Coca-Cola has floor maintenance and safety “bottled up ”S o l u t i o n s
Ask someone to name the first brand
that comes to mind and, chances are,
that brand would be Coke. That’s no surpri considering one of every three soft drinks consumed in the United States proudly wears the Coca-Cola trademark. Bump that statistic up to one in two if you narrow the field of consumption down to colas. To keep up with this ravenous demand,Coca-Cola has an army of bottling facilities throughout the world.Recently, one located in Chicago received an improvement in the form of a new protective urethane floor system.TOUGH ENVIRONMENTS CALL FOR A TOUGH FLOOR Environmental conditions in a
bottling facility are harsh, especially
for their floors. Thermal shock result-ing from regular hot water wash-
downs in low temperature areas is a
particular concern. Acids, alkalies,sugars and other corrosive substances
are everyday factors in the bottling industry but are hazardous to
vulnerable floors. With the conditions at work, your facility’s
floors are in danger of degradation,leading to more rious safety, sanitary
and productivity issues.
Coca-Cola’s facility was no excep-
tion. The epoxy mortar floor
system that was in place failed to stand up to the combination of
chemical and thermal exposures. The system had degraded to the point
where puddling was becoming a potential slip-and-fall hazard for
employees. In addition, sanitary conditions were jeopardized becau
bacteria now had a place to build up
and production was impeded due to
constant maintenance. Coca-Cola
found a solution to their floor woes in Stonhard’s new Stonclad UT floor
Stonclad UT’s unique multi-func-
tional urethane-urea chemistry pro-
vides many benefits over traditional
polymer floor systems.
Excellent Chemical Resistance
Stonclad UT resists the corrosive sub-
stances commonly found in the bot-
tling industry. Even after continuous
exposure to the chemicals, Stonclad
UT maintains superior abrasion and
impact resistance. This is vitally
important in the beverage industry,
she is so
where a amless surface that does not
harbor dirt and bacteria is a must.
Unsurpasd Thermal Shock Resistance Stonclad UT can withstand tempera-tures up to 250°F/121°C and tempera-ture changes up to 160°F/88°C. The extremes are typical in bottling plants and frequently cau other floor sys-tems to fail, as was the ca of Coca-Cola’s epoxy mortar floor.Low Odor Installation Stonclad UT can be installed without shutting down adjacent areas. This means that facilities can continue to operate while S t o n h a r d ’s floor system is installed nearby without concerns of tainting their product.Quick Turn Around Stonclad UT requires less application time than traditional epoxy floor sys-tems, with only a two step installation process. The system can withstand heavy traffic within 12 hours. This means shorter shut down periods.Decr
ead Sensitivity to Moisture Substrate dampness and high humidi-ty, commonplace in beverage bottling plants, are not a concern. Unlike other flooring systems, Stonclad UT can be installed in the conditions.
Decread Sensitivity to Cold Temperatures
Even as low as 45˚F/7˚C, Stonclad UT can withstand foot traffic in just eight hours.
Three Texture Options
To achieve the optimal balance between cleanability and slip resis-tance, Stonclad UT is offered in three different levels of texture.
Wide Range of Color Choices Stonclad UT is available in ten stan-dard colors and custom colors are available upon request to complement any decor.
wall street
Proven Results
Before introduction to the bever-age industry, Stonclad UT had under-gone independent testing against acid
brick, tile and epoxy floor systems to verify long-term chemical and thermal shock resistance. The tests were designed to simulate how the systems would hold up over 18-20 years. This included 1,040 thermal cycles with a temperature change of 120°F/67°C and exposure to chemicals and clean-ing agents normally ud in the bever-age industry.
The results showed Stonclad UT t o b e superior in its ability to withstand thermal shock and chemical exposure commonly found in the beverage
i n d u s t r y. Stonclad UT’s unique chemistry is designed to minimize the effects of thermal stress that can cau failures in conventional floor systems. Its superior p e r f o r m a n c e
s e p a r a t e s Stonclad UT from the competition. Additionally, ea of cleaning and long-term slip resistance means, Stonclad UT far exceeds its competitors in every area.
This same experience held true for the Stonclad UT floor installed in the Coca-Cola bottling plant in Chicago. Their General Manager states, “We cho Stonhard becau they rearched our processing procedure so thoroughly, right down to our chemical exposures, before making a product recommendation. This
ensured us a flooring solution that
Stonhard has an extensive list of
references for Stonclad U
T in environ-
ments ranging from meat and poultry
plants, dairies, breweries, bottling
plants and other food processing
applications. If you are considering a
protective floor system for your food
or beverage plant and would like more
information on the new Stonclad UT,
plea contact Stonhard toll-free at
800/257-7953or visit us at多哈回合
The Stonhard Difference
Stonhard is a world-leading
manufacturer and installer of high-
performance polymer floor, wall and
lining systems designed for tough
commercial and industrial
environments requiring protection
against corrosion, impact, abrasion
and continuous daily wear.We deliver
long-lasting, high-performance
systems for tough environments. We
offer customized solutions to satisfy
the most demanding design
specifications and work with you
directly from start to finish. You are
protected with a single source
warranty on both products andconcession
workmanship. Known around the
world for excellence, the Stonhard
jkoname means quality products and
unmatched rvice.
For more information on Stonhard’s high-performance
polymer floor, wall and lining systems, visit us at
or call toll free at800/257-7953. After Coca-Cola’s old epoxy mortar floor system was
removed with jack hammers, the expod concrete
substrate was mechanically prepared. After prepara-
tion, Stonhard’s specially trained installation team
screed applied a four-component urethane mortar
with quartz aggregate broadcast for texture. This考虑到英文
was followed with a high performance urethane al-
er for an extra measure of chemical and abrasion