V ol. 1, No. 1, 2011 PP. 66-77
ISSN 1925-542X [P RINT ]
ISSN 1925-5438 [O NLINE ]
www.cscanada www.cscanada † Received 2 May 2011; accepted 8 June 2011. DOI: 10.3968/j.aped.1925543820110101.008
Gaber, M. AW.1;
Hassanien, I.M.1,* Applied Geological Studies of Some
Sinai, Egypt Ore Deposits to Utilized
as Extender Pigments for Paint
Abstract: In this prent study an investigation is carried out
to arch for the appropriate local substitutes for the imported
守护甜心36paint pigments, samples collected from North, Central and
South Sinai includes white sand, coal, quartz, kaolin, gypsum,
limestone, chalk.
The collected specimens were crushed and ground to powder
varying in size between “5-50 um” f or testing using laboratory
Several laboratory tests were accomplished to identify and
evaluate the decorative and protective paint pigment including
specific gravity, moisture content, pH value, oil absorption,
x-Ray analysis, microscopic studies and others to prove that
the lected local ores posss the required characteristics for
pigments that can be utilized in producing the paint material in
The study indicates that the following local ores can be utilized
as extender pigments to produc e paint materials “calcium
carbonate of south Sinai, white sand of Um Bogma, and
gypsum of Ras Malaab.
The estimated rerves of the studded ores give an indication
of prence the sufficient quantities for stream production of
the some paint pigments needed for Egyptian market.
Key words: Field geology; Paint pigment; Extender pigment;
Microscopic studies; X-ray analysis; Chemical analysis; Sinai;
Egypt 1 Egyptian Petroleum Rearch Institute, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt * Corresponding author. Email:
Modern paints have a complicated composition, their components are: binders, Pigments, Extenders, Solvents, additives (Paint handbook, 1981, Jotun coating manual, 1994, Industrial paints, 1964, Hempels paint coatings minar, 1988 and Handbook of paint raw materials, 1989).
The northern part of Sinai is covered by Meso-cenozoic diments, among the , the coal- bearing Jurassic diments are of particular value, carboniferous diments with some of coal ams, mangane ore and white sand horizons outcrops in west central Sinai.
The ores of Sinai studied in this rearch incorporate: limestone, gypsum, kaolnite, white sand and coal (Fig.1) Gaber (1999) studied some ores forming paint pigments in south Sinai can be utilized in producing paint natural calcium carbonate, gypsum, white sand and kaolin. The main target of this study is to arch for appropriate local substitutes for the imported paint pigments whic
h may produced by ground of local ores to specified grain size and ud as a part of protective and decorative paint components for petroleum production facilities protection.
Fig. 1: Location Map of Studied Areas ( •)
In the prent study, a total of 50 collected samples were studied. The following is a brief description and techniques of the studies ores of Sinai, Egypt e.g limestone, chalk, gypsum, kaolin, white sand and coal.
2.1Natural Calcium Carbonate
The name “whiting “for natural calcium carbonate originally referred to a very finely p ulverized form of chalk but the terms now ud more broadly to include all finely divided carbonates that are derived from high-calcium or dolomitic limestone (Ehlers, E.G. and Blatt, H., 1982) however, the important deposits of true chalk consist of pure amorphous carbonate formed of microscopic remains of small marine Foraminiferia, Globigerina and Textularia.
The calcium carbonate minerals are the most important and abundant of all dimentary rocks that are employed commercially and, the deposits are usually of organic origin.
unicityThe carbonate materials are abundant in West Central Sinai; they occur as thick beds of large exten
sion. Therefore, limestone rerves in Sinai are considered unlimited. Examples of important sites for limestone, from north to south are Gabal Libna, Um Mafroth, El Hegam, Reasan Eneiza, El Mostan, El Maghara, El Halal, Ekma, Wadi Nukhul (Fig. 2 & 3), Wadi Ferain, and Wadi Matullah. Limestone deposits are characterized by having large parts of it with no overburden. The limestone differs in their hardness as a result of differences in their degree of crystallization. Nevertheless, all limestone could be considered hard to very hard, CaO per cent in the rocks range from 40 to 55.6 % and MgO between 0.0 and 7 % (Egyptian Geological Survey and Mining Authority, report on building materials of Sinai, 1994 and Soliman, 1998 ).
Fig. 2: Limestone of Wadi Nukhl, South of Sinai Fig. 3: Limestone of Gabal Egma, South of Sinai 2.2Gypsum (CaSO4•2H2O)
Ras Malaab gypsum which will be ud in the prent work, occur on the Eastern shore of the Gulf of Suez at lat. 29º-10' N & long. 32º-50º E , 110 km south of Suez. The deposits are located clo by the roads network in Sinai.
The clay deposits reprent a number of localities north and south Abu Zeneima. The north Abu Zeneima area includes Gabal Hazbar and Khaboba . South of Abu Zeneima area includes Wadi Abu Natash, Farsh El ghoazlan , Wadi Budra and El Dehesa . The kaolin rerves in Abu Zeneima district are estimated to be about 1,453,000 tons (Rashed & Amer, 1994).
海伦从零开始学英语The suitable kaolin for paint pigments are found in Farsh El Ghozlan and Dehesa . It contains more than 35 % alumina, silica less than 45 % and L.O.I about 14 %. Many authors explain the origin of kaolin deposits, it is suggested that, the deposits were derived from the weathering mantle of the underlined feldspathic rocks of the bament complex ( Boulis & Attia, 1994 ) and ( Abdel Razek, 1994). The reprentative samples were collected from Wadi Budra, Farsh El Ghozlan to determine the physical, optical, chemical properties to be utilized in manufacture of paint pigment. The mineralogy of the clay deposits South Abu Zeneima of Farsh El Ghozlan and Wadi Budra indicates that the main clay mineral is kaolinite & montmorillonite.
2.4White Sands
White sand occurs at veral localities in Sinai namely Gabal Dalal, Wadi Maktab, Wadi Mussaba, Khabouba, Abu Kafas, Abu Natash at Abu Zeneima area and the area of El Gunna plateau in south
Sinai. The ores of both north and south of Sinai belong to lower the Cretaceous and occurs in the form off lenticular beds that range in thickness from centimeters to 15 meters or so, with alternating beds of ferrugineous sandstone, shale or kaolin. The ore rerves are huge, and exceed billions of tons but not yet evaluated and the SiO2 content is 99.54 % (Attia, Ghaalib, 1960) and (Geological Survey report on glass sand, 1994). The deposit has little or no overburden, and is expod in extensive areas. Also many active quarries operated by public and private ctor firms are operating in Abu Darag and Wadi Dakhal near Zaafarana on the Red Sea coast. The sands satisfying for production of paint pigment belong to the Malha formation of Cretaceous age and the content of SiO2 is ranging from 99.2 to 99.5 % (Husin, 1990).
Prospecting for coal carried out in 1958-1962 resulted in the discovery of the coal deposits of Maghara, Ayun Musa, and Wadi Thora in Sinai. Expod coal deposits are known in two areas of Sinai, the Maghara district and Um Bogma district. Subsurface coal ams and coaly diments have recorded in oil exploration well in the Gulf of Suez region and in the Western Dert. At prent, the only deposit considered economic is that of Maghara in
north Sinai (Husin, 1990). The occurrence of Maghara coal deposit was reported in the Bathonian diments on the north western side of the Maghara anticline. The estimated rerves are about 51.8 million tons in a 30 km2 area.
Fifty ditch samples were collected from south and northern Sinai reprent to carbonates, gypsum, white sand, and kaolin and coal ores, from which 25 reprentative samples were lected for thin ction (10), scanning (5), x-ray (5) and chemical analysis (5).
The X-ray diffractograms were run using a Philips Diffractometer type PW 1730 ud throughout this study.
The SEM model Philips XL 30 attached with EDX unit, with accelerating voltage 30 k.v., magnification 10 X up to 400,000 X and resolution for w. (3.5 nm) was ud in the study of the studied samples were collected from Sinai, Egypt.
Also all samples were subjected to another number of tests to determine their suitability for application as pigments to be utilized in manufacturing of paints
The tests are explained and discusd in a number of text books and manuals including; Introduction to paint chemistry and principles of paint technology(1991), Encyclopedia of the chemical “ Inorganic pigment “ ( 1992 ), Paint Handbook ( 1981 ), Paint technology manuals part six pigments dyestuffs and lakes ( 1966 ), Handbook of paint raw materials ( 1989 ), The American Standard for Testing Materials ( ASTM ), and El Sawy, 1994. The tests may be summarized in the following: Specific gravity – ASTM D 153, Moisture content – ASTM D 280, Oil absorption –ASTM D 281 & D 234, Particle size, Particle shape, Hydrogen ion concentration ( pH value ) –ASTM D 2196, Matter soluble in water, Hardness ,Color of powder, Brightness, and Performance application tests of paint products (Fineness test “ Hegma n scale” - ASTM D 1210 ), Viscosity test- ASTM D 562, Flow time - ASTM D 1200 , Wet film thickness, Dry film thickness, Opacity or hiding power ASTM D 2805, Gloss ASTM D 523, Flexibility or bend test, Adhesion, Pinhole or porosity test ASTM D 3891 ) as per indicated in evaluation sheet of studied ores (table 3, 4 & 5).
In South Sinai area there are numerous ores that can be utilized in producing paint pigments as indicated in (table 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5) as follows.
a.Natural Calcium Carbonate (Limestone & Chalk)
The wide availability and the low cost of CaCO3 make it the most widely ud as extender pigments today. They are ud in all kinds of decorative and protective coating.
The carbonate ore deposits are abundant in South Sinai, Abu Zenima and Egma. Abu Zenima carbonates were formed at the Miocene age (Fig. 2& 3). The CaO content in the carbonate rocks range from 51.0 % to 53.0 %. This means that the CaCO3 % is more than 95 %. They posss the following physical properties; high brightness (96 % to 97 %), specific gravity (2.633 to 2.693), low oil consumption (26 to 40), pH (8), low moisture content (0.33% to 0.70%), low matter soluble in water (0.10% to 0.375%) and viscosity (90 to 112.5 cp.). The results comply with the standard required for paints Handbook of Paint Raw Materials,1989 and ASTM D 1199…. The petrographic study of the Miocene carbonate revealed that Abu Zeneima “Wadi Nukhul“ carbonate rocks are classified as biomicrite limestone, the limestone are silty and fossiliferous, they contain abundant iron oxides and have low porosity.
The SEM indicates that the composition of carbonate is mainly calcite crystal with very fine grain size suitable for paint industry. The carbonates are ud in producing primers bad on long alkyd. Chemical treatment may be needed with some types of limestone to remove impurities like silicate and iron oxide to be utilized as a whiting agent.
The principal significance of the anhydrous calcium sulphate pigments is its application in the resin compounds of the polester / fiberglass type as an extender, in combination with high strength prime pigments in paint system. The high grade gypsum deposits of Ras Malaab, posss calcium sulphate content ranging from (93 % to 98 %), pH (7.65), matter soluble (0.65), high brightness (98 %), low oil consumption (20g/100g), specific gravity
(2.325), hardness (2.0 on the Moh‟s Scale) and relatively high moisture content (7.0 %). The results comply with the requirements of the Pigment Handbook, (1973).
The kaolin composition of Farsh El Ghozlan & Wadi Budra at southern Sinai is mainly compod of kaolinite and montmorillonite of Senonian age. The results of the chemical analys show that, the ore contains (37.23%) Al2O3 and (46.40%) SiO2. The physical characteristics display ideal conditions necessary for producing pigments. It posss a specific gravity of (2.647), moisture content (0.53%), oil absorption (45 g/100g), pH (7.86), matter soluble in water (0.23), brightness (79%) and hardness (2.0). Kaolin was applied successfully in producing coal tar epoxy primer ( Coltu
rite TCN 300 ) which is ud as primer and finish coat for internal steel structures as indicated in (table 3). Testing results comply with Handbook Paint Raw Materials (1989) and ASTM D 603(1989).
d.White Sand
The Abu Zenima white sand is related to the Cretaceous age. It is chemically inert and contains (99 %) SiO2, with an ideal physical and rheological property for utilization as pigment for paints. The moisture content is (0.16 %), oil absorption (29g/100g), matter soluble in water (0.025), hardness (7.0), good brightness (86.6 %). It can be ud in producing epoxy paint (Sigma cap EP primer) as indicated in (table 5).
Tab. 1: Chemical and Physical Properties of Local ores Forming Pigments
成考自考区别Ore Type Chemical
Physical Properties
Specific Gravity Moisture % Oil Absorp.
at 100gm
pH Matter
Hardness Brightness
L.S & Chalk 92-96
0.33-0.70 26-40 8.0 0.10-
Kaolin 49 SiO2 2.647 0.53 35 7.86 0.23 2.5 79.0 Glass Sand 99% SiO2 2.62 0.16 29 9.14 0.025 7.0 86.6 Gypsum 43% SO3 2.325 5.00 29 7.65 0.65 2.0 98.0 Also, the following tests were carried for the studies ores as follows:
4.1Particle Size
Fig. 4: Ball Mill for Grinding of Collected Samples to Very Fine Grain Size
Pigments for paint manufacturing occurs in the form of a fine powder or lumps by using crushing and ball mill equipment‟s as shown in ( Fig. 4). The final condition in the finished paint must be such that there are no particles greater than a certain size limit. For example if a paint film has a thickness of say, 20 microns it is desirable that
the largest pigment particle should not exceed 3-4 microns in size. The vast majority of particles are much smaller in size than 3 microns; there is some evidence that a mixture of particle sizes is desirable for incread durability, reduced absorption and reduced permeability of the film.
4.2Particle shape
The particle shape also plays a part in the features; for example, plate-like particles which form an over lapping laminar structure in the film offer greater resistance to water permeation.
Particle size in conjunction with specific gravity influences the rate of the ttlement in the liquid paint. The smaller the particle size the slower the rate of ttling for specified specific gravity. On the other hand it appears that a proportion of extremely fine particles can result in the phenomenon of flo
2012年12月四级真题tation in the applied film of paint. Particle size, size distribution and shape have also an influence on other properties of the paint such as hiding power, consistency, oil absorption and the formation of absorbed layers as well as on such application properties as flow and brushability.
cd romThe particle shape for local ores was examined thoroughly by taking photographs of the powder pigments using high magnification.
john怎么读英语The Particle shape for the limestone of Wadi Nukhul, Gabal Egma limestone is granular and ranges in shape from sub-rounded to round as shown in (Fig.10 & 11). The regular crystalline shapes give low oil absorption and allow high loading of pigment and den packing. Gypsum of Ras Malaab is fibrous grains as indicated in (Fig.13).
This type of grains adds strength and reinforcement to paint film. Meanwhile need to relatively higher oil absorption and increa the effect of pigment load on viscosity.
4.3X- Ray Diffraction
The identified minerals from powdered samples are as follows
4.3.1 Chalk & Limestone (Fig. 5 & 6)
Fig. 5: X-ray Diffraction Pattern of Limestone of Gabal Ekma
Fig. 6: X-ray Diffraction Pattern for Chalk of Wadi Nukhul