清华大学 考博英语真题 完形填空部分

更新时间:2023-07-22 16:44:46 阅读: 评论:0

Part Cloze (10%)
Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choo the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
    Consumers and producers obviously make decisions that mold the economy, but there is a third   61  中小学课外辅导机构 element to consider the role of government. Government has a powerful - V5 {+ h8 h- }, B5 L考博论坛|免费考博社区:最早最大的中文考博论坛,考博.中国,kaobo 62  on the economy in at least four ways: 9 }. j( }! I: e6 ]( _5 ODirect Services. The postal system, for example, is a federal system   63  the entire nation, as is the large and complex military establishment. Converly, the construction and   64  of most highways, the   65  of the individual states, and the public educational systems, despite a large funding role by the federal government, are primarily  66  or by county or city governments. Police and fire protection and sanitation' X( Y: U$ O7 Q/ g考博,考博网,考博论坛,免费考博论坛,免费考博网站,考博英语,考博试题,考博试卷,考博辅导,考博.中国,kaobo    67  are also the responsibilities of local government. Regulation and Control. The governm
ent regulates and controls private   68  in many ways, for the   69  of assuring that business rves the best     70  of the people as a whole. Regulation is necessary in areas where private enterpri is granted a   71  , such as in telephone ( S3 L. \; c- E+ xwww.kaoboor electric rvice, or in other areas where there is limited competition, as with railroads or airlines. Public policy permits such companies to make a reasonable   72  , but limits their ability to rai prices# ~% A1 |$ Q7 Cwww.kaobo   73  , since the public depends on their rvices. Often control is   74  to protect the public, as for example, when the Food and Drug Administration bans harmful drugs, or requires standards of   75    in food. In other industries, government ts guidelines to ensure fair competition without using direct ) @- N" B6 o1 Z+ S8 Q: ~考博论坛|免费考博社区:最早最大的中文考博论坛,考博.中国,kaobocontrol. Stabilization and Growth. Branches of government, including Congress and such entities as the Federal Rerve Board, attempt to control the extremes of boom and bust, of inflation and depression, by   76  tax rates, The money supply, and the u of credit. They can also+ h: t$ d9 j7 [. R2 o- @www.kaobo  77  the economy through changes in the amount of public spending by the government itlf. Direct Assistance. The government provides many kinds of help to   78  and individuals. For example, tariffs   79  certain products to remain relatively free of foreign competition; imports are sometim
es taxed so that American products are able to   80  better with certain foreign goods. Government supports individuals who cannot adequately care for % u/ B- M+ @; N0 `8 H& W, B考博论坛|免费考博社区:最早最大的中文考博论坛,考博.中国,kaobothemlves, by making grants to working parents with dependent children, by providing medical care for ' y7 g  [5 }4 {/ ?6 t' y+ X. r2 ?2 M考博,考博网,考博论坛,免费考博论坛,免费考博网站,考博英语,考博试题,考博试卷,考博辅导,考博.中国,kaobothe aged and the indigent, and through social welfare system.
y            B. horror            C. magnifier        D. element
6 L  ]8 Q$ C- o考博,考博网,考博论坛,免费考博论坛,免费考博网站,考博英语,考博试题,考博试卷,考博辅导,考博.中国,kaobo62.A.elevation            / s6 ^8 V8 l. _  V8 A/ v考博社区B. emotion        grand china air7 M8 a4 ^$ R4 g( j* n# X& nC. effect            ' r# B. V3 f4 J* d考博论坛|免费考博社区:最早最大的中文考博论坛,考博.中国,kaoboD. election
8 F' \4 @, _+ A8 ^考博论坛|免费考博社区:最早最大的中文考博论坛,考博.中国,kaobo63.A.dripping            B. rving        C. diverging        1 V; j; l# X6 gD. clamping
- o' {; O7 B, e+ Z. o% g考博论坛|免费考博社区:最早最大的中文考博论坛,考博.中国,kaobo64.A.clearance        B. combustion        5 J9 N) @8 K7 V& k考博论坛|免费考博社区:最早最大的中文考博论坛,考博.中国,kaoboC. commence        D. maintenance
place        B. responsibility    C. conductivity    D. conquence
2 R0 {+ C9 c! F/ g2 z' T( L  N; Xsoled            9 F/ S* @5 P2 [+ a9 w: F考博,考博网,考博论坛,免费考博论坛,免费考博网站,考博英语,考博试题,考博试卷,考博辅导,考博.中国,kaoboB. compacted        C. paid            ! X/ C* o1 H& s8 M' }考博,考博网,考博论坛,免费考博论坛,免费考博网站,考博英语,考博试题,考博试卷,考博辅导,考博.中国,kaoboD. bracketed
0 U. t, L% }7 Z& u67.A.rvices            # y$ j7 r$ p+ ~B. boycotts        : R0 H! r: x( [0 j' D/ [考博社区C. budgets        . l4 x* e$ {3 i8 P3 M考博,考博网,考博论坛,免费考博论坛,免费考博网站,考博英语,考博试题,考博试卷,考博辅导,考博.中国,kaoboD. charters
68.A.banquet            / r+ i" T/ ^( a6 dB. boom            / v8 ^: d* j$ @C. arena            D. enterpri
# f. N* m4 g: E( D+ `! ~www.kaobo69.A.asrtion            B. purpo        % Y# ?( Q: q4 h$ r' K9 M' iwww.kaoboC. ast            2 {( N2 I  y" s/ D! ?8 g* o9 V) Fwww.kaoboD. assumption
70.A.admiration        B. interests        C .adoption        ! N. g- Q% o" G  I6 X6 K. lD. accuracy
poly        B. acceptance        + G) k+ f9 B8 {1 {C. abolition        ttip  O; P! P: H& e/ {) D$ c3 ^考博,考博网,考博论坛,免费考博论坛,免费考博网站,考博英语,考博试题,考博试卷,考博辅导,考博.中国,kaoboD. morality
72.A.proximity        B. blend            C. breast            D. profit
73.A.fairly            / _$ i( u8 ]* e7 r' zwww.kaoboB. unfairly        2 }- q+ F2 u) l7 f( \3 L; w; L考博论坛|免费考博社区:最早最大的中文考博论坛,考博.中国,kaoboC. friendly        D. unnecessarily
/ ?- K  t4 k. J# v+ z' U. q; oid            B. broadened        和土豪做朋友; ]  H2 F# g; V) F考博社区C. bankrupted        D. exemplified
二中录取分数线202075.A.faculty            4 g" E% ]6 f% G3 p) S2 }( [www.kaoboB. quantity        ! y: W& A' j9 o# p% v" I4 rwww.kaoboC. quality            D. fragment
O. [, u) Z% x* i9 O考博论坛|免费考博社区:最早最大的中文考博论坛,考博.中国,kaobo76.A.applauding        B. asssing        C. ascending        2 x+ v1 O; v0 u& ^" D+ {2 a0 B  Z考博论坛|免费考博社区:最早最大的中文考博论坛,考博.中国,kaoboD. adjusting
77.A.affect            B. accommodate      @; H9 m$ |! }/ D7 t8 Vwww.kaoboC. adhere            D. affirm
5 K7 s& W3 \& l考博论坛|免费考博社区:最早最大的中文考博论坛,考博.中国,kaobo78.A.beverage            - ?% [0 O* X0 S2 L. y6 E  hB. business        $ j9 \( C: J+ j9 [- }6 |C. bondage        8 U0 w/ F- A" ?8 R) o1 K( K考博论坛|免费考博社区:最早最大的中文考博论坛,考博.中国,kaoboD. botany
79.A.perplex            9 ]" ~  ^/ U$ k6 ~6 {  FB. permit            % \4 ^6 t1 b' P6 M* C# ]: o3 H6 c) A, m考博论坛|免费考博社区:最早最大的中文考博论坛,考博.中国,kaoboC. perturb        + K1 }& d/ |5 o# j7 E- UD. plunder
# ?3 f. }, e1 @3 `% W* dpensate        B. confront        ( N! \: K# G% Q# U4 L$ YC. console        $ \) @0 A! ~1 O$ M( v考博论坛|免费考博社区:最早最大的中文考博论坛,考博.中国,kaoboD. compete
3 ]9 B4 U/ _  @- ?, I: V考博,考博网,考博论坛,免费考博论坛,免费考博网站,考博英语,考博试题,考博试卷,考博辅导,考博.中国,kaobo63、B
( T  [) B: d0 g' P考博论坛|免费考博社区:最早最大的中文考博论坛,考博.中国,kaobo66、C
67、Amarry you歌词
, I# r) Q, ^: B; `" L4 f7 R考博论坛|免费考博社区:最早最大的中文考博论坛,考博.中国,kaobo68、D
0 O: l0 e. K) g. S# ?% s. F3 t1 E74、A
0 J" a, G3 z" y, Z5 M考博,考博网,考博论坛,免费考博论坛,免费考博网站,考博英语,考博试题,考博试卷,考博辅导,考博.中国,kaobo76、D
5 \% h; X3 Y; ^8 b/ ~, U78、B
7 t/ s% }' e8 }/ a" |79、B
Part IV Cloze (10%)
DirectionsThere are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, BC and D. You should choo the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
Sea ri as a conquence of global warming would immediately threaten that large fraction of the globe living at a level. Nearly one-third of all human beings live within 36 miles of a coastline. Most of the world’s great aport cities would be 56 : New Orleans , Amsterdam, Shanghai, and Cairo. Some countries Maldives Islands in the Indian Oce
an, islands in the Pacific would be inundated. Heavily populated coastal areas such as in Bangladesh and Egypt, 57 large populations occupy low-lying areas, would suffer extreme 58 .
Warmer oceans would spawn stronger hurricanes and typhoons, 59 in coastal flooding, possibly swamping valuable agricultural lands around the world 60 water quality may result as 61 flooding which forces salt water into coastal irrigation and drinking, water supplies, and irreplaceablenatural 62 could be flooded with ocean waterdestroying forever many of the 63 plant and animal species living there.
Food supplies and forests would be 64 affected Changes in rainfall patterns would disrupt agriculture. Warmer temperatures would 戴高帽子 65 grain-growing regions pole-wards. The warming would also increa and change the pest plantsacupuncturesuch as weeds and the incts 66 the crops.
Human health would also be affected Warming could 67 tropical climate bringing with it yellow fever, malariaand other dias. Heat stress and heat mortality could ri. The
harmful 68 of localized urban air pollution would very likely be more rious in warmer 69 . There will be some 70 from warming. New a-lanes will open in the Arctic, longer growing asons further north will 71 英语命题作文 new agricultural landsand warmer temperature will make some of today’s colder regions more 72 . But the benefits will be in individual areas. The natural systems both plant and animal—will be less able than man to cope and 73 . Any change of temperature, rainfalland a level of the magnitude now 74 will be destructive to natural systems and living things and hence to man as wellzielonka.

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