Harbinger /ˈhɑː.bɪn.dʒəʳ/ Witch hazels are the harbinger of spring. Is this news a harbinger of good days to come? | n.先驱,预告者,通示(…即将来到)者 vt. To signal the approach of; presage(often something unpleasant). |
Batter/ˈbæt.əʳ/ Their idealism has been battered. The movie took a battering from critics. | v.strike repeatedly with hard blows; to repeat violence and assault v. censure, criticize, or defeat verely or thoroughly. |
Circulation | 循环、流通、传播、发行量 |
Newsprint | 新闻纸 |
Freelance A freelance journalist. I work freelance from home. A journalist who freelances. | a.independent or uncommitted in politics or personal life ad. Earn one’s living in such a way n. vi. |
Bureau [ˈbjʊərəʊ] | |
Even-handed | a.fair and impartial in treatment or judgement ad. Even-handedly n. Even-handedness |
Baron | 男爵、巨头、贵族 |
Pick up readers through nsational, so-called.. | Yellow Journalism |
Nationally distributed newspaper | Prove a harbinger of |
A steep ri in the cost of | Weekday print edition | ray allen
Distinguish itlf by | The trend of the day |
Abandon its weekday print edition,choosing instead to put daily news on it’s … |
It’s the first nationally distributed newspaper to make such a move… |
“……”said XXX,who added that …… |
Eddy wanted a paper that would distinguish itlf by providing even-handed news when the trend of the day was to pick up readers through nsational, so calledhun “yellow journalism” who art was perfected by warring [adj.] newspaper barons like Joph Pulitzer and William Randolph. |
It’s motto is “to injure no man, but to bless all mankind” |
Art The art of the Renaissance. Her performance displayed great art. This tapestry is a work of art. An arts degree with honors in linguistics 语言学文科荣誉学位. The art of appearing confident at interviews. Well-practiced in the arts of duction.惯用诡计 Idiom:get sth. down to a fine art.(fine art= the arts) | n. creation or expression of sth. beautiful;russ skill in such creation subjects of study (eg. Language /literature/ history) in which imaginative and creative skills are more important than measurement and calculation needed in science. Skills (contrasted with scientific techniques) Cunning/trickery 狡诈、奸诈 trick/wile奸计 |
Sole The sole cau of the accident. We have the sole right to ll this range of goods.独家经营这类产品。 Have sole responsibility 单独负责 | n. 鳎目鱼;鞋子、脚的底部 a.one and only; single belong to or restricted to one person or group, not shared.专有的、独用的 |
Subtitle To give a subtitle to/ …subtitled “…” To provide with subtitles A movie that was subtitled for English speaking audience. | A condary, usually explanatory title, as of a literary work.副标题(n./v.) 王长喜十二句作文法字幕、字幕说明(n./v.) |
Perspective A personal perspective of the nations history 国家历史之我见 That tree on the left of the picture is out of perspective. View things in its proper perspective pillarGet things badly out of perspective.处理事情极为失当。 | n.透视法、透视图 远景(尤指由近到远的) in/out of perspective①可见物体的位置或比例不正确;(不)按比例②[U] in a way that does not exaggerate any aspect不夸大[夸大]; 恰当[不恰当]: |
Boast That’s nothing to boast of/ about Tfakelove中文意思he town boasts a world-famous arts gallery. | v.Talk about achievement with too much pride and satisfaction.自夸 posss sth. to be proud of有…美誉 n.自夸的话;引以为豪的事物 |
Subscribe Subscribe to a charity Which magazine do you subscribe to? The paper is trying to get more readers to … Subscribe a few remarks at the end of the essay.(在论文后面签注意见) Do you subscribe to her pessimistic view of the state of the economy | v. (agree to) contribute to (a sum of money)认捐,捐助一笔款项 buy (a magazine) regularly over o period of time订阅报刊等 sign (esp the name)at the foot of a document 同意、赞成某项观点 |
Comparison Draw a comparison between…and… The two books invite comparison with one another.这两本书很有可比性。 He showed us a good type for comparison. Perhaps the best comparison is that of asickness.最恰当的比喻也许是比作晕船的那个。 | n. 比较、对照 stand/bear comparison withrter…比得上 beyonce listenby/in comparison there is no comparison没有可比性 comparisons are odious.人比人,气死人。 类比、比拟 |
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