缪 波
(徐州工业职业技术学院 江苏 徐州 830207107)
关键词: 橡胶并用;氟橡胶;丙烯酸酯橡胶;硅橡胶;乙丙橡胶
Fluorine rubber with rearch and application
Miao Bo
(Xuzhou College of Industry Technology,Jiangsu Xuzhou2014考研时间,830207107)
Abstract:选购汽车 Although fluorine rubber has many excellent performance, but there are also moulded poor liquidity, easy compression deformation, raw rubber vulcanizates processing process performance and the physical properties of the bad coordination is insufficient, in order to improve the performance of fluorine rubber and products at home and abroad, the modification of fluorine rubber and processing done a lot of rearch work. At prent, fluorine rubber modified has two main direction: ① is through the modification, such as main chain fluorine ether rubber, fluorine of silicone rubber development, will ether key introduction fluorubber main chain, incread molecular flexible, make its low temperature performance greatly improved while retaining the original fluorine rubber characteristics, but due to development and production cost is exo
2016年11月26日rbitant, greatly limits its promotion and applications. ② it is rubber, fluorine rubber and with some general rubber, special rubber and, in order to get more excellent performance, lower-cost materials. This paper is concerned with other fluorine rubber polymer, such as acm rubber, silicon rubber, ethylene-propylene rubber and buna n, PVDF, isoprene rubber and ud to preparation performance fit, low prices of industrial u glue literature review.
Keywords: rubber with, Fluorine rubber; Acm rubber, Silicone rubber; Ethylene-propylene rubber.
目 录
中文日文翻译摘要: 1
Abstract:. 2
前 言 5
supermarket第一章 同类氟橡胶之间的并用 5
1、同类氟橡胶之间的并用研究 5
第二章 与其他橡胶并用研究 6
2、与其他橡胶并用研究 6
2.1与丙烯酸酯橡胶并用的研究 6
2.2与丁腈橡胶并用研究 13
2.3与硅橡胶并用研究 15
2.4与乙丙橡胶并用研究 17
2.5与氯醚橡胶并用研究 20
2.6与聚偏氟乙烯并用研究 21
2.7与异戊橡胶并用研究 22
结束语 23
参考文献 24
致谢 27
前 言