SALT FOG TEST OF SAM2X5 on steel stainless

更新时间:2023-07-24 03:39:55 阅读: 评论:0

L.F.Aprigliano,R.B.Rebak,J-S.Choi,T.Lian, S.D.Day
Materials Science and Technology2007Conference,
Detroit,MI,United States最有效的英语学习方法
September16,2007through September20,2007
This document was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor the University of California nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or ufulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclod, or reprents that its u would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or rvice by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwi, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorment, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or the University of California. The views and opinions of authors expresd herein do not necessarily state or reflect tho of the United States Government or the University of California, and shall not be ud for advertising or product endorment purpos.
Louis F. Aprigliano
Strategic Analysis, Inc.
Raul B. Rebak
Jor-Shan Choi
Tiangan Lian
Sumner D. Day
i arched for you
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
A salt fog test of an iron-bad amorphous metal, SAM2X5, coated Type 316L stainless steel (SS316L) cylinder was made.  The cylinder was 30” diameter by 88” long, and 3/8” thick.  One end was welded shut with a SS316L end cap before coating.  The body of the cylinder and the end cap were both coated.  The cylinder was coated with SAM2X5 by the HVOF thermal spray process. The coating thickness was 0.015” to 0.019” thick. The cylinder was tested in a horizontal position.  Also included in the test for reference purpos were five coupons (2” x 2” x 1/8”) of uncoated Type 1018 carbon steel (1018CS).  The test ud an abbreviated form of GM 9540P.  Each cycle was 6 hours in duration and the cylinder and reference samples were expod to a total of eight cycles.  The cylinder was in relatively good condition after the test.  Along the body of the cylinder only two pinpoint spot sized signs of rust were en.  The 1018CS reference specimens were extensively rusted.
Iron bad amorphous metal coatings have been developed in a program sponsored by the Defen Advanced Projects Agency (DARPA) and the Department of Energy.  The program has been managed by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL).  The coatings when fully amorphous have been found to be resistant to salt fog corrosion.  If they are partially amorphous they contain alpha ferrite, which is easily corroded in a salt fog environment.  One of the coatings, SAM2X5, is being evaluated on large stainless steel cylinders.  The quality of the coating is being evaluated by veral means, including salt fog testing.
新概念英语视频下载A SS316L stainless steel cylinder 30” dia. X 88” long, and 3/8” thick has been coated with SAM2X5, an iron bad amorphous metal coating.  The compositions of SAM2X5 and SS316L alloys are given in Table 1.  One end was welded shut with a SS316L end cap before coating.  The body of the cylinder and the end cap were both coated.  There were no intentionally un-
coated areas on the finished cylinder.  The high velocity oxy-fuel thermal (HVOF) spray process was ud to apply the coating. The coating was applied to a thickness of 0.015 to 0.019” thick.  The cylin
der was tested in the horizontal position, as shown in Figure 1.  Other images of the cylinder in the as-received condition are given in Figures 2.  Also included in the test for reference purpos were five coupons (2” x 2” x 1/8”) of uncoated Type 1018 carbon steel. Photographs of the reference specimens in the as-received condition can be en in Figure 3.  The salt fog test ud an abbreviated form (Table 3) of the GM 9540P test cycle1 (Table 4). The full GM cycle is 24 hours long.  The abbreviated cycle is 6 hours long and has been found to be adequate in revealing any areas of alpha ferrite in the coating.  The cylinder and reference samples were expod to a total of eight cycles.
Photographs of the cylinder at the end of the test are shown in Figure 4.  The cylinder was in relatively good condition after the test.  Along the body of the cylinder only two pinpoint spot sized signs of rust were en. The can be en in Figures 4e and 4f.  There was also some rust that developed during the test on the end cap that appears to be related to the welds.  This can be en in Figures 4c and 4d.  The 1018CS reference specimens were extensively rusted, as expected.  Clo-up photos of the reference specimens at the end of the test are shown in Figure 5.
A large Type 316L stainless steel cylinder has been coated with an iron-bad amorphous metal coating – SAM2X5.  A salt fog test has been performed to show that the coating has remained predominately amorphous and has displayed good corrosion resistance. REFERENCES
1. “Accelerated Corrosion Test”, General Motors Engineering Standard GM9540P, Dec. 1997.
This work was performed under the auspices of the U. S. Department of Energy by University of California, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract W-7405-Eng-48.
Table 1 - Alloy and Coating Nominal Compositions
Alloy Designation HPCRM英语日记带翻译
Nominal Compositions in Weight Percent悉尼大学世界排名
SS316L SS316L    C – 0.03, Mn - 2.00, Si – 1.00, Cr – 16.0 to 18.0,
Ni -10.0 to 14.0, Mo 2.0 to 3.0, Fe – balance
SAM2X5  SAM2X5 Cr – 18.5, Mn – 2.0, Mo – 14.0, W – 5.8, B – 3.2, C – 1.0,
Si – 1.3, Fe – balance
1018 Carbon Steel None    C – 0.14 to 0.2, Mn - 0.6 to 0.9, P – 0.04 max., S – 0.05 max.,  Fe - balance
Table 2 - Summary 2” x 2” x 1/8” Reference Samples
Coating:  Substrate: Sample Type Sample ID: Uncoated  1018 Carbon Steel Reference sample A25
Uncoated  1018 Carbon Steel Reference sample A26
Uncoated  1018 Carbon Steel Reference sample A27
Uncoated  1018 Carbon Steel Reference sample A28
Uncoated  1018 Carbon Steel Reference sample A29
Table 3 - Abbreviated GM Salt Fog Test Cycle  Cycle Segment Elapd Time Event
Soaking with Salt Solution    2 minutes Soak samples with a salt solution
mist* for 2 minutes at ambient
temperature: 13 – 28o C (55 - 82o F).
High Humidity Exposure    4 hours Expo samples to 100% relative
humidity at 49 ±0.5o C (120 ±1o F),
including a 55 minute ramp to wet
Sample Drying    1 hours and 58 minutes Heat sample to 60 ±0.5o C (140 ±1o F)
and reduce humidity to 30% or less.
watchdog是什么意思Hold until dry and then reduce
temperature to ambient conditions.
Repeat Cycle
•    A distilled water solution of 0.9% sodium chloride, 0.1% calcium chloride, and 0.25% sodium bicarbonate will be ud for the salt solution mist.

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