hi tec
杨婧羽 任志君 黄文俊 许富洋
Complex non-diffraction beams generated using binary computational holography
YANG Jing-yu, REN Zhi-jun, HUANG Wen-jun, XU Fu-yang
杨婧羽,任志君,黄文俊,许富洋. 二元计算全息法产生复杂无衍射光束[J]. 中国光学, 优先发表. doi: 10.37188/CO.2021-0061 YANG Jing-yu, REN Zhi-jun, HUANG Wen-jun, XU Fu-yang. Complex non-diffraction beams generated using binary computational holography[J]. Chine Optics, In press. doi: 10.37188/CO.2021-0061
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文章编号 2095-1531(xxxx )x-0001-08
(浙江师范大学 浙江省光信息检测与显示技术研究重点实验室,浙江 金华 321004)
摘要:无衍射光束是一种能在自由空间稳定传输的光束。近来,一类具有复杂光学形态的无衍射光束被引入,比如马蒂厄光束、抛物光束、非对称贝塞尔光束等。为了产生具有复杂结构的无衍射光束,需要对光波进行复振幅调制,即同时调制光波的振幅和相位。但目前的商用光学调制元件只能调制光波的振幅或相位。本文基于二元计算全息法,编码二维复透过率函数分布,构建了具有复振幅调制功能的二元实振幅非负计算全息图。利用实验室自主研发的投影成像光刻系统,对银盐干板进行曝光处理,经显影、定影处理,将其加工为相应的振幅掩膜板,用来精确产生了具有复杂结构的无衍射光束。以无衍射马蒂厄光束为例,采用罗曼型迂回相位编码方法,在全息图每个抽样单元内开一个矩形通光孔径,通过改变通光孔径的面积来对复值光波的振幅进行编码,通过改变通光孔径中心偏离抽样单元中心的距离,来对复值光波的相位进行编码。最终典型构建了两种产生马蒂厄光束的二元实振幅计算全息图,其像素数高达28 000×28 000。之后利用加工好的振幅掩膜板,准确、方便、高效地产生了的椭圆系数q =10,拓扑荷数m =0与m =1的第一种偶型马蒂厄光束,其它类型的马蒂厄光束可相应产生,这是一种光束形态多样、光束结构复杂的无衍射光束。实验结果证实了,采用罗曼型迂回相位编码方法产生具有复杂结构的无衍射光束,有效避免了实验过程中分离的相位调制元件和振幅调制元件之间的对准误差,二元计算全息编码法是一种能用来调控产生复杂结构无衍射光束的新途径。关
键 词:无衍射光束;二元计算全息;投影成像光刻系统;罗曼型迂回相位编码中图分类号:O436 文献标志码:A doi :10.37188/CO.2021-0061
Complex non-diffraction beams generated using binary
computational holography
YANG Jing-yu ,REN Zhi-jun *,HUANG Wen-jun ,XU Fu-yang (Key Laboratory of Optical Information Detecting and Display Technology ,
Zhejiang Normal University , Jinhua 321004, China )* Corresponding author ,E-mail : renzhijun@zjnu
Abstract : The diffraction of optical fields is a universal phenomenon that can cau beams to spread during propagation in free space. Ideal non-diffracting (spatially stable) structured beams can propagate in free space without changing their initial field distribution at any plane orthogonal to the direction of propagation.Moreover, the non-diffracting structured beams also have the ability for lf-recovery after encountering obstacles. Hence generating non-diffracting beams or structured beams is a very important field of rearch for overcoming the diffraction behavior of beams during propagation in free space. Any non-diffracting
收稿日期:xxxx-xx-xx ;修订日期:xxxx-xx-xx
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(No. 11674288)
Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 11674288)
第 x 卷 第 x 期中国光学Vol. x No. x
xxxx 年x 月
Chine Optics
xxx. xxxx
structured beams with a certain intensity, pha distribution, and propagation properties have special applica-tions in the field of optics. Lately, some non-diffracting beams with complex structures are introduced one after another, such as Mathieu beams, parabolic beams, Lommel beams, asymmetric Besl beams, and so on. The complex amplitude modulation is necessary to produce the nondiffracting beams with abundant struc-tures. At prent, no commercial optical modulator can modulate the pha and amplitude of light waves sim-ultaneously. Bad on binary computer-genera
ted holography that can encode the two-dimensional transmis-sion function distribution, a binary real amplitude computer-generated hologram with complex amplitude modulation functionality is designed and constructed. Binary real amplitude computer-generated holograms, which are a kind of binary optical diffracting element that generate non-diffracting beams with complex op-tical morphology, are designed and constructed by encoding the complex optical filed information by using the Lohmann-type detour pha coding method. For the Lohmann-type detour pha coding method, the cod-ing principle is mainly that the complex field distribution information is transformed into amplitude and pha information. The complex field distribution is sampled, and one can obtain a matrix of point sources. Here, we extract the amplitude and pha information as input information to generate two 2D real value matrices for detour pha coding. By using the homemade projection imaging lithography system, the silver salt halide plate was expod, developed and fixed, and then a binary mask is precily machined. The homemade projection imaging lithography system can machine holograms with an ultrahigh resolution of 79, 874 × 79, 874 dpi and a maximum output of 156 mm × 156 mm. Using the mask, the non-diffracting beams with abundant structures can be produced accurately. Taking the nondiffracting Mathieu beam as an example, two kinds of binary real amplitude computer-generated holograms for generating Mathieu beams are con-structed by using the Roman type detour pha coding method. In the process of the machine, the photolitho-graphy fi
le is firstly divided into 47 unit patterns of 600 × 600 pixels, where each unit pattern is automatic-ally inputted into a DMD (Digital micromirror) in proper quence, and then subquently scanned line-by-line for projection exposure. When the lithography is complete, the silver halide plate is procesd to obtain the mask. In this experiment, the calculated CGH is 28, 000×28, 000 pixels, and the size of a pixel is 318 nm×318 nm. The size of the produced binary masks is 8.9 mm × 8.9 mm. The non-diffracting Mathieu beams with elliptic coefficient q=10 and topological charge number m=0, 1 are generated, which belong to the even type Mathieu beams of the first kind. Undoubtedly, the class of nondiffracting Mathieu beams, including the even type Mathieu beams of the cond kind, odd type Mathieu beams of the first kind, and odd-type Mathieu beams of the cond kind can also be generated using the same encoding method and experimental tup. Since one can encode both the amplitude information and the pha information of optical field in sole spatial light modulation, the experimental system is simple in structure. The experimental results show that the coding method of binary computer-generated holography is an accurate, convenient and efficient way to generate high-quality non-diffracting beams with abundant structures.innet
Key words: nondiffractive beams;binary computer-generated holography;projection imaging lithography system;lohmann-type detour pha coding method
1 引 言
2中国光学第 x 卷
射光束应运而生。常见的无衍射光束有贝塞尔光束(包括涡旋光束)[1-3],马蒂厄光束[4],抛物光束[5],以及艾里光束[6]等。过去调控产生无衍射光束,主要是利用相位调制法和振幅调制法。早期用于产生贝塞尔光束的Durnin环缝法[1],就是典型的振幅调制法。后来采用的全息法[7]和利用锥镜来产生贝塞尔光束的方法[8],则属于相位调制的方式。2007年诞生的艾里光束,是一种具有加速传输特性的无衍射光束。艾里光束主要采用立方相位调制的方式产生[6, 9],近年来,研究者又采用振幅调制法[10]以及基于超表面技术[11-12]产生了艾里光束。此外,Pearcey光束的产生,既有振幅调制法[13-15],也有相位调制法[16]。事实上,不论采用相位调制法还是振幅调制法操控光束,技术上都不难实现。这是因为现有的商用化调制元件,既有相位型,也有振幅型。利用这些调制元件,既能实现单纯的相位调制,也能实现单纯的振幅调制。
tongue tied
我们注意到,有研究者在振幅型空间光调制器[24-25]与相位型空间光调制器[26]上使用不同编码方式实现了光束的复振幅调制,比如采用超像素编码的方式,产生了非对称贝塞尔光束[27]和Lommel光束[28]。不同于超像素编码的方式,本文主要采用罗曼型迂回相位编码的方法,设计、构建了马蒂厄二元计算全息图(Binary Computer Generated Hologram,)。之后通过投影成像光刻系统,将BCGH加工为实振幅掩膜板,制作出像素数高达28 000×28 000的掩膜板,这为高质量产生复杂结构的马蒂厄光束奠定了基础。实验结果也证实基于二元计算全息编码全息图是一种能够产生具有复杂光学结构无衍射光束的新途径。
2 二元计算全息图的制备
第 x 期杨婧羽, 等: 二元计算全息法产生复杂无衍射光束3
f (x ,y )f s (x ,y )δ利用梳状函数对连续复振幅函数抽样,抽样函数由梳状函数的函数的整列构成:
δx δy δu δv ∆x ∆y ∆u ∆v M ×N =∆x ·∆y ·∆u ·∆v 其中,,,,分别是波面在空域和频域的抽样间隔,,,,分为是波面的空间和频带宽度,抽样单元的总数为。
θk θk L k =d sin θk =k λ∆θk L k ′=(d +∆)sin θk θk ∆∆ϕk =2πk |∆|/d ϕk 由图1所示,设光栅的栅距为d ,第k 级的衍射角为,那么由光栅方程可知,在方向上相邻光线的光程差为。当使用平面光波垂直照射光栅时,如果光栅的栅距相等,即为等距光栅,那么第一级衍射是平面波,等相位面是垂直于这个
衍射角为方向上的第k 级衍射光波在该位置处会带来的相应相位超前或者延迟(为正值表现为相位延迟,为负值表现为相位超前),栅距变化导致的相位额外变化大小为,被罗曼称为迂回相位,迂回相位的值与栅距的偏移量与和衍射级次成正比,而与入射光波波长无关。从迂回相位效应可知,通过改变光栅各个局部的栅距,可制作出各处栅距都满足要求的非等间距光栅,从而在某个衍射方向上得到目标相位。
W δx W L ab δy A ab L ab P ab δx ϕab L ab P ab 心偏离抽样单元中心的距离,来对复值光波的相位进行编码。图2中,矩形孔径的宽度为,为一常数,矩形孔径的高度是,与归一化后
幼儿园英语教学视频振幅成正比,get on
K =1
d d d
d +Δ
图 1 不规则光栅的衍射效应Fig. 1 Diffraction effect of irregular grating
P ab δx
L ab δx
图 2 抽样单元
Fig. 2 Sampling cell
C (ϕ,q )q n θ0式中,为角向马蒂厄函数,为椭圆度参数,为锥镜的折射率,为锥镜底角(锥镜入射平面
第 x 卷