Chapter 03 Differences in Culture
1. (p. 88) In today's world of global communications, rapid transportation and global markets, cultural differences have cead to exist. FALSE
2. (p. 88) Culture is static. FALSE
5. (p. 89) A country is defined as a system of values and norms that are shared among a group of people and that when taken together constitute a design for living. F
6. (p. 89) People who violate folkways are considered to be evil or bad. FALSE
7. (p. 90) Folkways include rituals and symbolic behavior. TRUE
8. (p. 90) The bow that is given by a Japane business executive to another business executive is an example of symbolic behavior. TRUE
9. (p. 90) Mores have much greater significance than folkways. TRUE
10. (p. 91) If a country is characterized as having a single homogenous culture, then its national culture also is homogenous and not a mosaic of subcultures. FALSE
11. (p. 91) The values and norms of a culture are evolutionary. TRUE
12. (p. 92) A society's social structure refers to its basic social organization. TRUE
13. (p. 92) Individualism has led to a high degree of managerial mobility between companies resulting in managers who have good general skills but lack company-specific experience. T 14. (p. 93) The emphasis on individualism in the U.S. may rai the costs of doing business due to its adver impact on managerial stability and cooperation. TRUE
15. (p. 93) The group is the primary unit of organization in Western societies. FALSE
necro16. (p. 93) As demonstrated by Japan, the primacy of the group is always beneficial. FALSE
17. (p. 94) The term social strata refers to the extent to which individuals can move out of the strata into which they were born. F
18. (p. 94) The most rigid system of stratification is a class system. FALSE
19. (p. 94) A caste system is a clod system of stratification in which social position is determined by the family into which the person is born. TRUE
20. (p. 94) A class system is a rigid form of social stratification in which the position a person has by birth cannot be changed through his or her own achievements or luck. FALSE
21. (p. 95) Historically, upward mobility could be achieved in a single generation in Britain. F
22. (p. 95) China's communist rule strengthened class divisions. TRUE
23. (p. 96) An antagonistic relationship between management and labor class may result in higher costs of production. TRUE
24. (p. 96) Confucianism can be accurately characterized as a religion. FALSE
25. (p. 96) Christiani ty is nonexistent in Africa. FALSE
26. (p. 98) Several sociologists have argued that of the three main branches of Christianity—Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant—the latter has the most important economic implications. T
27. (p. 98) Islam is the largest of the world's major religions. FALSE
rver error28. (p. 99) Islam has roots in both Judaism and Christianity. TRUE
29. (p. 100) Muslim countries are likely to be receptive to international business as long as tho business behave in a manner that is consistent with Islamic ethics. TRUE
30. (p. 100) The protection of the right to private property is also embedded within Islam. T
31. (p. 102) A mudarabah contract banking method of Islamic banks is similar to a profit-sharing scheme. TRUE
32. (p. 102) Like Christianity and Islam, Hinduism's founding is also linked to a particular person and it has an officially sanctioned sacred book. FALSE
33. (p. 104) Hindus perceive the pursuit of material well-being as making the attainment of nirvana easier. FALSE
34. (p. 104) Unlike Hinduism, Buddhism does not support the caste system. TRUE
35. (p. 105) Guanxi is an important mechanism for building long-term business relationships and getting business done in China. TRUE
36. (p. 106-107) Since English is often thought of as the global language of business, it is not important for an American business executive to learn foreign languages. FALSE
37. (p. 107) Unspoken language refers to nonverbal communication. TRUE
38. (p. 108) Hofstede's power distance dimension focud on how a society deals with the fact that people are unequal in physical and intellectual capabilities. TRUE
39. (p. 110) Culture is a constant; it does not evolve over time. FALSE
40. (p. 112) Cultural change is unidirectional, with national cultures converging toward some homogenous global entity. FALSE
41. (p. 88) During the 1960s and 1970s, class divisions in _____ raid the cost of doing business there, relative to other European countries.
2014高考数学全国卷A. Great Britain
B. Switzerland
lonely nana
C. Norway
D. Germany
44. (p. 89) The system of values and norms that are shared among a group of people and that when taken together constitute a design for living best defines
A. Society
B. Value systems
C. Principles
D. Culture
45. (p. 89) Social rules and guidelines that prescribe appropriate behavior in particular situations are best described as国王的演讲英文字幕
A. Norms
B. Values
C. Culture
D. Society
46. (p. 89) A group of people who share a common t of values and norms form a
A. Culture
B. Society
C. Country
47. (p. 89) _____ are the routine conventions of everyday life.
A. Folkways
B. Mores
C. Rites
48. (p. 89) _____ are social conventions concerning things such as the appropriate dress code in a particular situation, good social manners, eating with the correct utensils, neighborly behavior and the like. A. Values C. Mores D. Folkways
49. (p. 90) An act, as simple as shaking hands when meeting new people is an example of
A. Values
B. Symbolic behavior
C. Mores
D. Social stratification
50. (p. 90) A Japane executive's ritual of prenting a business card to a foreign business executive is an example of
A. Mores
B. Values
C. Attitudes
D. Folkways
51. (p. 90) Mores are
A. The norms that are en as central to the functioning of a society and its social life
B. The routine conventions of every day life
C. Abstract ideas about what a group believes to be right, good and desirable
D. The social rules and guidelines that prescribe appropriate behavior in particular situations
52. (p. 91) Which of the following statement about values and norms of a culture is not true?
A. The values and norms of a society do not emerge fully formed
B. They are the evolutionary product of a number of factors
考研考试时间表C. They are influenced by social structure and religion
D. They do not influence social structure and religion
53. (p. 92) The social organization of Western society tends to emphasize on
A. A group orientation C. Individual achievement D. Work groups
54. (p. 92) The emphasis on individualism in the U.S. results in all of the following disadvantages except
A. Managers tend to develop good general skills but lack the company-specific experience
B. Difficulty in building teams within an organization to perform collective tasks
C. Executives are not expod to different ways of doing business
D. Difficulty to achieve cooperation both within a company and between companies
56. (p. 93) It has been argued that the success of Japane enterpris in the global economy has been bad partly all of the following except
A. The diffusion of lf-managing work teams
B. The clo cooperation among different functions within Japane companies
C. The high degree of managerial mobility between companies
D. The cooperation between a company and its suppliers on issues such as design, quality control and inventory reduction
57. (p. 94) Which of the following refers to the extent to which individuals can move out of the strata i
nto which they are born?
A. Caste stratification
B. Class system
C. Social mobility
D. Individual potential
58. (p. 94) A _____ is a clod system of stratification in which social position is determined by the family into which a person is born and change in that position is usually not possible during an individual's lifetime.
外教英语口语培训A. Caste system
B. Class system
C. Social system
D. Culture system
59. (p. 94) This is a less rigid form of social stratification in which social mobility is possible.
A. Social system
B. Caste system
C. Cultural system
D. Class system
60. (p. 94) The strata are typically defined on the basis of characteristics such as family background, occupation and income.
A. Demographic strata
B. Economic strata
C. Social strata
D. Cultural strata
61. (p. 94) A class system
A. Is the same as a caste system
B. Is a rigid form of social stratification that does not permit social mobility
C. Allows an individual to change his or her position via personal achievements
D. Is more rigid than the caste system
62. (p. 95) A condition where people tend to perceive themlves in terms of their class background and this shapes their relationships with members of other class is known as
A. Economic classification
B. Social mobility
C. Class mobility
D. Class consciousness
63. (p. 95) _____ has been played out in British society in the traditional hostility
between-upper-middle class managers and their working class employees.
A. Class consciousness
B. Cultural unity
C. Social awareness
D. Category mindfulness
64. (p. 95) In china, class divisions
A. Have historically been of no importance
B. Were strengthened during the high point of communist rule
C. Incread even during reforms of the late 1970s and early 1980s
D. Were weakened becau of a rigid system of houhold registration
65. (p. 95) The emergence of class-consciousness in Great Britain can be attributed toalley
A. The relative lack of class mobility
B. A high degree of social mobility
C. An extreme emphasis on individualism
D. Most of the population perceiving itlf to be middle class
66. (p. 95) Class consciousness
A. Refers to a t of moral principles or values, that are ud to guide and shape behavior
B. Is a condition where people tend to perceive themlves in terms of their class background
C. Is the extent to which individuals can move out of the strata into which they are born
D. Is a clod system of stratification in which social position is determined by the family into which a person is born
67. (p. 96) Which of the following cannot be characterized as a religion?
A. Islam
B. Hinduism
C. Confucianism
D. Buddhism
68. (p. 96) Ethical systems are
A. A t of moral principles or values, that are ud to guide and shape behavior
B. Shared beliefs and rituals that are concerned with the realm of the sacred
C. Routine conventions of everyday life
D. Social rules that govern peoples' actions toward each other
69. (p. 96) Religion may be defined as名画呐喊
A. Routine conventions of everyday life
B. Social rules that govern peoples' actions toward each other
C. Shared beliefs and rituals that are concerned with the realm of the sacred
D. A t of moral principles or values, that are ud to guide and shape behavior
70. (p. 96) _____ is the most widely practiced religion in the world.
A. Christianity
B. Islam
C. Hinduism
D. Buddhism
71. (p. 98) The cond largest of the world's religions is
A. Christianity
B. Buddhism
C. Hinduism
D. Islam
72. (p. 98) According to sociologists which of the following branches of Christianity has the most important economic implications?
A. Catholic
B. Orthodox
C. Protestant
D. Mormon
74. (p. 100) Which of the following obrvations is correct?
A. None of the economic principles established in the Koran are pro–free enterpri
B. The Koran speaks approvingly of free enterpri
C. The Koran speaks disapprovingly of earning legitimate profit through trade and commerce
D. Protection of the right to private property is not embedded within Islam
75. (p. 100) According to Islam, tho who hold property are regarded as
A. Trustees
B. Owners
C. Tenants
D. Speculators
78. (p. 102) According to _____ the way to achieve nirvana is to lead a vere ascetic lifestyle of material and physical lf-denial, devoting life to a spiritual rather than material quest.
A. Buddhism
B. Hinduism
C. Confucianism
D. Islam
80. (p. 104) Identify the incorrect statement pertaining to the caste system in India.
A. It was supported by Hinduism
B. Traditionally mobility between castes within an individual's lifetime was not possible
C. It has been completely uprooted from the country's social life
D. It has been abolished in India
81. (p. 104) Buddhism
A. Stress the afterlife and spiritual achievement
B. Advocates extreme ascetic behaviorcool什么意思
C. Supports the caste system
D. Stress maximum involvement in this world