General Notes:
lotno1. The ARS ries consists of continuously variable attenuators utilizing compensated Bridged Tee Networks to vary signal power.The constant impedance, very broadband attenuators are designed to cover frequencies from DC to 400 MHz.
2. Similar units are available with analog electronic control of attenuation in the AFF and AEF ries and digital control in the AD ries.Further varieties are also available in the ARC ries including a 75 Ω model for baband communications systems
瑞雪兆丰年英语3. For special requirements, Merrimac can supply units with special characteristics such as the long shaft version, ARS-1A, which was developed for requirements using a knob.only if
4. The ARS ries can be supplied screened for high reliability to meet specific military and space applications.
Attenuation Inrtion CW Weight,weh
Model Mechanical Range,Bandwidth,
Range,Loss,VSWR,Power,oz. (g),Number
Configuration MHz
dB, Min.
dB, Max.compor
raphieMax.W, Max.Nom.
ARS-1 Side Screw Drive/ DC - 400 DC - 50 0 - 20 1.0 1.5:1 0.5 0.7 (20)
PC Plug-In DC - 200 0 - 13 1.5 1.8:1barack obama
DC - 400 0 - 8 2.5 2.2:1ARS-2 Top Screw Drive/ DC - 400 DC - 50 0 - 20 1.0 1.5:1 0.5 1 (28)
PC Plug-In DC - 200 0 - 13 1.5 1.8:1
DC - 400 0 - 8 2.5 2.2:1
Retability (Granularity):
0.2 dB Impedance:
50 Ω nom.Operating Temperature:
-- 55° to +85°C