1、英国浪漫主义( England Romanticism)
A movement that flourished in literature, philosophy, music, and art in
th | century, beginning as revolt against | |
2010年12月英语四级听力答案western culture during most of the 19 | |
classicism. Romanticism gave primary | concern to passion emotion, and | |
| | |
son of a bitchnatural beauty. The English Romantic Period is an age of poetry.
2. 英雄双行体( Heroic Couplet)
Heroic couplet is a rhyming couplet of iambic pentameter, often containing a
complete though. There is a fairly heavy at the end of the first line and a still heavier one at the end of the cond. Commonly there is a parallel or an antithesis within a line, or between the two lines. It is called heroic becau in England, especially in the
eighteenth century, it was much ud for heroic (epic) poems.
3. 薪资管理制度超验主义( Transcendentalism)
In New England, an intellectual movement known transcendentalism developed as an American version of Romanticism. The movement began among an influential t authors bad in Concord, Massachutts, and was led Ralph Waldo Emerson. Like Romanticism, transcendentalismrejected both 18thaggression-century rationalism and established religion, which for the transcendentalistsmeant the Puritan tradition in particular. Instead, the transcendentalists celebrated the power of the human imagination to commune with the univer and transcend the limitations of the material world. The transcendentalists found their chief source of aspiration in nature.
4.迷茫的一代( Lost Generation)
The Lost Generation refers to the disillusioned intellectuals and artists of the years
following the First World War, who rebelled against former ideals and values but could replace them only by despair or cynical hedonism.
5.启蒙运动( Enlightenment Movement)
The Enlightenment Movement was a progressive movement, which flourished
in France and swept the whole Western Europe at | the time. It was a | |
th | th | century. Its purpo | |
furtherance of the Renaissance from the 14 to the 17 | | |
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was to enlighten the whole world with the light of modern philosophical and artistic ideas. The eighteenth century marked the beginning of an intellectual movement in Europe known as the Enlightenment Movement.
7.无韵体 blank ver
This term , which was first brought into England by Surrey , is ud to name the unrhymed iambic pentameter line in poetry.
8.三一律 The Three Unities
The Three Unities , formulated by Renaissance dramatists, are the unities of time, place and action. A play should have no scenesirrelevant to the action, should not cover more than twenty-four hours, and should not cover more than one locale.
6.自由体 free ver
It is the rhymed or unrhymed poetry compod without attention to
conventional rules of meter.
9.现代主义 Modernism
Modernism was a complex and diver international, movement in all creative arts, originating about the end of the 19th century. It provided the greatest renaissance of the 20th century. It was made up of many facts, such as
symbolism surrealism, cubism, expressionism, futurism, etc.
10.英国文艺复兴 Renaissance
The term refers to a great bourgeois cultural movement in Europe which began
th th
in the 14 century and continued to the mid-17 century. It first started from
Italy and then spread all over Europe. The Renaissance, therefore, in
esnce, is a historical period in which the European humanist thinkers and scholars tried to get rid of tho old feudalistic ideas in Medieval Europe.
1.Beowulf : a national epic
2.The Renaissance(原因 ):
(1)rediscoveries of ancient Greek and Roman culture.
(2)discoveries in geography and astrology.
(3)Religious reformation and economic expansion.
3.William Shakespeare四大悲剧:《Hamlet》《Othello》《sinaweiboMacbeth》《american cultureKing Lear 》
喜剧:《The Merchant of Venice》: It is a comedy dramatic ironic to Christian.
4.John Milton( 约翰 弥尔顿 )《谷歌翻译浏览器 Paradi Lost》 blank ver(无韵体诗 )
5.百分比英文爸爸的花儿落了阅读答案John Bunyan(约翰 班扬 )《The Pilgrim’s Progress》(天路历程):让人遵守宗教条例并且通过不断与自己薄弱意识和恶势力作斗争来自我拯救。 “ Vanity Fair ”是其中最富盛名的。
6.Daniel Defoe(丹尼尔 笛福 )《Robinson Crusoe》:描述的是“真实的生活” ,反映社会现实。
7.Jonathan Swift(乔纳森 斯威夫特over flow )《 Gulliver ’sTravels》反对,讽刺英国的社会。
8.William Blake( 威廉 布莱克 ):浪漫主义起始
《London》 from 《 Songs of Experience》:消极、低调
《Songs of Innocence》:乐观、热情
9. William Wordsworth: He ushered in the English Romantic Movement with the population of“Lyrical Ballads”《抒情歌谣集》