in a hurry=hurriedly 匆忙地
in all riousness=riously 严肃地;庄重地买衬衫
in all sincerity=sincerely 非常真诚地;衷心地
in anger=angrily 生气地,愤怒地
in amazement=amazingly 令人惊讶地;惊奇地
in comfort=comfortably舒服地,安乐地
in depth=deeply 深刻地;全面地
in disappointment=disappointedly 失望地
in embarrassment= embarrasdly尴尬地;难堪地
小型企业会计制度 in evidence=evidently明显地
in excitement=excitedly 激动地,兴奋地
in faith=faithfully 确实、如实地
in fashion=fashionably 赶时髦地,流行
in full=fully 完全地;全部地
in general=generally一般说来
in grammar=grammatically在语法上
in haste=hastily 匆忙的
in joke=jokingly 开玩笑地;打趣地
in open=openly 公然地;公开地;坦率地
in order=orderly按顺序
in pain=painfully 痛苦地
in part=partly 部分地
in particular=particularly 尤其,特别
in peace=peacefully 宁静地,安祥地,爱好和平地,喜安静地
in play=playfully开玩笑地
聚苯乙烯是什么 in plenty=plentifully大量地;丰富地
in poverty=poorly 贫困;处于贫困当中
in practice=practically实际上
in private=privately 私下地,秘密地
in public=publicly公开地
韩剧排行榜2013 in reality=really 事实上,实际上
in reason=reasonably有道理地
in safety=safely 安全地
in cret=cretly 秘密地;私下地
in curity=curely 安全地;安心地
in silence=silently 沉默地,寂静地
in(with)surpri=surpridly 惊奇地
in terror=terribly 可怕地;极度地
in theory=theoretically 理论上
in time=timely及时地
in truth=truthfully事实上
in vain=vainly徒劳地
in wonder=wonderfully 惊人地,惊讶地
with care=carefully小心地
with cheerfulness=cheerfully高高兴兴地
with confidence=confidently有信心地
with delight=delightedly=delightfully 高兴地,欣喜地
with disappointment=disappointedly 失望地
with eagerness=eagerly 急切地
with ea=easily 容易地,不费力地
with elegance=elegantly 优雅地,优美地
with embarrassment=embarrassingly 使人尴尬地;令人难堪地
with generosity=generously 慷慨地,大方地
with gratefulness=gratefully感激地
with interest=interestingly 有趣地
with kindness=kindly 温和地,亲切地
with patience=patiently 耐心地
with pleasure= pleasurably 高兴地
with pride=proudly 傲慢地,自大地
with respect=respectfully 尊敬地
with satisfaction=satisfactorily 满意地
with wisdom=wily 聪明地,精明地
by accident=accidentally偶然地,意外地
by luck=luckily 幸运地
by mistake=mistakenly 错误地
by diligence=diligently 勤奋地
by stealth=stealthily 偷偷地
by any possibility=possibly 万一;可能
by nature=naturally 天生地;自然地
by definition=definitely 明确地,明显地,确切地
for certain=certainly 肯定地,确凿地
for sure=surely 毫无疑问地;当然
for free=freely 免费地
for long=long 长久
for now=now目前
for shame=shamefully 不体面地;可耻地
for the prent=prently 目前
中医按摩培训on occasion=occasionally偶尔;偶然
on purpo=purpoly/purpofully 故意地;蓄意地
on the contrary=contrarily 相反地;反之
on the increa=increasingly 渐增地;越来越多地
at first=firstly 首先;第一
at last=lastly 最后;终于
at prent=prently 目前
at random=randomly 随便地,任意地;无目的地,胡乱地
at will=willingly 愿意地,乐意地
within reason=reasonably 适度地;合理地;相当地
within the law=lawfully 守法地;合法地
without question=unquestionably 无可非议地;确凿地
without doubt=undoubtedly 确实地,无庸置疑地
without stop=unstoppably 不停地
without cea=cealessly 不停地;不断地
without end=endlessly 无穷尽地;不断地
without a word=wordlessly 一声不响地quintus怎么读
without limit=limitlessly 无限制地
9、out of 舞出我人生2片尾曲
out of politeness=politely 出于礼貌,有礼貌地
out of breath=breathlessly 气喘地
out of control=uncontrollably 控制不住地
out of fashion=unfashionably不时髦地
out of luck=unluckily 不幸地;偏巧;倒霉地
out of order=disorderly 杂乱地,无秩序地