6 to 18 GHz 1 W Power Amplifier in SMT Package
Data Sheet
• 5 x 5 mm Surface Mount Package • Wide frequency range 6- 8 GHz • Highly linear: OIP3 = 38 dBm • Integrated RF power detector
• ESD protection (50 V MM, and 250 V HBM)•
Input port partially matched
(For narrowband applications, customer may obtain optimum matching and gain with an additional matching circuit.)
Specifications (Vd = 5 V, Idsq = 650 mA)
• Frequency range 6 to 8 GHz • Small signal gain of 8 dB
• Return loss: input: -3 dB, Output: -9 dB •
High Power: @ 8 GHz, P- dB = 29 dBm
• Microwave radio systems
• Satellite VSAT, DBS Up/Down Link • LMDS & Pt-Pt mmW Long Haul
Broadband wireless access (including 802. 6 and 802.20 WiMax)
• WLL and MMDS loops • Commercial grade military
Attention: Obrve precautions for handling electrostatic nsitive devices.ESD Machine Model (Class A)
ESD Human Body Model (Class A)
Refer to Avago Technologies Application Note A004R: Electrostatic Discharge, Damage and Control.
Note: This MMIC us depletion mode pHEMT devices. Negative supply is ud for the DC gate biasing.
The AMMP-6408 MMIC is a broadband W power amplifier in a surface mount package designed for u in transmitters that operate in various frequency bands between 6 GHz and 8 GHz. At 8 GHz, it provides 29 dBm of output power (P- dB) and 20 dB of small-signal gain from a small easy-to-u device. This MMIC optimized for linear operation with an output third order intercept point (OIP3) of 38 dBm.
Pin Connections (Top View)
PIN 12345678
FUNCTION Vgg Vdd DET_O RF_out DER_R Vdd Vgg RF_in
Absolute Maximum Ratings [1]
Symbol Parameters [1]
Units Value Notes V d Positive Supply Voltage V 6
note 2
V g Gate Supply Voltage V -3 to 0.5I d Drain Current mA 900P D Power Dissipation W 4.6note 2,3P in
CW Input Power
dBm 23note 2T ch, max Maximum Operating Channel Temperature °C + 55
note 4,5
T stg Storage Ca Temperature
°C -65 to + 55T max
Maximum Asmbly Temp (20 c. max.)
. Operation in excess of any one of the conditions may result in permanent damage to this device.2. Combinations of supply voltage, drain current, input power, and output power shall not exceed PD.
3. When operating at this condition with a ba plate temperature of 85°C, the median time to failure (MTTF) is significantly reduced.
4. The ratings apply to each individual FET.
5. Junction operating temperature will directly affect the device MTTF. For maximum life, it is recommended that junction temperatures be maintained at the lowest possible levels.
DC Specifications/Physical Properties
Symbol Parameters and Test Conditions
Units Value I d Drain Supply Current (V d = 5 V, V g t for I d Typical)mA 650V g Gate Supply Operating Voltage (I d(Q) = 650 (mA))V - . R q jc Thermal Resistance [6] (Channel-to-Ba Plate)°C/W 20T ch
Channel Temperature
Symbol Parameters and Test Conditions Units Minimum Typical Maximum Freq.Operational Frequency GHz 6
Gain Small-Signal Gain S2 [3,4]
dB 7.5 (@ Freq = 8 GHz) 5.5 (@ Freq = 7 GHz) 8P - dB Output Power at dB Gain Compression [2]
dBm 28 (@ Freq = 8 GHz) 27 (@ Freq = 7 GHz)
28.5P -3dB Output Power at 3 dB Gain Compression [3]dBm 29.5OIP 3Third Order Intercept Point; ∆f = 00 MHz; Pin = -20 dBm dBm 38RLin Input Return Loss [2]dB 3RLout Output Return Loss dB 9Isolation
Rever Isolation
. Small/large-signal data measured in packaged form on a 2.4 mm connecter bad evaluation board at T A = 25°C.
2. This final package part performance is verified by a functional test correlated to actual performance at one or more frequencies.
3. Specifications are derived from measurements in a 50 Ω test environment. Aspects of the amplifier performance may be improved over a narrower bandwidth by application of additional conjugate, linearity, or power matching.
4. Preasmbly into package performance verified 00% on-wafer published specifications at frequencies = 7, 2, and 7 GHz.
RF Specifications [1,2,3,4]
T A = 25°C, V d = 5 V, Id (Q) = 650 mA, Z o = 50 Ω
6. Assume SnPb soldering to an evaluation RF board at 80°C ba plate temperatures. Worst ca for the channel temperature is under the quiescent operation. At saturated output power, DC power consumption ris to 4.26 W with . 4 W RF power delivered to load. Power
dissipation is 3. W and the temperature ri in the channel is 68.4°C. In this condition, the ba plate temperature must be remained below 86.6°C to maintain maximum operating channel temperature below 55°C.
Typical Performances
(Data Obtained from 3.5-mm Connector Bad Test Fixture, and This Data is Including Connecter Loss, and Board Loss.)
(T A = 25°C, V d = 5 V, I D = 650 mA, Z in = Z out = 50 Ω)
Figure 6. Typical IM3 level vs. frequency at +20 dBm output single carrier level (SCL)
Figure 5. Typical output power, PAE, and total drain current versus input power at 8 GHz Figure 4. Typical noi figure
Figure 3. Typical output power (@P-1, P-3) and PAE and frequency Figure 2. Typical return loss (input and output)
Figure 1. Typical gain and rever isolation
S 21 (d B )
S 12 (
d B )
R E T U R N L O S S (d B )
FREQUENCY (GHz)P -1 (d B m ), P -3 (d B m ), P A E (%)
(d B )
Pin (dBm)
P o (d B m ) a n d P A E (%)
I d s (m A )
FREQUENCY (GHz)四级成绩多少分算合格
I M 3 L E V E L (d B c )
Figure 12. Typical IM3 level and Ids vs. single carrier output level at 18 GHz
Figure 11. Typical IM3 level and Ids vs. single carrier output level at 16 GHz Figure 10. Typical IM3 level and Ids vs. single carrier output level at 14 GHz
Figure 9. Typical IM3 level and Ids vs. single carrier output level at 12 GHz Figure 8. Typical IM3 level and Ids vs. single carrier output level at 8 GHz
Figure 7. Typical IM3 level and Ids vs. single carrier output level at 6 GHz 0-10-20-30-40-50-60-70-8
SCL (dBm)I M 3 (d B c )
I d s (m A )900850800
I M 3 (d B c
SCL (dBm)
I d s (m A )900850800
SCL (dBm)I M 3 (d B c )
I d s (m A )900850800
SCL (dBm)
I M 3 (d B c )
I d s (m A )900850800750700650600550500
I M 3 (d B c )
SCL (dBm)I d s (m A )900850800
SCL (dBm)
I M 3 (d B c )
I d s (m A )900850800750700650600550500
Figure 16. Typical P-1 over temperature
Figure 15. Typical S22 over temperature Figure 14. Typical gain over temperature
Figure 13. Typical S11 over temperature
FREQUENCY (GHz)S 11 (d B )
S 21 (d B )
FREQUENCY (GHz)S 22 (d B )
P -1 (d B m )
Typical Scattering Parameters [1], (T A = 25°C, Vd =5 V, I D = 650 mA, Z in = Z out = 50 W)
Freq S11S21S12S22 [GHz]dB Mag Pha dB Mag Pha dB Mag Pha dB Mag Pha 6-3.830.64-7.3618.468.37-45.38-49.36 3.41E-0359.85-9.890.32-112.35 7-4.330.61-37.5922.0612.67-160.68-47.90 4.03E-03-10.90-24.540.06-97.72 8-4.350.61-57.2521.8212.33105.82-55.02 1.78E-03-87.02-12.590.23-116.00 9-2.870.72-67.8020.5710.6730.27-58.31 1.21E-03155.08-11.660.26-123.36 10-2.180.78-81.9719.459.38-34.10-56.32 1.53E-0387.15-9.470.34-111.81 11-1.880.81-99.6619.289.21-91.39-50.78 2.89E-0336.92-8.100.39-107.66 12-2.850.72-125.2620.2410.27-154.70-48.77 3.64E-03 5.73-8.110.39-96.60 13-5.020.56-151.0420.4110.49130.30-45.72 5.17E-03-42.89-5.740.52-95.19 14-6.380.48-177.1919.289.2056.72-45.56 5.27E-03-90.74-5.640.52-116.87 15-6.790.46167.2918.748.65-8.92-46.62 4.67E-03-134.99-6.020.50-158.25 16-8.640.37129.4219.078.98-83.27-47.25 4.34E-03-179.47-8.440.38163.63 17-14.400.1934.5219.999.99-174.68-45.92 5.06E-0331.89-12.650.23142.26 18-4.820.57-87.8418.067.9961.47-42.497.50E-03-86.04-12.880.23-156.34 19-3.860.64-142.349.17 2.88-58.13-50.94 2.84E-03-115.71-5.420.54127.81 20-19.840.10171.38-6.420.48-160.84-39.18 1.10E-02-92.64-6.150.49-6.31 21-4.510.60-70.79-16.880.14-164.95-42.227.74E-03-168.17-2.480.75-89.99 22-1.760.82-104.56-24.200.06137.84-64.23 6.15E-04172.50-1.130.88-122.31 23-1.300.86-129.94-33.630.0269.70-46.41 4.78E-03-96.28-1.280.86-144.94 24-1.040.89-159.31-42.070.01-90.70-41.898.05E-03-130.89-1.010.89-164.03 25-0.570.94176.91-50.130.00109.52-50.58 2.96E-03122.0
4-0.820.91173.03 26-0.120.99158.94-44.390.01-58.10-41.208.71E-03-50.18-0.330.96155.22
. Data obtained from an ICM test fixture with TRL calibration. Reference planes were defined at RF I/O on the package.