教育部托福考试中心Book One Unit Six
I.New Words and Expressions in Text A:
1.extensively: ad. to a large extent, or in a large amount广泛地;大量地
2.intelligence:n. (u) 1) ability to learn and understand智力;才智
---a boy who shows little intelligence智力低下的男孩
--- an intelligence test智力测验
---"U your intelligence, and you're sure to achieve something."
---Do computers have any intelligence?
---Don’t act like such an idiot —u your intelligence.
2) cret information情报
---have cret intelligence of the enemy's plans
---an intelligence agent情报员, 谍报员
---intelligence office情报处[局]
intelligent: a. 聪明的,有才智的, (计)智能的
---Within a few years an intelligent computer will certainly be an important tool for doctors.
---Even if you are intelligent, you can’t be an excellent student without working hard.
3.controversy: n. (u, c) (+with/against sb.; +on/over/about sth.) a lot of discussion and argument
about sth., often involving strong feelings of anger or disapproval 争论;争议
---A new controversy arou regarding the politician’s finances.
---There is a fierce/bitter/heated controversy over the publishing of his book.
beyond/out of/without controversy无可争议,无疑;不消说
》》》》controversial: a. likely to cau controversy 可能引起争议的; (of persons) fond of controversy (指人)好争论的
4.surround: vt. be or go all around (sth. or sb.)围绕;包围
---The fence surrounds the school. 篱笆环绕着学校。
---The village was surrounded by dert. So the villagers had to abandon it and move to other areas.
authorware---The baby was sitting on the floor surrounded by toys.
》》》》surrounding: a. which is around about 周围的,环绕的
--the surrounding country/countryside近郊
》》》》surroundings:n. (pl.) everything around and abut a place; conditions that may affect a person 周围的事物,环境
---living in pleasant surroundings 生活在舒适的环境中
---You don’t e animals in their natural surroundings at a zoo.
5.consciousness: n. 意识反义疑问句的回答
6.explore: vt. 1) examine thoroughly, learn about 探究,探索
---explored the possibility/possibilities (of) 探索可能性
road---The engineers have already explored the possibility of building a bridge over the river.
---The repairman explored my car and said he would fix it tomorrow.
2) travel over (a region, area, etc) for the purpo of discovery勘探;探测; 考察;探索
---Both adults and children find it exciting to explore space.
---The man will explore the Sahara dert on foot.
---Have you really explored your nearest town?
---explore the Antarctic regions南极地区考察[探险]
7.obvious: a. easy to e and understand; clear明显的;显而易见的
---It must be obvious to everyone that he’s lying.
---It is obvious that the Chine women’s soccer team will the defeat the American women’s team. ---an obvious advantage明显的优势
8.vet: n. 兽医
9.encounter: I) vt. (fml) meet, esp. unexpectedly 遇到,遭遇
---She encountered an old friend on the street.
---Before they had gone very far, they encountered a young man lling oranges.
II) n. (c) (+with) a meeting, especially one that is unplanned, unexpected, or brief相遇,碰见
---a chance encounter in the park在公园里的偶然相遇英语a级作文必背范文
10.reveal: vt. make (sth.) known展示;显示;表明;揭露;泄露
---The details of the new policy for medical insurance have been revealed.
---His rearch in cloning “Dolly” revealed some very important facts.
沟通技巧培训---A survey of the Chine diet has revealed that a growing number of children in cities are overweight.fileformatconverters是什么
--reveal a cret/mystery/confidence泄露秘密/机密
11.convince: vt. (+sb. of sth.; +sb. that clau) make (sb.) feel sure
中文翻译英文在线翻译by the u of argument or evidence 使确信,使信服
---His parents managed to convince him that teaching was the most suitable profession for him.
---We finally convinced the police of our innocence/that we were innocent.
sb. be convinced: feel certain that sth. is true 相信
---He was convinced of his error. 他认识了错误
---He is now convinced of the truth of the report.
---I was convinced that we were doing the right thing.
》》》》convincing: a. 有说服力的; 令人信服的
---a convincing speaker/argument
12.feat▲: n. sth. difficult well done, esp. sth. showing skill, strength or daring技艺;业绩,功绩
签字英语13.captivity: n. 被俘;监禁;束缚
capture: vt. make a prisoner of; take or obtain as a prize by force, trickery, skill, etc 俘获, 捕获, 夺取
14.dominant:a.1)ruling; most important or strongest;stronger, more powerful, or more