Second Language Acquisition and Language Teaching
After discussing the
eighties, in which focus on the
f our macro-options of focus-on-form interventions and their theoretical motivations
are prented, followed by recent rearch
depending on individual factors and the learning context.
K E Y W O R D S: focus on form, form-focud instruction, input processing, input enhancement, negative feedback, form-focud output, explicit
correspondence: Departamento de Filologia Inglesa y Alemana, Universidad de Barcelona, Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 585,08007 Barcelona. Tel.
righfs rerved. 2004, pp. 197-219
recently的用法198 Tragan!
The relationship between SLA and language teaching is not by any means a straightfoward one nor is there a connsus about how much of an influence SLA
they took within the context of a B.A. and an
a uthors in
巧克英语of pedagogic utility).
Contradictory information about the impact of SLA rearch on teachers, like that found in MacDonald al.'s conclusions to their study, is not uncommon in the literature written at the turn of the
1990; Mitchell,
Crookes, 1997; Markee, 1997). However, the diverging stances are much better understood if one is aware that they originate from rather fundamental differences in the conception of teaching that the two groups of rearchers hold (as conceptualized by Freeman, 1996).
发放英语Tho critica1 of the role of mainstream SLA rearch
moment-to-moment decisions ('teaching as interpretation'). Resulting from the views of teaching, basic SLA rearch has
at the expen of behaviour, something which, according to him, teachers are primarily concerned with. The are艾美奖2012
others, maintain that
mainstream SLA rearch, together with the positivist rearch methodology that tends to go with it,
vol. 4
rights 2004, pp. 197-219
According to Krashen (1 that was needed was comprehensible input and motivation. He made a fundamental distinction between
very engrained among teachers, to the point that Lightbown (2000) reports that in the late eighties 'everybody' believed in comprehensible input and the benefits of group work. Similarly, she mentions that the teachers in her environment took it for granted that it was not good to point out students'
version of CLT. According to this version, communicative activities are an integral part of instruction where students' attention Scholars
so well tuned to the needs of the teachers
Even though
problems, has of his hypothes
Device (LAD) lacks any especification as to how it may work empirically. For Mitchell and Myles (1
model, when in fact tho hypothes
of its
evidence had little impact on L2 pedagogy
Servicio de Publicaciones. Universidad de Murcia. rights rerved. pp. 197-21 9