挑选
∙single unaccountably 不可理解地挑选
∙single unanimously 一致挑选
∙single universally 筛选
∙single out 挑出
single out(v.+adv.)
挑出 lect from others for special attention, etc.
▲single sb/sth⇔out
They were all to blame, why single him out for punishment?他们全都应该受到责备,为什么单单挑出他来受惩罚?
Why have you singled this out for criticism?你为什么单挑这件事批评?
He singled out in human nature the ugly elements to mock at.他挑选了人性中的丑恶成分来加以嘲讽。
◇ 用于be ~ed 结构
Three other people were singled out for special prai.另外三人被挑选出来给予特别表扬。
He was singled out to succeed his uncle.他被选出来继承他叔叔的产业。
single, choo, collect, elect, pick, lect
[误] Why have you singled me up for criticism?
[正] Why have you singled me out for criticism?
[析] single out 是短语动词,作“挑出,选出”解,其中副词 out 不能由 up 替代。
·n. ['sɪŋgl] ( singles )
·C 单程票 a single ticket
·U 单打 s single run
They quoted 756 dollars for the single New York—London fare.他们对纽约到伦敦的单程机票开价是756美元。
Two-cond class singles to Leeds, plea.请来两张到利兹的二等车厢单程票。
He bore off the first prize in the men's singles.他获得男子单打冠军。
The men's singles at Beijing last year were exciting.去年北京网球锦标赛男子单打打得真精彩。
One £5 note and the other £5 in singles, plea.请给我一张5英镑和五张一英镑的钞票。
Evenings bring couples and singles for concert.夜晚引得成双成对和单身的男女去听音乐会。
·adj. ['sɪŋgl]