The Master said, to learn and at due times to repeat what one has learned, is that not after all a pleasure? That friends should come to one from afar, is this not after all delightful? To remain unsoured even though one's merits are unrecognized by others, is that not after all what is expected of a gentleman?
The Master said, “At fifteen I t my heart upon learning. At thirty, I planted my feet firm upon the ground. At forty, I no longer suffered from 2)perplexities. At fifty, I knew what were the 3)biddings of Heaven. At sixty, I heard them with 4)docile ear。 At venty, I could follow the 5)dictates of my own heart; for what I desired no longer overstepped the boundaries of right。”
The Master said, 6)incomparable indeed was Hui! A handful of rice to eat, a 7)gourdful of water to drink, living in a mean street。 Others would have found it 8)unendu
rably depressing, but to Hui’s cheerfulness it made no difference at all。 Incomparable indeed was Hui!
论 语
(一) 子曰:“学而时习之,不亦悦乎?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?”
(二) 子曰:“吾十有五而志于学,三十而立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命,六十而耳顺,七十而从心所欲,不逾矩."sanban
(三) 子曰:“贤哉回也!一箪食,一瓢饮,在陋巷,人不堪其忧,回也不改其乐。贤哉回也!"
1、 analects [5An[lekts] n。 论集,文选
2、 perplexity [p[5pleksiti] n. 困惑;窘困
3、 bidding [5bidiN] n。 命令,吩咐
中秋快乐的英文 4、 docile [5dEusail] a. 驯顺的,驯良的
5、 dictate [5dikteit] n. [常用复]命令,支配
6、 incomparable [in5kCmpErEbl] a。 无比的,无双的
7、 gourdful [5guEdful] n. 一葫芦的量
8、 unendurably [5Qnin5djuErEbli] ad。 难忍受地,不可容忍地
1:1 Confucius said: ”Isn't it a pleasure to study and practice what you have learned? Isn't it also great when friends visit from distant places? If people do not recognize me and it doesn't bother me, am I not a Superior Man?"
[Comment] Superior Man is a common English translation for the Chine term chün—tzu which originally means "Son of a Prince"-—thus, someone from the nobility。 In the Analects, Confucius imbues the term with a special meaning. Though sometimes ud strictly in its original n, it also refers to a person who has made significant progress
in the Way (Tao) of lf—cultivation, by practicing Righteousness, by loving treatment of parents, respect for elders, honesty with friends, etc. Though the chün—tzu is clearly a highly advanced human being, he is still distinguished from the category of sage (sheng—jen), who is, in the Analects more of a ”divine being," usually a model from great antiquity。
The character of the Superior Man, in contrast to the sage, is being taught as a tangible model for all in the here and now. And although many descriptions of the requirements for chün—tzu status em quite out of our reach, there are many passages where Confucius labels a contemporary, or one of his disciples a ”Superior Man,” intending a complement. Thus, the categorization is not so rigid. One might want to compare the term "Superior Man" to the Buddhist bodhisattva, in that both are the models for the tradition, both indicate a very high stage of human development as technical terms, yet both may be ud colloquially to refer to a "really good person."
1:2 Yu Tzu said: ”There are few who have developed themlves filially and fraternally
who enjoy offending their superiors。 Tho who do not enjoy offending superiors are never troublemakers。 The Superior Man concerns himlf with the fundamentals。 Once the fundamentals are established, the proper way (tao) appears. Are not filial piety and obedience to elders fundamental to the enactment of jen?"
tdr [Comment] The Chine term jen has been translated into English as ”humanity," ”benevolence," ”goodness," ”Perfect Goodness," etc. It is a difficult concept to translate becau it doesn’t really refer to any specific type of virtue or positive endowment, but refers to an inner capacity possd by all human beings to do good, as human beings should. This is the reason some have translated it as "humanity。" The problem with this translation is that it does not indicate the ”goodness" implied by the term jen.
In the Chine ”esnce—function” perception, jen can be understood as the esnce of all kinds of manifestations of virtuosity: wisdom, filial piety, reverence, courtesy, love, sincerity, etc。, all of which are aspects, or functions of jen。 Through one’s efforts at practicing at the function of jen, one may enhance and develop one's jen, until one may
be called a Superior Man, or even better, a ”Person of jen." In the Analects, ”person of jen" is an extremely high state, rarely acknowledged of any human being by Confucius.