Unit 6 词语的翻译(二)
1. 译成副词
1) 我累极了。
I am dead tired. (dog tired)
2) 访问贵国,我们感到很荣幸。
We feel much honored to have come to visit your country.
3) 过去,工作做得最多的人,往往得的工资最少。
Tho who worked hardest often got paid least.
2. 译成动词
1) 他们两人刚好编在一个组里。
The two of them happened to be in the same group.
2) 你为什么恰恰不提这一点呢?
Why did you choo to omit this point?
3) 他只好作罢。
He was forced to give up.
3. 译成介词
1) 他们的友谊逐渐发展为爱情。
By degrees their friendship grew into love.
2) 这文章写得不错,只是有几个拼法错误。
The composition is quite all right except for a few spelling mistakes.
3) 我们决不退让。
Under no circumstances will we give in.
4) 那个政府极端腐败。
That government is rotten to the core.
4. 译成分词
1) 天气冷极了。
It is biting cold.
2) 没有桥,我们只得涉水过去。
As there was no bridge, we were obliged to wade across.s f express
健怡可乐5. 译成词组
1) 他忽然不见了。
All of a sudden, he disappeared.
2) 我屡次提醒他要谨慎。
I’ve reminded him over and over again that he should be cautious.
3) 中国是社会主义国家,也是发展中国家。
China is a socialist country and a developing country as well.
4) 今天稍微有点冷。
It is a little cold today.
6. 译成形容词
1) 他是个极有勇气的人。
He is a man of great courage.la la love on my mind
2) 这很有道理。
There is much truth in it.
3) 这完全是胡说。
期望英文This is sheer nonn.
4) 人类的历史,就是一个不断从必然王国向自由王国发展的历史。
The history of mankind is one of continuous development from the realm of necessity to the realm of freedom.
5) 她极其讨厌抽烟。
She has a strong dislike for smoking.
6) 稍加修改即可。
It will do if you make slight changes.
7) 这事是极为重要的。
It is of great importance.
8) 把草统统除掉。
Get rid of all the weeds.
9) 人们研究这些材料的特性是为了更好地去利用它们。
In order to make better u of the materials people have studied their properties.
7. 用时态表示
1) 他一直在努力学习。
He has been studying hard.
2) 这点前面已经说过了。
This has been dealt with.
3) 我未曾听说过这样的事。
I’ve never heard of such a thing.
4) 火车就要开了。
The train is about to start.
A. 表示强调的语气副词的译法
汉语中这类词有“可”、“倒”、“竟”、 “偏”、“也”、“难道”、“决”、音标教学“只好” 等。
1. 译成一些表示强调的词,或用疑问句、感叹句和倒装句来表示强调
1) 你可曾跟他谈过这个问题?
Did you ever talk it over with him?
2) 你可来了!
So you are here at last!
3) 可不是嘛!
That’s just the way it is!
4) 这倒不要紧。
After all this is not important.
5) 他竟说出这种话来!
How could he say such a thing?
6) 这么宏伟的建筑竟用了这么短的时间就完成了。
beltwayTo think that such a magnificent building was completed so soon!
7) 想不到他们竟把国家弄成这个样子。
Who would have thought that they should turn the country into such a state?
8) 难道这一点困难还不能克服吗?
Can’t we overcome even such small difficulties?
9) 我们决不退让。
Under no circumstances will we give in.
2. 把被强调的部分放在主语或表语的位置
1) 秋天才是北京最美丽的季节。
高中英语短文改错Autumn is when Beijing is most beautiful.
诺贝尔奖的由来2) 正是那些书才最吸引他。
i dare you什么意思What attracted him most were tho books.
3) 我看见的正是老王。
The person I saw was Lao Wang.
4) 就是他在昨天做的那个梦变成了现实。
What has become true is the dream he had last night.
3. 用对比或重复的方法
1) 他正是我的弟弟。
He is no other than my brother.
2) 这本书就是由刘先生这个人写的。
This book was written by Mr. Liu, not by others.
4. 用含有it 的强调结构
1) 正是樵夫在屋内留下的那些线索才帮助我们了解了他的历史。
It was tho traces which the chopper had left that helped us to learn his history.
2) 你究竟是怎么惹他生那么大的气?
How was it that you made him so angry?
B. 表转折语气的副词的译法:连词、介词短语、词组或副词
1) 他却反咬一口。
On the other hand he makes a countercharge.
2) 他倒把事情弄僵了。
Contrary to my expectation, the matter has been made wor by him.
3) 他本想省事,没想倒是费事了。
He wanted to save himlf trouble but actually he gave himlf more.
4) 你要去,她偏不去。
You wanted to go, but she insisted on not going on purpo.
圣诞节快乐英文怎么读Exercis: 大学生