PRI operating procedures provide that "This report is published by PRI to advance the state of technical, engineering, and quality sciences. The u of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular u, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the ur."
PRI invites your written comments and suggestions.
Copyright 2012 Performance Review Institute. All rights rerved. 07-FEB-2012
Performance Review Insitute 161 Thorn Hill Road
Warrendale, PA 15086-7527
TPG - AC7110/5
Issued 2012-02
Revid N/A
Superding N/A
This checklist is to be ud as a supplement to TPG - AC7110 for suppliers eking fusion welding accreditation. This checklist utilizes TPG - AC7110/12 - Audit Criteria for Welder / Welding Operator Qualification.
In completing this asssment, auditors are instructed to respond with a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to address
compliance with each statement or requirement. For any negative respon, the auditor must clearly indicate in the NCR if the ‘no’ reflects noncompliance with respect to existence, adequacy, and/or compliance. Existence relates to evidence of a documented procedure or policy, adequacy relates to the completeness of the procedure or policy, and compliance relates to evidence of effective implementation.
All negative respons require a Nonconformance Report (NCR). Not Applicable (N/A) respons do not require an explanation, unless otherwi noted. There is only one plausible reason for an N/A,
which is, that a particular operation or issue is not being ud at the supplier. There are no N/A’s simply for a lack of a customer requirement. If a system is in u, then all questions pertaining to that system are applicable.
The audit results shall not include any customer proprietary information. Technical information on parts which have been designated “Export Controlled – Licen Required” (EC-LR) cannot be input into eAuditNet. If auditors have any questions about this, they should contact the Staff Engineer for directions.
2.1 Welding Scope
Process performed at the facility (check appropriate boxes)
Baline – Applicable to all process/materials etc
Supplement A - Process – Additional requirements for SMAW (MMA) Supplement B - Process – Additional requirements for SAW
Supplement C - Process – Additional requirements for Automatic/Semi-Automatic process
Supplement D - Material – Additional requirements for titanium
Supplement E - Casting Repair – Additional requirements for
Supplement F - Filler Materials – Additional requirements for
Supplement G - Process which u gas – Additional requirements for
Supplement H - Pre/Interpass Heat Treatment – Additional requirements for
Supplement I - Stress Relieve Heat Treatment (Furnace & Oven) – Additional requirements for
Supplement J - Tack Welding – Additional requirements for
Supplement K - Process – Additional requirements for GMAW
Supplement L - Process – Additional requirements for GTAW
Supplement M - Process – Additional requirements for FCAW
分享者3.1 Customer Specifications
Are applicable customer specifications available at the facility? YES NO 4. MATERIAL CONTROL
4.1 Cleaning Materials, Chemical Solvents & Etching Solutions
YES NO Are cleaning materials, chemical solvents, or etching solutions as specified on part drawings or
freak of naturecertified/qualified welding procedures/schedules?
5.1 Equipment Capability
YES NO Is there a documented procedure to ensure welding machines, fixtures, tooling and tooling
material are suitable and capable of consistently producing acceptable welds?
5.2 Equipment Calibration
Is there a documented procedure that defines the calibration of equipment at established
YES NO intervals?
6.1 Qualified Welding Schedules
6.1.1 Welding Schedule Established
Is there a documented procedure to ensure that qualified welding procedures/schedules are
YES NO established for each production weld where qualification is required by the
6.1.2 Customer Procedure Approval
YES NO Is there a documented procedure that includes a provision for obtaining customer approval
when the customer requires welding procedure approval?
6.1.3 Customer Schedule Approval
Is there a documented procedure that includes a provision for obtaining customer approval
when the customer requires welding schedule approval?
6.2 Deterioration of Welds
YES NO Is there a documented procedure to ensure, that when deterioration of welding is encountered,
an investigation is conducted to assign the cau and implement corrective action?
6.3 Filler Material Control
YES NO Do supplier procedures specifically prohibit the u of filler material or if not is Supplement F for
filler material control included in the scope of the audit?
6.4 Weld Start and Run-Off Tabs
6.4.1 Run-On/Run-Off Tab Usage
YES NO Does the supplier have a documented procedure to control run-on/run-off tabs to assure they
are the same alloy as the part being welded, or alloy specified by the design authority?
6.4.2 Run-On/Run-Off Tab Removal
Does the supplier have a documented procedure to control run-on/run-off tab removal to
prevent damage to the part?
林肯公园lol6.5 Stress Relief
Is there a process to ensure stress relief of weldments is performed in accordance with
applicable requirements? (If this is performed in-hou and stress relief operations are NOT
performed in a customer-approved Heat Treat furnace/facility then is Supplement I ud).
6.6 Heat Treatment
YES NO Is there a process to ensure heat treatment of weldments are performed in accordance with
applicable requirements?
7.1 Cleaning
apart from7.1.1 Part
Is there a documented procedure to ensure part cleanliness prior to welding? YES NO Conditions
7.1.2 Surface
Are parts properly cleaned to assure surfaces of the details and reprentative test specimens
are free from contaminants such as oxides, scale, oil, dirt, ink, or other surface conditions that
are detrimental to the joining process?
7.1.3 Protection of Cleaned Material
Are part details protected after cleaning until welding can be performed? YES NO
7.1.4 Time
YES NO Is there a documented procedure to ensure that after cleaning, all part details are welded within
specified time limits?
7.1.5 Handling
Is there a documented procedure to ensure that after surface preparation, parts are handled
YES NO and protected to prevent contamination, including a requirement to re-clean should
contamination occur?
7.1.6 Jigs, Fixtures, and Measuring Devices
YES NO Are jigs, fixtures, and measuring devices free of scale, grea, protective coatings, oxides, dust,
oil, and other foreign matter detrimental to the welding process?
7.2 Instructions
7.2.1 Sequence of Operations
Does the router list the quence of operations that control manufacturing and inspection
YES NO operations?
7.2.2 Detailed Operation Sheet
Are there detailed operation sheets/weld schedules with parameter ttings for each part
YES NO number?
7.3 Qualification Test Reports
7.3.1 Test
Is there a documented procedure to ensure that parameter ttings on operation sheets are
YES NO traceable to qualification test reports, when required by customer specifications?
7.3.2 Retention of Test Reports
Are test reports documented and held on file for customer review? YES NO 7.3.3 Approval for Evaluation of Welds
YES NO N/A Are the applicable supplements of TPG - AC7110/13 (i.e. metallographic and / or bend test
evaluation of fusion welds) included as part of this audit for captive lab evaluations of welds or if
performed externally does the lab hold Customer approval?
(Where no specific Customer approved source is required, the evaluation must be conducted at
a Nationally accredited laboratory with evaluation of welds defined within their accreditation
(Note that N/A is only an option for when metallographic or bend testing of welds is not required)
7.4 Multiple Pass Welds
Is there a documented procedure to ensure that prior to the deposition of each pass in a
YES NO multiple pass weld, the welder or welding operator performs inter-pass cleaning and visually
examines the previous pass for contamination and defects?
7.5 Subquent Pass
Is there a documented procedure to ensure defects and contaminants including slag and
YES NO undercut on the side walls of the joint are removed prior to the deposition of subquentstudy math
7.6 In-Process Corrections
YES NO Is there a documented procedure that defines and controls the requirements for in-process weld
correction(s) prior to submitting the weld joint for acceptance inspection?
7.7 Rework Cycles
Is there a process in place to ensure rework cycles are tracked and recorded? YES NO 8. PERSONNEL
ebey8.1 Welder/Welding Operators Certification Specifications
Does the facility performing welder / welding operator qualifications comply with AC7110/12? YES NO 8.2 Activity Recordsruhe
Does the supplier maintain activity records for each welder/welding operator to justify
YES NO extensions of the qualification period or does the qualification frequency comply with applicable
8.3 Inspector Training/Qualification
Is there a documented procedure in place to train and qualify welding visual inspectors? YES NO 8.4 Inspector Qualifications
Is there documented evidence of training and qualification of welding visual inspectors? YES NO 9. INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA
9.1 Visual Inspection
Is there a documented procedure to ensure all welds are inspected by qualified visual
YES NO inspectors?
9.2 Correction of Nonconformances
YES NO Is there a documented procedure to ensure that weld nonconformances are corrected in
accordance with applicable requirements?
9.3 Dimensional Inspection
Are inspection tools to measure dimensional features available to the inspector? YES NO