areyouriousGaAs MMIC Receiver - NEW
General Description MSRX-1823June 2005 - Rev 01-Jun-05
Tel: 281.988.4600 Fax: 281.988.4615
Characteristic Data and Specifications are subject to change without notice. Ð2005 Mimix Broadband, Inc.Export of this item may require appropriate export licensing from the U.S. Government. In purchasing the parts, U.S. Domestic customers accept their obligation to be compliant with U.S. Export Laws.
Specifications Parameter
儿童节 英文RF Frequency
2019高校河北录取位次LO Frequency (x2)
IF Frequency
RF Input Return Loss
幼师培训班Input P1dB
Conversion Gain
Image Reject
Noi Figure
占领华尔街 英文
prentdayLO power level
(x2) LO Isolation @RF port
V Supply
I Supply
RF Interface
LO Interface
IF Interface 23 GHz 21.2 - 23.69.25 - 10.9 (USB)< -15> -1726 (USB)< -18 (USB)3.2 (USB)< -501.8 - 2.7-2 - +2+8350WR42SMA (f)SMA (f)
The MSRX-1823 is a low cost, highly integrated MMIC-bad receiver, suitable for u in the 18 GHz and 23 GHz microwave radio bands. The receiver design is bad on one MMIC chip from Mi
mix Broadband, the XR1006 receiver. Features in the MMIC are low noi, sub-harmonic mixing, image rejection, and LO buffering. Typical performance of the module includes < 3.5 dB noi figure, >15 dB image rejection, 26 dB conversion gain, and 15 dB RF return loss. The module's RF interface is a standard WR-42 flange, with LO input and IF output connections made using SMA connectors. A 90º hybrid coupler combines the quadrature IF outputs from the MMIC to achieve image rejection, followed by a non-reflective RF switch. The upper and lower sideband can be lected easily using a RF switch and a single control voltage, followed by an IF amplifier. The module accepts a single +8V supply with 0 / 5 V band lection control voltage.
Block Diagram
电影的英文7.5 - 11.5 GHz Unit GHz GHz GHz dB dBm dB dB dB dBm dBc V mA 18 GHz 17.7 - 19.77.5-8.95 (USB)9.75-11.2 (LSB)< -15> -1726 (LSB)26 (USB)< -15 (LSB)< -27 (USB)3.5 (LSB)3.5 (USB)< -50the datasheet on the MSTX-1823.