1.第1题 |
In meaningful practice the focus is on the production, comprehension or exchange of ___. A.structures B.ntences C.form D.meaning
您的答案:D |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
2.第2题 |
In the traditional classroom, very often, too much attention has been paid to ___, with little or no attention paid to practising language skills. A.linguistic competence B.linguistic knowledge C.language u D.language functions
您的答案:B |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
3.第3题 |
One of the reasons of providing the students with a variety of speaking activities is that the variety of activities helps ___. A.keep motivation high B.de-motivate students C.memori the speech D.learn the dialogues by heart
您的答案:A |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
4.第4题 |
PPP and TBL are two approaches to language teaching. PPP stands for Prentation, Practice and Production and TBL stands for___. A.Task Book Language B.Text Book Learning C.Teacher-Bad Learning D.Task-Bad Learning
您的答案:D |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
5.第5题 |
When we ask the students to do predicting tasks in listening, we should let students read/hear the listening comprehension questions ___. A.before they listen B.while they are listening C.after their listening D.none of the above
您的答案:A |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
6.第6题 |
Natural language, spoken or written, us referential word such as pronouns to refers to people or things already mentioned previously in the context. Therefore, the activity ‘understanding references’ can be performed in the ___ stage when teaching reading. A.pre-reading B.while-reading C.post-reading D.language-focus
您的答案:B |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
7.第7题 |
Role-playing through cue dialogues, role-playing through situation and goals, and role-playing through debates or discussion are examples of ___. A.mechanical practice B.drilling language C.pre-communicative activities D.social interaction activities
您的答案:D |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
8.第8题 |
According to Wang Qiang, pre-listening activities include predicting, tting the scene, ___, and listening for specific information. A.learning new words B.learning new grammar C.listening for the gist D.concluding
您的答案:C |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
9.第9题 |
The teacher provides a printed summary of a text with some wrong information, and asks the students to correct it. This kind of ‘fal summary’ activity can be performed to check comprehension when teaching ___. A.speaking B.reading C.grammar D.writing
您的答案:B |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
10.第10题 |
In the traditional classroom, there is often too much focus on linguistic knowledge, with little or no attention paid to ___. A.knowledge of vocabulary B.knowledge of grammar rules C.practising language skills D.practising phonetics
您的答案:C |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
11.第11题 |
To help our students pass exams is one of the purpos of our English teaching. Another purpo, which is very important, is to prepare our students to ___. A.u English in real life B.obtain knowledge about language C.make up ntences D.get a good job in the future
您的答案:A |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
12.第12题 |
The ultimate goal of foreign language teaching is to enable students to u the foreign language in work or life when necessary. Thus we should teach ___; and we should teach language in the way it is ud in the real world. A.that part of the language that will be ud B.all parts of the language C.the language ud in works of classical literature D.spoken language only
您的答案:A |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
13.第13题 |
Some people think teaching is a craft; that is, a novice teacher can learn the profession by imitating the experts’ techniques, just like an apprentice. Others hold the view that teaching is an applied science, bad on scientific knowledge and experimentation. Wallace (1991) us a “reflective model” to demonstrate the development of a teacher, the process of which includes three stages moving from Stage One, language training, to the Goal of ___. A.professional competence B.communicative competence C.language proficiency D.an expert teacher
您的答案:A |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
14.第14题 |
The ___ of language es language as a linguistic system made up of various subsystems: the sound system (phonology), the discrete units of meaning produced by sound combinations (morphology), and the system of combining units of meaning for communication (syntax). A.structural view B.functional view C.interactional view D.behaviorist view
您的答案:A |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
15.第15题 |
The ___ theory believes that learning is a process in which the learner constructs meaning bad on his/her own experiences and what he or she already knows. A.structural B.constructivist C.behaviorist D.cognitive
您的答案:B |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
16.第16题 |
Communicative Competence consists of knowledge and ability for___. A.rules of rules of pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar B.rules of grammar/form and rules of language u C.pronunciation, words, and grammar D.speaking and writing
您的答案:B |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
17.第17题 |
When teaching grammar, if the teacher follows the quence of teaching activities of “teacher’s prentation of an example → explanation of the rule → students’ practice with given prompts”, Professor Wang Qiang would believe that the teacher is using the ___ method. A.inductive B.deductive C.guided discovery D.task-bad
您的答案:B |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
18.第18题 |
According to Wang Qiang, pre-listening activities include predicting, tting the scene, listening for the gist, and ___. A.learning new words B.listening for specific information C.learning new grammar D.concluding
您的答案:B |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
19.第19题 |
In teaching reading, if the teacher teaches the background knowledge first so that the students can be equipped with such knowledge and will be able to guess meaning from the printed page, we believe that this teacher is following ___ in his teaching. A.the bottom-up model B.the top-down model C.the interactive model D.all of the above
您的答案:B |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
20.第20题 |
Jane Willis holds that the conditions for language learning are exposure to a rich but comprehensible language put, ___ of the language to do things, motivation to process and u the exposure, and instruction in language. A.chances B.u C.context D.knowledge
您的答案:B |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
21.第21题 |
Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) has expanded the areas covered by the previous approaches or methodologies, that is, CLT covers language content (to incorporate functions), ___ (cognitive style and information processing), and product (language skills). A.learning process B.teaching methods C.conditions D.messages
您的答案:A |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
22.第22题 |
If we believe that when we are reading, our brain receives visual information and at the same time interprets or reconstruct the meaning, and that the reading process does not only involve the printed page but also the reader’s knowledge of the language in general, of the world and of the text types, we would follow the ___ in our teaching. A.Bottom-Up Model B.Top-Down Model C.Interactive Model D.all of the above
您的答案:C |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
23.第23题 |
Which of the following would you NOT agree with? A.People have different experiences in learning a foreign language. Some find it e B.People learn languages for different reasons. C.People have different capacities in language learning. D.People have the same understanding about language learning.
您的答案:D |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
24.第24题 |
The concept of prent, past and future time, the expressions of certainty and possibility, the roles of agents, instruments with a ntence, and special relationships between people and objects are examples of language ___. A.functions B.notions C.structures D.behavior
您的答案:B |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
25.第25题 |
In the traditional classroom, very often, too much attention has been paid to ___, with little or no attention paid to practising language skills. A.linguistic competence B.linguistic knowledge C.language u D.language functions
您的答案:B |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
26.第26题 |
According to Clark, Scarino and Brownell, the main components of a task include ____. A.exercis, exerci-tasks and tasks B.potential ineffectiveness for prenting new language items, time and learning C.a purpo, a context, a process and a product/outcome D.Pre-Task, Task Cycle and Language Focus
您的答案:C |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
27.第27题 |
According to Wang Qiang, information-gap activities, problem-solving, ___, “Dialogues and role-plays”, and “Find someone who …” are some types of speaking tasks. A.reading aloud in chorus B.repeating what the teacher has said C.reciting a dialogue D.“Change the story”
您的答案:D |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
28.第28题 |
In the inductive method of teaching grammar, the teacher induces the learners to reali grammar rules ___. A.by telling them the rules B.by explaining in an explicit way C.with explicit explanation D.without any explicit explanation
您的答案:D |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
29.第29题 |
According to Cheng Xiaotang (in Wang Qiang, 2006), classroom activities can be classified into ____. A.exercis, exerci-tasks and tasks B.prenting new language items, time and learning culture C.a purpo, a context, a process and a product/outcome D.Pre-Task, Task Cycle and Language Focus
您的答案:A |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
30.第30题 |
Two characteristics of spoken language are spontaneity and ___. A.preparation B.time-constraint C.accuracy D.fluency
您的答案:B |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
31.第31题 |
rejected One of the problems in vocabulary learning is that students ___. A.u context for their vocabulary learning B.try hard to understand the words C.treat vocabulary items indiscriminately D.u a variety of vocabulary building strategies
您的答案:C |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
32.第32题 |
According to the ___ there are a finite number of grammatical rules in the system and with knowledge of the rules an infinite number of ntences can be produced. A.Behaviourist theory B.Cognitive theory C.structural view D.functional view
您的答案:B |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
33.第33题 |
Examples of pronunciation perception practice include ___. A.using pictures and tongue twisters B.using minimal pairs, and “Odd one out” C.brainstorming and discussion D.all of the above
您的答案:B |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
34.第34题 |
Receptive skills of language include ___. A.listening and reading B.listening and speaking C.reading and writing D.speaking and writing
| 勺子用英语怎么说
您的答案:A |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
35.第35题 |
When we are teaching pronunciation, ___ and intonation should be taught from the very beginning. A.knowledge about sounds B.phonetic rules C.phonetic transcripts D.stress
您的答案:D |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
36.第36题 |
According to Wang Qiang the while-listening stage is ___ for the teacher to control, becau this is where the students need to pay attention and process the information actively. A.the easiest B.as easy as the pre-listening stage C.as easy as the post-listening stage D.the most difficult
您的答案:D |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
37.第37题 |
Communicative Competence consists of knowledge and ability for___. A.rules of rules of pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar B.rules of grammar/form and rules of language u C.pronunciation, words, and grammar D.speaking and writing
您的答案:B |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
38.第38题 |
In teaching grammar, substitution and ___ are examples of mechanical practice. A.using chain phras for story telling B.using information sheets as prompts C.chain of events D.transformation drills
您的答案:D |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
39.第39题 |
The ___ view says that knowing how to do what you want to do also involves knowing whether it is appropriate to do, and where, when and how it is appropriate to do it. In order to know this, you have to study the patterns and rules of language above the ntence level to learn how language is ud in different speech contexts. A.structural B.functional C.interactional D.behaviorist
您的答案:C |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
40.第idiot什么意思40题 |
According to the ___ theory of language learning, the key point of the theory of conditioning is that ‘you can train an animal to do anything (within reason) if you follow a certain procedure which has three major stages, stimulus, respon, and reinforcement’ (Harmer, 1983:30). A.structural B.behaviorist C.process-oriented D.condition-oriented
您的答案:B |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
41.第41题 |
According to Littlewood (1981), discovering missing information, discovering missing features, and following directions are examples of ___. A.mechanical practice B.drilling language C.functional communicative activities D.social interaction activities
您的答案:C |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
42.第42题 |
According to J. Willis (1996), tasks are activities where the target language is ud by the learner for a communicative purpo (goal) in order to achieve ___. A.linguistic competence B.communicative competence C.an outcome D.knowledge
您的答案:C |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
43.第43题 |
A question that views on language learning involve is “____?” A.What are the psycholinguistic and cognitive process of language learning B.Why do human beings have language C.How a language is different from another D.How do people u language when they have a desire to communicate
您的答案:diwaliA |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
44.第44题 |
When teaching pronunciation, we should ___. A.never u visual aids B.u explanation rather than demo C.u dictionaries to show the sounds D.bring variety to the classroom, for example, show British & American pronunciati
您的答案:D |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
45.第45题 |
Which of the following activities would BEST help to prepare students for their real life speech in English? A.Doing a drill B.Learning a piece of text or dialogue by heart C.Reading aloud D.Interviewing someone, or being interviewed
您的答案:D |
题目分数:2.0 |
rerves此题得分:2.0 |
46.第46题 |
Pre-reading activities include ___, tting the scene, skimming, and scanning. A.predicting B.information transfer activities C.reading comprehension questions D.reproducing the text
您的答案:A |
题目分数:2.0 |
心态调整此题得分:2.0 |
47.第47题 |
According to Wang Qiang, “Listen and tick”, “Listen and quence”, “Listen and act”, “Listen and draw”, and “Listen and fill” are activities in the ___ stage of teaching listening.provisioning A.pre-listening B.while-listening C.post-listening D.all of the above
您的答案:B |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
48.第48题 |
As far as learning pronunciation is concerned, the realistic goals for the students are consistency, intelligibility, and ___. A.communicative efficiency B.accuracy C.correctness D.fastness
您的答案:A |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
49.第49题 |
In the traditional way of teaching reading, the teacher first introduces new words and structures, then goes over the text ntence by ntence, then asks some questions about the text, and then has the students read aloud the text. In this traditional way of teaching, the teacher is following ___ in his teaching. 惊喜英文怎么写surpri A.the bottom-up model B.the top-down model C.the interactive model D.all of the above
您的答案:A |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:2.0 |
50.第50题 |
Suppo a teacher is teaching his students to read an interesting story about how a doctor makes a joke of a young man. The teacher wants the students to tell part of the story with some key words from the story like “a doctor – village – annoyed; people – stop – street – advice; never paid – never – money – made up his mind – put and end”. In which stage of teaching do you think the teacher should do this? ven deadly sinsA.At the pre-reading stage. B.At the while-reading stage. C.At the post-reading stage. D.At any of the three stages.
您的答案:B |
题目分数:2.0 |
此题得分:0 |
作业总得分:98 |