boltsHow to Write a Due Diligence Report for Investment Purpos2016年欧洲杯
The Most Popular Drafting Model for Memos and DD Report
In the United States’ legal education or practices, IRAC structure is the most ud writing process for each and every legal document. It is efficient, and very easily to be grasped.
R-----rules and cas, background
A-----analysis 托福好还是雅思好
We can compare this structure with our Chine’s classical writing methods: qi(communist manifesto起), cheng(承), zhuan(转), and hebates(合).
dream on
The Investment Model
An international investor wishes to put some capital money into a domestic company, we call it a target company九月 英语, and after the target company earns enough profits, for instance, the company can make an IPO in China curities market, then the investor may withdraw it investment, plus the premium interests or profits from the company, by transferring the shares it has in the target company. It should be noted that in this process, the investor shall deal with the shareholders of the target company. At current China financial market, probably all the shareholders wish to go to the public market to attract more investment, so dealing with the shareholders is not a major problem. The major problem is how to avoid the legal and the financial risks in the investment. What if the investment has some legal obstacles that prohibit it from withdrawal? This is the key issue and the most important concern in the DD Report.
A due diligence report, also called DD Report, is a widely ud legal document in today’s legal practice. Especially in international investment activities, DD Report can help the investor to make the right decision for its investment strategies.
What is a DD Report? We can define the legal document as the key and basic information about a target company’s finance and management. The information can show the risks or the benefits for the investments. Before taking any actions, a rational investor, of cour including all the experienced ones, generally will retain a law firm or an accounting firm to do the report.
We can compare a DD Report with your personal diary. I write all the activities I did in one day into my diary, and for most of times, I only give a short summary of the most important things I had in this day. For instance, I do not write what I eat in a common day in my diary, but I will describe one dish in detail if I attend my friend’s marriage ceremony, if this dish impresd me so well. I mean whether it is very delicious, or it is very badly tasted. The reason is simple, it gives me some unusual experience, pleasant or unpleasant.