申报价值: Declared Value: |
出口商名称与地址: Name and Address of |
进口商名称与地址: Name and Address of the Importer: |
检验地点 Site of Inspection: |
集装箱号码与封识号码: Container No. & Seal No.: |
外观检验结果: 包装符合合同 的规定,实际装货数量见下表。 Findings on Quantity and Package Inspection: The package of the above goods was in conformity with the contract No. and the actual quantity loaded was to e the attachment table below. |
核价结果: 价格合理 Result of Price Verification: Reasonable 图吧网 |
标准: Q/01JNJSX001-2009 Standard: Q/01JNJSX001-2009 |
合格评定意见:上述产品符合相关标准和合同要求。 Conformity asssment opinion: It was approved the above products met the relevant standard and contract. |
所附文件: 无 Documents Attached: Noneblk |
检验机构盖章: The Seal of Inspection Body | 检验员签字: The Signature of the Inspector |
附加内容 Attachmentincontrast |
abei序列号Serial Number | 商品名称Description | HS编码 HS Code | 原产地 Place of Origin | 数量Quantity | 单位Unit | 外研社包装方式和件数 Number and Type of Packages | 单价 Unit Price (USD) | 估价结果 Result of Price Verification (USD) |
-1- 2 3 | | | | **1** | | ** ** | ** | ** |
合计数量: ** Total Quantity ** | 合计估价结果: Total Price Verification |
| | | | | | | | | |