of the ven spans of the bridge. The 30 m span consists of two aluminium plate girders with riveted connections, made of 2014-T6 aluminium alloy. The weight of the aluminium span is 25 tons, which is only 43% of the weight of steel spans. The first all-aluminium bridge was built in 1950 over the Sa-guenay River in Arvida, Canada [3]. The main span of the bridge is an arch a lot of bridges, being built at that time
(Fig. 2). It was a four span continuous
七夕英语viaduct with a total length of 67 m
and a width of 10,97 m. It consisted
of four aluminium welded plate gird-
ers, 965 mm high, transversally braced
with cross-beams, connected to the
girders with high strength friction grip
bolts. For the first time a reinforced
concrete deck, composite with the
aluminium superstructure, was ud.
The aluminium structure was made
of plates and angles of 5083-H113 and
5456-H321 aluminium alloys, which
unit weight of the superstructure was
only 43 kg/m2. This system, designed
for bridges with 25 to 30 meter long
spans, featured also easy asmbly
and fast erection, as well as low main-初中辅导班
tenance cost. The first two viaducts
made with the Fairchild bridge system
were erected in 1965 over the Sunri
Highway on Long Island, New York.
The are four-span bridges with the
span lengths of 9,10 + 23,2 + 23,2 + 9,1
m and the total width of 29,3 m. The
bridges were replaced in 2000 with
post tensioned concrete structures,
Fig.1: The first all – aluminium bridge in Arvida, Canada Fig. 2: Asmbly of aluminium bridge in Des Moines, USA
Permanent corrugated aluminium shuttering
Lightweight concrete deck.thickness varies
Typical triangular beam unit made of aluminium sheet stiffned by aluminium extrusions
Bottom clod aluminium sheet
M i n 152crazy baby
Nominal diaphragm
6,4 mm,thick aluminium sheet at 3,6 m centers
deck. thickness varies
Corrugated aluminium permanent shuttering
R 991
6,4 mm crown plate
121912196106,4 mm thick diaphragm stiffeners to beam units at 0,9 m centers doubled at abutements
Typical beam unit made of 2,8 mm thick aluminium sheet
Fig. 4: All-aluminium bridge superstructure ud in Szabadszallas, Hungary
Paving surface Stainless steel clamp
300 mm
100 mm 250 mm
50 mm
Stainless steel
Fig. 6: Alumadeck bridge deck, USA [13]
study, was installed to replace the ex-
isting deck on a functionally obsolete
four-lane bridge over Little B uffalo
tasteCreak in Mecklenburg County, Virgin-
ia. The deck system comprid veral
Fig. 7: Experimental evaluation of the Polish aluminium deck system
the Helmond bridges in 1999 and the Riekerhaven bridge in 2003.
In arch of an innovative solution for transportation infrastructure in the Netherlands, a design for a sin-road. The stiff, floating road construc-tion thus created can be ud safely and comfortably. The modules can be transported easily by lorry to any required location. Different configu-rations ensure that the floating roads can be ud in all kinds of environ-ments and situations. The main mod-ules are equipped with a special edge construction to prevent vehicles from falling into the water. The construc-tion also rves as a vehicle guidance rail and a protection against collisions
Fig. 9: Riekerhaven bridge in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Fig. 10: Aluminium floating road near Hedel, the Netherlands
Fig. 8: Forsmo bridge, Norway