1. Surname (Family name): 姓氏: | FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 签证机关专用 Data złożenia wniosku: Numer wniosku: □w ambasadzie lub konsulacie □we wspólnymroyal什么意思 ośrodku przyjmowania wniosków □u usługodawcy □u pośredniczącego podmiotu komercyjnego □na granicy Nazwa: □inne Wniok przyjęty przez: Dokumenty uzupełniające: □dokument podróży □środki utrzymania □zaproszenie □środek transportu □podróżne ubezpieczenie medyczne □inne: Decyzja o wizie: □odmowa wydania wizy □wiza przyznana: □A □C □o ograniczonej ważności terytorialnej □Termin ważności: Od ……………………………. Do ……………………………. Liczba wjazdów: □ 1 □ 2 □ wielokrotny Liczba dni: .................... | ||||||||
2. Surname at birth (Former family name(s)): 出生时姓氏: | |||||||||
3. First name(s) (Given name(s)): 名字: | |||||||||
4. Date of birth (day-month-year): 出生日期(日-月-年): | 5.Place of birth: 出生地点: 6.Countrypast是什么意思 of birth: 出生国: | 7. Current nationality: 现国籍: Nationality at birth, if different: 出生时国籍,如不同: Other nationalities: 其他国籍: | |||||||
8. Sex: 性别: □ Male tubestation男 □ Female 女 | 9. Marital status: 婚姻状况: □ Single 单身 □ Married 已婚 □ Registered Partnership 注册伴侣关系 □ Separated 分居 □ Divorced 离异 □Widow(er) 丧偶 □ Other (plea specify): 其他(请注明): | ||||||||
10. Parental authority (in ca of minors) /legal guardian (surname, first name, address, if different from applicant’s, telephone no., e-mail address, and nationality): 父母(如是未成年申请人)/合法监护人(姓名、住址,如与申请人不同)电话号码、电子邮件及国籍: | |||||||||
11. National identity number, where applicable: 公民身份证号码,如适用: | |||||||||
12.Type of travel document: 旅行证件类型: □Ordinary passport 普通护照 □ Diplomatic passport 外交护照 □ Service passport 公务护照 □Official passport 因公护照 □ Special passport 特殊护照 □Other travel document (plea specify) 其他旅行证件(请注明): | |||||||||
13. Number of travel document: 旅行证件号码: | 14. homeworkDate of issue: 签发日期: | 15. Valid until: 有效期至: | 16. Issued by: 签发机关: | ||||||
17. Personal data of the family member who is an EU, EEA or CH citizen: 如有家庭成员为欧盟、欧洲经济区或瑞士联邦公民的,请填写该家庭成员的个人信息: | |||||||||
Surname (Family name): 姓氏: | First name(s) (given name(s)): 名字: | ||||||||
Date of birth: 出生日期(日-月-年): | Nationality: 国籍: | Number of travel document ofboston celtics ID card: 旅行证件或个人身份证件号码: | |||||||
18.compagnaFamily relationship with an EU, EEA or CH citizen: 申请人与欧盟,欧洲经济区或瑞士联邦公民亲属关系,如涉及: □spou 配偶 □ child 子女 □ grandchild 孙子女 □ dependent ascendant 赡养的老人 □registered partnership 注册伴侣关系 □ other 其他: | ||||
19. Applicant’s home address and e-mail address: 申请人家庭住址及电子邮件地址: | Telephone number(s): 电话号码: | |||
20. Residence in a country other than the country of current nationality: 在现国籍以外国家居住: □ No 否 □ Yes 是 Residence permit or equivalent 居留许可或同等证件 ........................................ No. 号码..............................Valid until 有效期至................................................. | ||||
* 21. Current occupation: 现职业: | ||||
* 22. Employer and employer’s address and telephone number. For student, name and address of educational establishment: 工作单位的名称,地址和电话号码。如是学生,请填写教育机构名称及地址: | ||||
23.Main purpo(s) of the journey: 旅行目的: □Tourism 旅游 □ Business 苹果广告主题曲商务 □ Visiting family or friends 探亲访友 □ Cultural 文化 □Sports 体育 □ Official visit 官方出访 □ Medical reason 医疗 □ Study 学习 □Airport transit 机场过境 □ Other (plea specify) 其他(请注明): | ||||
24. Additional information on purpo of stay: 关于逗留目的的补充信息: | ||||
25. Member State of main destination (and other Member States of destination, if applicable): 主要目的地申根成员国 (及其他目的地申根成员国,如适用): | 鳄鱼英语 26. Member State of first entry: 首入申根成员国: | |||
27. Number of entries requested: 申请入境次数: □ Single entry 单次 □ Two entries 两次 □ Multiple entries多次 Intended date of arrival of the first intended stay in the Schengen area: 在申根地区预计首次停留的预计抵达日期: Intended date of departure from the Schengen area after the first intended stay: 在申根地区预计首次停留之后的 预计离开日期: | ||||
28. Fingerprints collected previously for the purpo of applying for a Schengen visa: 此前申请申根签证时是否有指纹记录: □ No 否 □ Yes 是 Date, if known 日期,如知晓…………………….. Visa sticker number, if known 签证贴纸号码,如知晓 ……………………………………… | ||||
29. Entry permit for the final country of destination, where applicable: 最终目的地国入境许可,如适用: Issued by 签发机关…………………………………………………………………………………… Valid from 有效期自…………………………………………until 至 ……………………………… | ||||
*allofthem汉语意思 30. Surname and first name of the inviting person(s) in the Member State(s). If not applicable, name of hotel(s) or temporary accommodation(s) in the Member State(s): 申根成员国邀请人姓氏及名字。如不适用, 请填写在申根成员国酒店或暂住居所名称: | ||||
Address and e-mail address of inviting person(s)/hotel(s)/temporary accommodation(s): 邀请人/酒店/暂住居所地址及电子邮件地址: | Telephone no.: 电话号码: | |||
* 31. Name and address of inviting company/organisation: 邀请公司/机构名称及地址: | |||
Surname, first name, address, telephone, telefax, and e-mail address of contact person in company/organisation: 邀请公司/机构联系人姓氏,名字,地址,电话号码及 电子邮件地址: | Telephone and telefax of company/organisation: 邀请公司/机构联系电话: | ||
* 32. Cost of travelling and living during the applicant’s stay is covered: 申请人旅费以及停留期间的生活费用由: | |||
□by the applicant himlf/herlf 申请人自己承担 Means of support: 支付方式: □Cash 现金 □Traveller‘s cheques 旅行支票 □Credit card 信用卡 □Prepaid accommodation 预付住宿 □Prepaid transport 预付交通 □Other (plea specify): 其他(请注明): | □by a sponsor (host, company, organisation), plea specify 由赞助人(邀请人,公司,机构)承担,请注明: ..................................... □referred to in field 31 or 32 30 or 31参见第30及31项 ..................................... □other (plea specify) 其他(请注明): Means of support: 支付方式: □Cash 现金 □Accommodation provided 预付住宿 □All expens covered during the stay 支付旅行期间全部费用 □Prepaid transport 预付交通 □Other (plea specify): 其他(请注明): | ||
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