英文励志小短文 篇1
appletviewer Not until you realize that life itlf is a beautiful thing will you really start to live. Although living combines tragedy with splendor, life is beautiful and even tragedies reflect something engaging. If you were simply to live, do more than that; live beautifully.
Through the a of darkness, hope is the light that brings us comfort, faith, and reassurance. It guides our way if we are lost and gives us a foothold on our fears. The moment we lo hope is the moment we surrender our will to live. We live in a world that is disintegrating into a vicious hatred, where hope is needed more than ever but cannot be discerned. Finding that is rare while the world lives in fear, but the belief in something better, something bigger than this, is what keeps life worth living.机械翻译
stone是什么意思>想象力英文 在潮水般的黑暗之中,希望是光。它带来舒适、信仰和信心。它在我们迷失时给予指引,
常和 Then you hear a baby speaking her first word, you e niors holding hands, you feel the first spring rain, or smell the pine tree at Christmas, and remember that no matter how awful it is, there is always hope. No matter how weak we are, we will always survive.
英文励志小短文 篇2
"Always remember that your prent situation is not your final destination. The best is yet to come." - Unknown
If your life isn't where you want it to be, change it. It's what successful people have done for thousands of years. You may currently be struggling and frustrated with your life but it's not going to stay like this forever, that is, unless you don't do anything to change it.
The best time of your life may still be ahead of you but it won't just magically show up, you have to create it. It's in your power to create whatever future you want for your life. Even if your best days are truly behind you, you can still have plenty of great days ahead of you if you decide to make it so.
浙江传媒学院怎么样 最好的生活仍在前方等着你,但它不会无缘无故出现,需要你亲手去创造。你拥有那种力量去创造自己未来想要的生活,即使最好的日子已经过去,但只要你下定决心未来仍有很多好日子等着你。
成人高考英语单词 Instead of letting circumstances control and defeat you, u them to push you into action so that you can change your prent situation. Bad times aren't going to last forever but if you want more great times ahead of you instead of just good times, it's time to start doing things that will make that a reality… it's time to work toward your ideal destination.